The leader of the free world is visiting Serbia

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Who is that ugly FTM tranny behind him?

putin is not even close to a leader.
he's literally just a pawn.
russians are so naive.

>free world

Aleksandar Vučić, the Serbian president.

Attached: puskistayasnezhinkafetew.png (848x390, 35K)

russians and slavs as a whole are terrible. No wonder Hitler hated you subhumans

Literally a faggot and EU cuck.

Whose pawn?

hail cesar

Attached: putin.jpg (663x390, 74K)

It's Ave.

Stop talking to Mutt bots ya Russian bot.

Hitler was mostly defeated by Untermenschen, though. 80 percent of all German military casualties occurred on the Eastern Front.

>Whose pawn?
Idiot Russian doesn't understand Abramoviches Yatch is why his elevator smells like piss it must be America who pissed in here in secret.

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Aleksandar "Hot Lips" Vucic

Based Putin. He seems to have a big dog family at home with all the presents that he get

lol, noted


epic alliance - Russia and Serbia
it's a pity putin is not on our side (nationalist).

Why are Serbs still butthurt about NATO bombing?

You shills suck.

At least Putin talks about how whites are under preassure, while your government outside Trump, want to genocide white people.

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But we in the West suffer under Globohomo.

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No it's a Russian bot posing as an american talking to an American bot posing as a Russian bot

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