Banning and confiscating guns won't be easy but, simply put, it has to be done. I mean...

Banning and confiscating guns won't be easy but, simply put, it has to be done. I mean, we have to at least try and do something about the gun violence in the U.S. instead of sitting around wringing our hands because some 200 year old piece of paper gives the "right" to own guns.

I can think of no reason that a civilian should be allowed to own an assault rifle with 30 round clips. A weapon like that has one purpose, to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible. You don't use that for hunting deer.

Maybe 200 years ago the Second Amendment had a purpose, but today the costs on our society far outweigh any alleged benefit it supposedly has. Over 30,000 dead every year and children who are afraid of going to school and getting shot. Enough is enough and we all know it. The time has come to follow the lead of the UK and Australia.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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don't respond to bait threads

I would crader the nearest collection center day one.

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Can we just ban these threads already? Nothing comes of them.

I can do all of the replies.

“Fuck you nigger”
*posts statistics*
*Leftists delusional copypasta*
*That one Japanese post*

Troll harder, nigger

Why is the UN building in the USA again?

Well 46% of the worlds firearms are in the hands of the US citizens , so good luck taking them by force

kill yourself shill rat

Whelp you're getting renditioned.

What would improve community more?
>Banning guns?
>Banning POCs?

Legalize McNukes motherfuckers

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Shrill thread

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I would be willing to sacrifice my life for the cause in a shootout with whoever forces their way into my house to take my guns. Sadly I dont think I'll ever see that day come ): i pray a nigger or two break in at night so I can blow basketball sized whole in their chests. Im hopeful that will happen one day (:

What a lot of people won't tell you about our gun confiscation is that it was actually done just after the Emu War, politicians were going through MASSIVE criticism about how shit the army was, people were shooting emus left and right with 303's making the soldiers look shit.

40 years later they had one of their ASIO shills shoot up some bumfuck nowhere retard gathering and made that an excuse as to where all the guns went and to gather the ones that had slipped through their hands.

>few percents of people can't use firearms safely so taking away your basic right of self-defense is ok

how were people convinced?

Honestly this




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>some 200 year old piece of paper gives the "right" to own guns.

It doesn’t give the right, it says the right shall not be infringed. The right existed before the paper.

It would be much, much easier to just divide some territories where no guns are allowed...Say, New York and California, then to confiscate 400 million firearms from civilians. It's just not going to happen.
Everyone that wants a gun free society can then move to the two states where no guns are allowed.
Guess what? Niggers will still have their guns in those territories and will still rob and rape you.

>I can think of no reason that a civilian should be allowed to own an assault rifle with 30 round clips.

Most likely because you don’t have much of a capacity to reason in any case.

>Over 30,000 dead every year
Fake and gay.

>The time has come to follow the lead of the UK and Australia.

Toward what? Tyranny?

If you want to get rid of guns here's what you do.

"Hey, all those guns you don't want no more? We here at the federal government would like to buy them from you voluntarily."

Then the government destroys the guns.

You reduce the number of guns and you do it without violating anyone's rights.

Confiscation won't happen.

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GO away, paid poser.


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fuck you nigger

What happens when a nigger hands in a gun that was used to kill recently?
"Officer I found this gun stashed in a bush, I tried polishing it so you'll find my fingerprints all over it"

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You launched yourself to the top of a lot of lists with that one, user. Godspeed.

can it be a chang post?

And the world, and freedom, needs people like you.

Suicide is also a immutable right.

they framed some poor retard with a mass shooting that was done by some Mossad agent at Port Arthur.

Unfortunately Aussies are too low IQ to see the sham and turned in all their guns like good lil' retards.

Sure but it shouldn't be counted for gun crime

Bot posted slide thread complete with bot posted replies by 1 post by this ID bots.

Best thing is to drop red pills in them. They can’t be saged.

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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Fuck Jannies 六四天安門事件 The Black Lives Matter protests of 2016 天安門大屠殺 The Sandy Hook False Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Goyim Struggle 大躍進政策 The Gay Rights Movement 文化大革命 The Niggers Sent To Africa 人權 Paid Shills 民運 Demoralization 自由 Ebola Weapon 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-Glownigger system 台灣 臺灣 911 Inside Job 中華民國 Republic Not Democracy 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tendie 達賴喇嘛 Install OpenBSD 法輪功 Traps Are Gay 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize For King Nigger 劉暁波 Chris Poole 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Weaves 劉曉波动态网自由门

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If I saw that poster in my country I would grab a gun and just start shooting anyone who vaguely resembles an elected official

Over 300 people die every day because of guns.

I'm not a bot.

If the UK still had its guns, we wouldn't be in the shitshow we are now.

Shouldn’t be considered a crime, period.
That leaves 10,500 gun crime per year vs. how many defensive uses of firearms?

>He doesn't know about nullification
Sucks for you faggot, whatcha gonna do, invade?

Name them.

