I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn’t believe

Remember when we had a functional government under this guy? Those were the days weren’t they. Haven’t received a paycheck in close to a month. So much for helping the American people

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>>haven't received a paycheck in close to a month

So you are non-essential, correct? Get a real job faggot

Yeah, i miss Michael too, great guy. Shame about his nigger husband.

>Remember when we had a functional government
no. I've never had a government that addresses the needs of the people and does not oppress them.

>Never passed a budget
>Constant threats of shutdowns between shutdowns
>Reid vetoing legislation through the Senate so Obama wouldn't have to

>Takes tax dollars from hard working americans and gives it to banks

Unironically based. Fuck white people

That’s cause you’re probably fat and sit and collect welfare every week. This is a thread for hardworking WHITE Americans. fuck off

>Remember when we had a functional government under this guy?

no! im getting sick of your shit kike

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based f91w wearing POTUS

Get off welfare, faggot.

if you look long enough at michael you start to see kanye west

-introduced a federal finance sector subsidy as a new tax and called it healthcare
-dropped bombs everyday for eight years extra judicially
-spied,arrested and jailed journalists who dared to spread unfavourable info
-used the race card as a defence for criticism
-expanded the federal ledger four fold

>Haven’t received a paycheck in close to a month.
Sorry to hear that. I'll get in touch with Mr. Soros.

>Haven't received a paycheck in close to a month
The things that are important can't be bought with money. They can only be bought with suffering. Somewhere along the line, we forgot that.

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And you haven't had to work, and you will still get all that back pay you AIDS ridden faggot

think of all the wars we could be entering if he was still in office. if only we were so lucky, he'd expand the NSA's powers too.

Remember when congress said no to Syria and he did it anyways?

Also: “Can’t know what’s in it until you pass the bill”

>federal employee calling someone else a lazy welfare recipient
Thanks OP, I needed the laugh

get a real job faggot

You mean, you miss when corrupt officials got away with all of their bullshit because you are a fucking traitor piece of shit.

Ok welfare queen. If you're out of work because of the shutdown, that means you're NON-ESSENTIAL

>functional government.
kek all forms of government should fucking disappear. inb4 muh roads.