Jow Forums also accurately reported her cancer
i like too but photoshopping the view count for this is gay, faggot
She died last december
kek, i hate people who complain about the view counts
We all know by now.. Jow Forums is always right.
It's the reason we're all stuck here
Trump will get 5.
>Ginsburg 85 and on the way out soon
>Breyer 80, he'll retire this year or next
>Thomas calls it Trump's second term
7-2/6-3 depending on how Roberts feels any given day
dream on
just post the in real views and there will be an end to the horror
also she's already dead
Actual Doc here, her recent past surgeries were just an extension for her life. I would give her from my knowledge at least 5 months to live but I'm curious if her absence from The Court is going to spark an issue as to how long they can serve?
The Gov shutdown I feel like will over shadow this.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
1 God Emperor
2 Scoops
3 Justices
How long until a bill is introduced to limit SCOTUS appointments by term?
Link fag
Digits and RBG retires from life this January.
They won't do that, they will pack the courts the next time they have a supermajority
>wrong year
>wrong thread
when NPC programming goes on glitched loop
>She's still alive.
And she's scheduled to open a jar of pickles on late-night television next week, goy.
After Trump's 4th pick
everyone hates faggots that act smug when found out.
Goddam imagine 10 years from now fighting kikes trying to nerf the Supreme Court. I sense dark times ahead
...You all act like this somehow matters. ...Here's a tip: it fucking doesn't. There are only two scenarios that will play out, and both fuck whites:
>Another cuck get nominated and like the Republican Party, they do absolutely nothing that benefits white people.
>The Supreme Court actually overturns Roe v Wade and all of the abortion clinics shut down...Christcucks and the right are overjoyed and shitpost and taunt the leftists incessantly...Nogs and spics now breed out of control hastening the total collapse of the white population in America. We'll be at 5% by 2060 as a result and worse off than Brazil.
Tell me I'm wrong.
I don't see either party ever having a supermajority again
I think you'll see crazy liberals trying to assassinate justices.
Pretty much. They can just increase the number of justices on the court. Done it before.
you're wrong
They were already freaking out by Trump's second pick.
Whatever they do, it will always backfire.
Not sure, but it is a real concern as our Justices balance our leadership.
If she's fucking dying and out of her mind from medications but still can vote on laws.....we have a fucking problem.
would you lick in between the folds of her grey haired vagina, darting your tongue cautiosly around hoping to feel a tasty chunk of her talcum like pussy dust?
>pic somewhat related
Wash your mouth before talking of Brazil.
4 Justices....Thomas will retire so Trump can put a conservative on
he's going to nominate 7 before 2024, then dissolve the powers of congress
Thanks for the hearty chuckle
He will pick 4
Thomas will retire in time for him to pick
But is Jow Forums right because it collects data or is Jow Forums right because the power psychic Zeitgeist it wields via meme-magic makes Jow Forums right after the fact?
Perhaps an extra two if Trump proves to the public that Barry was ineligible to be president. Kagan and Sotomayor were his appointments.
Not just two! But THREE?!??
Conservatives will focus on abortion instead of gun rights. Banning abortion will only makes whites a minority in the USA that much faster.
trump will nominate all 9 justices and once the last is confirmed all 10 will molecularity combine to form a supreme justice dredd like superhuman
I guaran-fucking-tee you we will see a push to add more seats to the Supreme Court in our lifetimes. The only reason it's 9 seats right now is because a Dem President stacked it.
They have to realize how stupid banning abortion would be.
Sotomayor has diabetes, could die young
Dont get ahead of yourself now
Should be only 3 like it was originally
Don't question it, it will ruin your life.
Lol. You think the Republicans who had EIGHT years to prepare and TWO years of unlimited power, and did NOTHING--are smart?
The Republicans are one of two things:
>Educated traitors purposely destroying white-America at their (((masters))) command
>The biggest, most shortsighted and greedy dumbasses of all time, who are also completely unable to lead this country.
Which option do you think it is?
Pass before midnight tomorrow
Sotomeyer(?not going to bother to look up goblinas name) next
Maybe just people that don't want to let babies being killed
Who here would unironically shitpost for 24 hours straight once RBG croaks
Maybe, she is fat and has diabetes
Could go before the other old people
old hag won't live to see the spring. MAGA
Lol, that shit's brutal.
Press F to piss on her grave.
I'm Australian, I already shitpost 24/7
Who fucking cares, i highly doubt the supreme court will ever make a real conservative decision again, it's too far gone
The Jewish Nature is to hate white gentiles. They can't recover from Ginsburg's death unless they make Trump appoint another Jew. Watch and see.
