Let’s laugh
USA hate thread
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There is no reason for a white person to fight for this country anymore. They've just been abused time and time again.
0 principles, just “someone told me that’s the bad guy so it is”
I served int he USMC reserves for 8 years. Stay the fuck away from the military. I used to count down my months when I had to do my weekends. My ex said I was an asshole when I approached my weekend. Its fucked, stay away.
>spics, mongs, filipinos, niggers, pajeets, and a tranny.... one white dude
Wow, the army of the future.
>fighting and dying for Goldbergstein
lol no thanks, good to see so many other youths redpilled on Shlomo service.
>Fewer are willing to fight and die for Israel in the Middle East
Now THIS should be good.
Reminder that women are more primitive than men.
Does not really matter all that much, America fights all its wars with drones now. Besides, at least it is them who will get turned to Swiss cheese now instead of Americans who actually matter.
I sure hope they activate Selective Service (the draft that doesn't exist, but does) so the military machine can eat up as many leftist zoomers as possible.
Happened here too, I've got 3 buddies that were rejected last year, 2 went into security and one went into landscaping. Fucking waste, they're fucking units and mad lads.
>we better start recruiting from central africa!
Pol doesn’t shit on integration and the fair housing act enough.
Less people aren't trying to sign up, less people are eligible. The requirements ebb and flow, but at it's worst, you couldn't have any tattoos visible while wearing shorts and a t shirt, have more than 2 traffic violations, and have no scars on your body. Everything was viewed as a "cutting" scar. Random scratch on your arm? Can't sign up. Caught speeding too many times? Can't sign up. Got a dumb tribal tattoo on your arm? Can't sign up. Recruiters take dozens of people to meps each week. They are lucky if one passes.
none of us want that shit, cmon now
Why do you need an army?
It’s rare to see either of those topics explicitly mentioned. People talk about the civil rights act but don’t mention the specifics.
Imagine those weekends lasting 4 years.
I hate this country.
Why would anybody join the army? Who the fuck wants to die for israel?
I couldn't. We literally slept on concrete floors during snowstorms because there wasn't anyone manning the armory. Guys we're loading up their camelbacks with vodka.
>tfw never bothered
Good pay and very good benefits.
Emus, fighting for Israel and diversity social engineering
but seriously, the australian navy turning back refugees is actually good and useful. Too bad they are still getting flooded through other channels and colonized by chinks
Pic related to thread subject
I’m sure that’s worth dying for Israel.
Kek, this. But then again you’re up against
>money is everything
> I need product X
> women won’t like me without money
>The WEAK youth of today
ahahaha Boomers btfo
Based Millenigoys and Zoomers
Yesterday at the supermarket I saw two uniforms
One was a Filipino manlet and the other a butch lesbian obvious chick styling to look like a girl
The utter state
This statistic is impossible unless there is a war or a fervor to serve without taking pay.
Are we at war? I am banned from going in front of my local armed forces recruitment career services center because I protested one of the soldiers being a nigger about people who are enthusiastic about cosmic disclosure...Stem cells to resurrect...machines miles away causing mind control muscle flexing...other planets of human. I think this timeline has a repeat of my probation to not trespass for a couple years or I would be punished even more severe consequences.
And only two of them were white
>that look of fear and uncertainty on the Kaisers face, knowing the country was going to get REKT.
imagine that, people don't want to sign up to fight for Israel in pointless wars
maybe if actually fought to defend our country, like say, protecting the borders, the military might meet its recruitment quotas
stop the endless zionist wars
Less troops for Israel
This is a good thread. As long as no one posts the LOTR amerimutt meme I am happy.
That's President Paul von Hindenburg you fucking mong. Wilhelm was in exile in the Netherlands.
gooks, spics, mutts, wamen
when US sends their people they'r not sending their best
maybe this is the way, just send all illegals to die for israel?
I thought about going in. My family fought in nearly every war since Revolutionary times. My uncle fought in nearly every campaign from Vietnam to Iraq. He contracted cancer overseas during a rescue mission and the VA FUCKED him. After all he did for this country, they didn't give him a dime to help pay for his treatment.
They can get fucked. The only thing I'll fight to the death for is my family.