Why is Trump blackmailing Lindsey Graham over his homosexuality?

Why is Trump blackmailing Lindsey Graham over his homosexuality?


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How can anyone be blackmailed over something so obvious? It's like threatening to reveal that rep omar is a muslim.


so, the first woman to wear hijab in congress is apparently retarded

also, how the fuck is she a Rep., let alone American?
she was not born in America and neither were her parents

This is the new way of introducing "conspiracy theories" in public discourse. You say "Lots of American agree with me that..." and you're golden.

There's only one thing Lindsey has been reliably loyal to and that's kikeville.

Ridiculous, its an open secret.

Everybody and their mothers know the little gnome is a flaming homo, but since he's a republican they just follow the "don't ask, don't care" protocol

>literal who freshman congressman
>celebrated for being the first to wrap a towel around her head in Congress
>thinks trump is blackmailing graham with info that is obvious and if released would change nothing

Yep she’s a winner. If I was elected to Congress and wore a colander on my head would I be celebrated by CNN?

On a more serious note, trump gave Lindsay his first pair of balls


she's married to her brother so it might not be first generation incest

Ah yes, the good republican tradition of keeping your personal business to yourself. I miss that. Better days.

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Shes from an American Molenbeek.

>according to our made up news

Muslims hate gays.

"drumpf finished this time" - day 753

Anyone with half a brain can deduct that the guy is probably gay so not sure why this is news. The Left always has to stoop to identity politics to try and make a point. So lazy.

>lindsay graham opposed trump
>not only did he do a 180 turnaround
>but he did a 360 turnaround
elected reps, everybody

Can we hang this sand cricket?

More likely McCain was.

Left wing conspiracies lack the fun of right wing ones.

This is how you call someone a faggot and get away with it.

>he has no idea where the 360 turn around comes from
this is why you're losing the meme war, boomer.

It has nothing to do with secret dickings. Graham only started playing ball after McTumor was executed.

in your own words, why does "lots of people agree with me" substantiate evidence?

I don't see it. She's just shitposting irl

There was a time when leftists claimed outing someone was the worst thing you could do. See Michelangelo Signorile.

>CNN shilling for the brother marrying fraud

What a surprise

Wouldn't that enrage the left even more if he was, I thought this was 2019 and it's ok to be gay

Yes, no one has ever suspected him of being an effeminate homo before now.

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