>The Gov shutdown I feel like will over shadow this.
Hahaha nope
This is going to be yuge. RBG is like the West's fairy grandmother. The fallout from this will be nuclear
>she's scheduled to open a jar of pickles
I wouldn't be surprised if such a stunt killed her. She's feeble
Buzzard head got that delicate meme fragrance
Republicans are stupid and Democrats are evil. Such is the way of the world.
trump should appoint alex jones
CNN can find a lady that posted a meme but they can't get a camera into RGBs face to prove she's recovering?
Breyer is 80 and Sotomayor has diabeetus and is borderline noncompliant with it
Definately something to keep a sharp eye on. Stay woke my nigger
Just to dirty it all over again?
Easy on the carrots bugs...
>implying California doesn't secede if Roe V. Wade goes
Yes. And also because memetic (divine) inference. And also because collective autistic pattern recognition so fine tuned that it becomes possible to see glimpses of the course of history before they happen. And also because our enemies misjudged everything. He who controls the past now controls the future. He who controls the present now controls the past. They thought that bribing and blackmailing their way to political control would grant them this control. They can not understand the memes because they are unable to wield them. Even if a real greybeard sat down and tried to teach them just how the memes work they still would not understand. Memes are the Grace of God and only those who are anywhere near worthy of such grace will ever understand them.
>Lol. You think the Republicans who had EIGHT years to prepare and TWO years of unlimited power, and did NOTHING--are smart?
Lol. you think they are dumb? They know exactly what they are doing. They are the fifth columnists.
They don’t want to find it, that’s the issue.
The fact she hasn’t been seen on air willingly should be worrisome to liberals. Also, all the articles about her health are from doctors who ARENT hers. Just docs who try to tell people what they want to hear about what normal procedures. Problem is you have an 85 year old frail woman who just had half a lung removed. Unless you’re her oncologist you have no say in how she’s doing.
>implying they will be allowed too
There is far too much strategic clay in that state for them to be allowed to leave the union. They can move to canada or mexico but the clay stays.
>The Gov shutdown I feel like will over shadow this.
The Dems already put christened her to a messianic status that is the last line of defense against Trump having his way. No way they memory hole her death like that.
Both and it's one hell of a feedback loop. It is how the machine knows itself I suppose.
Woody Allen's looking a little rough there.
triple trips never lie
Yep, there's already been several articles in the (((media))) about this, they're starting to condition the populace to the idea.
HMMM not "dead" dose'nt sound the same okay.
Even if you are an oncologist.. an 85 year old alcoholic dysgenic kike just had half a lung removed. If she recovers enough to return to the bench in any capacity then you best start believing in vampires. With half of a lung removed and being 85 years old if she even survives she should be living out the rest of her days with an oxygen tank tied to her .
At least or at most?
they would be much more likely to fake her being alive for as long as possible.
Definitely the first one. They're not on Trump's side, they're just as opposed to MAGA as the Democrats, they're just sneakier about it.
>Unlimited power
Still salty form 2016 kek , keep posting i like you
I wouldn't want this guy as MY doctor.
reading comprehension isnt your thing is it?
Why do American Politicians refuse to retire gracefully?
Espiecaly when they are diagnosed with a deadly illness. Take McCain and Kennedy here. Both of these assholes were diagnosed with terminal brain cancer and instead of retiring and allowing a replacement these men stayed in office till the day of death thus depriving their constituents of a Senator. It's total bullshit. Completely unethical.
And now Ginsburg, who is on deaths door, refuses to retire thus rendering any decision made by the court less fair by her absence. I mean fuck these assholes. Even Gabby Gifford took forever to finally retire after she got shot in the fucking head.
How many other motherfuckers are in Congress or elsewhere that are sick and old and need to retire?
>Why do American Politicians refuse to retire gracefully?
ITT faggots who think anyone's gonna read their wall of text
>wew lads
the government shut down caused her death!
I dont think its their choice to make. Once youre in, youre in.
Three scoops...
i think you should probably step outside and see how wonderful everything is
come back after a few weeks and realize you're a republican
The cunt dies tonight
Bast in enless salt tomorrow
you can quit anytime you want. unless you talking about illuminati shit. you talking about illuminati shit?
>falls breaks 3 ribs
>is perfectly fine and out of the hospital the next day
>gets diagnosed with cancer
>is miraculously cured the following week
Now she has reportedly has pneumonia and can't attend any public appearances.