SJW Gilette sponsors a Twitch streamer that cheats on his wife

>Dr Disrespect
>Busted by Burger Planet cheating on his wife at Twitchcon
>Has a young daughter with his wife
>Breaks down on stream and takes a few months break after he confesses his sins
>Probably cheated on his wife countless times
>Sponsored by Gilette

Isn't it ironic considering the recent ads

Attached: DrDisrespecthiswife.jpg (1600x900, 123K)

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doesn't he have an open relationship now? as in openly has his wife + 2 gfs?

slick daddy club should've stayed slick daddy club.
If he came back and embraced it the world would have embraced him as the king.

cheating on your wife sounds like toxic masculinity to me

make them disavow dr. disrespect

You're such an idiot, Gillette just now started with the sjw white man hate. DrDisrespect is the opposite of that. He's one of us. His fkn motto is VIOLENCE SPEED MOMENTUM he's always promoting masculinity, always, and talks about guys being little weak pussy's now. He's always telling them to be a man. You have no idea what you're talking about. He's a chad and he'd be shitting on you, pussy. Fkn pathetic.

He cheated on his wife but she forgave him and they are still together shithead. He's not an sjw.

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Cheating is degenerate behavior. Adultery should be punishable by death.

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Forgave him for the millions he's raking in.

>everybody is a shitty greedy person like me.

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>>He cheated on his wife but she forgave him and they are still together
Probably because they have kids together.
And this
>he's always promoting masculinity, always, and talks about guys being little weak pussy's now. He's always telling them to be a man.
yeah, just look at the guy, what a man. wow
real man supports his family and children instead of whoring around. guy is pathetic.
women are 90% garbage tier already, dont cheat on the few remaining like the amazon guy.

I wondered how long it would take for you Gillette spamming clowns to catchup with DrDisrespect.

INB4 you call me a shill but of the twitch streamers DrDisrespect is not that bad and is redpilled on some issues

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Pizza Time lmao

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imagine hanging from this goofy lookin faggot's dick because you like watching him play video games lmao

some of you niggers are incredibly pozzed

>the dr made a mistake
>publicly apologizes to his wife and fans
>he takes a break to fix his family issues
>wife forgives him
>he hasn't "whore'd" himself since then
His wife moved on, why haven't you?

dont have time to follow guys on the internet.
so didnt know this part
>>publicly apologizes to his wife and fans
if he apologized to the fans as well at least he shows his viewers that cheating is bad. at least something.

Wait he's actually sponsored by Gillette? I thought when he sings the theme song it's just for lulz

saw a video of his, seems like something a 10yo would watch, too cartoonish

>Forgave him for the millions he's raking in.
If that were true she could have just as easily divorced him, courts would have given her everything in the divorce and then some, including child support payments.

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>implying all women aren't shitty greedy people

Why do people actually watch this garbage? Fuck him and his shit stained mustache.

Why watch sports?
>inb4 it's not the same thing

It was funny at first; then the fame got to his head.

The guy's a paper tiger. He's wearing a fucking wig, user. The closest he's gotten to any violence was his wife beating him up after the incident.

He even admits that Dr. Disrespect is a LARP persona.

Oh of course these faggots do it just never stops with them they're all so fucking stupid

people have shot at this dudes house before lmao

She'll do that when his time of fame is over and the income dries up.

It is the same thing. Fucking retards who watch retarded things.

he's close to seven feet tall has a hot wife and some side pieces. Don't be a hater ya faggots.

>Maybe his wife is a cunt and does't put out.
Ever thought of that?

STFU troll

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His wife isn't that hot. She looks crazy.

Twitch streamers are lower than camwhores.

And I would not even piss on a camwhore if she were on fire.

That whole thing was a marvel to watch. I don't keep up with livestreamers, any good clips come out since the road trips?