libertarians in a nutshell
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Why aren’t you making the products yourself and selling them if you don’t want to share your money with the people managing the entire company?
And why haven’t you started your own company w/out (or with. who cares) that “surplus value”?
Are you saying because it's only a little bit, it's okay to tax?
tax from the big red area instead of the little orange area
they do
Isn't that a corporate and/or sales tax?
really personal income tax should 0
sales tax is actually even worse than income tax
>socialism is when the government does things
>labor theory of value
unzips mcdonalds ipad
Because how does "labor" have value unless it's in service towards some good? Otherwise we'd all be back in preschool playing dressup
The red ball isn’t even close to scale. In most cases the net value of an employee is probably less than the individual taxes they pay.
>surplus value extracted from
creationist economics. You are 100% certain that you are going to be paid for your work and will never take a loss at the end of the month. Your boss is not. If you want to keep the full value of your labor, you have to start your own company and buy all of your own equipment. It can take as long as 7 years to recoup the cost of all this and after that, there is still no guarantee that you will always be in the black. There is a 50% chance you will fail to reach that point any ways.
tell me with a straight face that bank profits are not practically guaranteed at this point, or say google profits
Neoliberals aren't even human.
You're conflating "labor force" with "labor power". If you're saying a person is only worth what they do, you may be a psychopath.
>You are 100% certain that you are going to be paid for your work and will never take a loss at the end of the month
>t.has never worked for a small business before
Good goy.
The current banking cartel was set up by Jews and communists.
>small business
they are worst, i hope they all shut down
>anything I don't like is communism
Karl Marx liked breathing, too. He was also a fan of tradition. He also hated the SJWs. Shouldn't you put a plastic bag over your head and become a Democrat, or are you just another jewish slave shitposting?
Central banks centrally loosely plan the economy via currency manipulation. Socialism (Communism can't exist) is where a central power strictly centrally plans the economy. Guess what is the most important aspect of this setup.
*loosely centrally plan
How many times do I have to do this?
The surplus value of your labor goes into running the business, not into the Boss's pocket.
The average McDonalds Franchise costs 2 Million dollars to start, with 550K out of the owner's pocket up front. It clears 150,000 a year profit for the owner, who then has to pay taxes in that, and use what's left to pay off all the loans that he got to buy it in the first place. In ten or twenty years he might be able to pocket that whole amount.
The average franchise employs 25-40 people. What's 150,000 divided by 30? 5000, with nothing left for the owner. What's 5000 divided by 52? 96. What's 96 divided by 40? 2.40. Per hour. Your labor is currently being paid at an average of $9 per hour depending on where you are. That surplus value is less than a third of what you're making. Quit playing the politics of jealousy.
Also, these fuckers have been running our country for decades now
There is no problem whatsoever with a managed economy and currency that is created and destroyed as it is needed, as long as it's managed in the broad public interest. You Austriacucks clearly have a problem with anything that doesn't work like vidya.
Socialism is worker control over the means of production. Shouldn't you kill yourself for not knowing basic definitions like this, or worse, for purposely ignoring them because you're a cuck to the jews?
just have the government print the money to fund it, no capitalist (((owner))) middleman needed
Who's going to make me pay, Kommisar Jamal?
Socialism is actually the transition to an economy with no private property under a dictatorship of the proletariat, not "the workers controlling the means of production".
>There is no problem whatsoever with a managed economy and currency that is created and destroyed as it is needed
So that must be why we haven't had any depressions what so ever since 1914.
>implying people get loans to buy franchises
You really are a NEET who doesn't know how franchising works, aren't you?
It seems you're unable to separate the concept of fiat money from central banking.
Also, business cycles were worse before 1914. Not saying that as a defense of the Fed, but in defense of money creation for PUBLIC purpose.
>It seems you're unable to separate the concept of fiat money from central banking.
>Also, business cycles were worse before 1914. Not saying that as a defense of the Fed, but in defense of money creation for PUBLIC purpose.
Is that why we constantly hear about all the horrible depressions before 1914?
This is what the banking system is designed to do.
>Why doesn't every single U.S. citizen start their own business?
>Why don't you grow all of your own food?
>Why don't you build your own car?
>Why don't you code your own Tibetan frog forecasting website?
Because it's a huge waste of labor to make everyone do everything themselves?
Better question: Why don't the people managing the company share their money with the people making the products? Why should the guys who make the sales decide who gets the paychecks, instead of the people making the product?
>Muh free market decided it!
No, it didn't. None of the other employees get a vote, just the one employee who has the most money gets to vote for everyone.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to go with the center of gravity of the accepted working definition rather than the wet-pants narrative drama definition, however true or accurate the latter may be (pro tip: it isn't)
It is odd that people don't talk about the Long Depression (1873-1879) anymore.
Marx himself said that Communism the lack of private property. Socialism is the transitional phase to communism under a dictatorship of the proletariat. Have you even read Marx?
Nobody remembers that depression because the Federal Reserve has made that look like child's play.
You really are a fucking retard aren't you?
Chart doesnt apply to me at all
>Why don't the people managing the company share their money with the people making the products?
required skill. being able to manage people/product/organization is a skill that isn't readily available and is more precious than manual labor. manual labor is dirt cheap because it is not difficult to find. if someone wants more money for manual labor, it is easy to find someone of comparable ability that is willing to do it for less. finding someone willing to sell their higher skills is more difficult, so they command more money and are more important to the existence of any company
He said a lot of things about communism and socialism. It's a matter of viewpoints, I guess. You've decided to concentrate on property and narrative. I've decided to concentrate on control and production. Oh well.
I stand corrected.
In any case, a franchisee that goes underwater can sell the franchise back at any time, and may even be compelled to do so by the franchise agreement.
Oh, you're in the black part.
>being able to manage people/product/organization is a skill that isn't readily available and is more precious than manual labor
Lol no.
Self-organization happened long before some self-important MBA student got on here and started shilling himself.
That may be, but what does that have to do with anything I said?
>Self-organization happened long before some self-important MBA student got on here
if you want to be a commune, sure. if you want to be a competitive company, you need something more efficient.
>muh competition
>I derive my life's meaning from gladiating with people instead of cooperating
Circumcision-induced brain damage. Competition is for cucks. Cooperation and collusion wins EVERY TIME.
>boss runs company into the ground
>fires hard working employees
>stock price jumps, CEO gets massive bonus
>Cooperation and collusion wins EVERY TIME
Hey faggot, why do you think our food prices are so high? Fuck you. Stop conspiring against the public.
> literally anime “power of friendship!” logic
lol no. Efficiently wins every time. Note that efficiently covers cooperation in most cases. And how it competing cuck? It’s the quintessential male instinct, whether it be competing with rivals or social bonding with friends
Why shouldn’t a boss be allowed to sell off his some of his assets? It’s his property. He’s the one who took the risk. If he took out a loan it’s not like he’s going to get off easy. And the employees benefitted from the pay they received.
Kek, no. Look up "inclusive fitness" when you're ready to stop living life like a vidya.
>muh instincts are natural
>except where I don't like them
You have no argument, did you just say?