You are a faggot and a bot herder.

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Also your claim would total 109,500.
Clearly false by any statistic.

Just do it already. Let me die with some meaning in my life. It would be less painful than struggling in this fucked up world

Does not matter 10k death is insurance cost against kikes steamrollimg us into communist starvation and most of it is non white initiated. Idgaf if minorities can't stop killing themselves, full stop.

Attached: nobody_cares.gif (390x213, 981K)

Fuck you you don't knopw what the fuck you're talking about the number one cause of gun deaths are suicides, banning guns won't stop them.
The second most gun deaths are gang shootings and they aren't paying attention to gun laws or they wopuldn't have them in the fist place, just a useful idiot parroting talking points of gun confiscators.

Heh, been a couple days since I've seen one of these shill threads. What are you fuckers sliding?

Also sage.

>how many defensive uses of firearms?

About 150.

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You forgot:
"I lost mine in a boating accident"

>Clearly false by any statistic.
You expect me to trust your tinfoil hatter, biased statistics?

>Over 30,000 dead every year
why don't you start with banning cars dumbass

Attached: Car-vs.-Gun-Death-Stats.png (1280x720, 62K)

in your infographic you have 6371 homicides with guns. most of all of them. do people want ban guns or ARs? and can you tell how many of those are from blacks?

I think I have a good idea how to push a working version of gun control that a majority of Americans would accept.

1) Crack down on all illegal/unlicensed gun manufacturers and distributors

2) When the crime rate from illegal firearms goes down start campaigning hard about confiscating them for the good of everyone. Cite the lower crime statistics as a proof everything will be fine

3) A portion of the taken guns should be smelted down for parts to build guns that have an ID or some mechanical/digital system in place that tracks it's whereabouts and who can use it or why or if they're tampering with them

4)Return said guns to the expected reactionary groups who claim that their rights were stolen earlier.

5) ???

6) Profit from the left over un-ID'd guns by selling them to the 3rd or 2nd world or for parts.

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Cars weren't designed to kill people. I want to ban guns because they are designed to kill people.

Guns don't kill people. Niggers kill people.


Take away their guns who they probably didn't even get from legal channels and the crime goes down. Albeit it's a double-edged sword like abortion since without black people dying it means more of them will be running around.

You are the one with the giant tin foil cock up your ass, faggot. Amazing you could still pull shit statistics out of it.
this guy knows

>patriots begin sprinkling solar powered GPS jammers over every inch of the nation
Seriously, GPS is below the noise floor. You need to do some fancy math to recover the signal, then more (reliant on the satellites and only the satellites transmitting) to get positioning data. A bunch of 500 mW GPS jammers hidden under windowsills would disable GPS for an entire city. Forcing all guns to use cell signals would be an even worse idea.


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if you take guns from niggers they will start doing sick stuff. at least with guns they are killing themselves in a "humane" way

If guns were banned and confenscated, how the fuck would I arm myself to do crimes?!

They’d just stab each other like they do in the UK.

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Same way the nazis and communists did by force ya know like how these fuckwads are pushing on us. Heres the thin tho u write more laws we buy more guns ammo armour accesories and the wait for u to come with a fucking clipboard and say u cant have this. U had better come with an army i will kill all on my property then sue the survivors for violating my rights

Why are there so many retarded gun threads recently? No one's handing in anything. Fuck off back to plebbit.

I know you are a shill but guns are needed to maintain a democracy. Democracy was originally a tool for the elites to consolidate power. It seems counter-intuitive because democracy reduces the elites total power. However it increases their power relative to the middle class by allowing the elites to bribe the lower class with the wealth from the middle class. If you are interested in this good things to research are the eventual democratization of England and the massive bureaucracies that sprung up in ancient China. However in the current year, democracy is no longer necessary to consolidate power. It used to be that government issue guns weren't much better than civilian weaponry. Governments needed the consent or at least indifference of the governed to operate. Nowadays, rich people and military thugs can now build tanks and airplanes and easily scare an unarmed populace. Think of the regimes that have sprung up this century compared to the democracies in the 17th and 18th century. Almost all of the ones the US wasn't involved in have been dictatorships and most of the ones the US has been involved in have been dictatorships as well. The takeaway here is democracy is no longer necessary for the ruling class. It is expensive and populace candidates can cause a lot of problems for established families. The only reason we see Europe still has a 'democracy' without their guns(Although if you have to revote when you vote wrong I would say you don't live in a democracy.) is because the US still is swinging its dick on the global stage. If the US stopped being a democracy(because it gave up its guns) or stopped playing world police the facade would drop and Europe would immediately become the dictatorships the ruling class wants it to be. Long and short is democracy is no longer needed by the ruling class and American gun ownership is the only thing keeping the world free right now.

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>i will kill all on my property then sue the survivors for violating my rights
You're going to do the "randyweaver"...

300 x 365- 109,500. It's not statistics it's just multiplication and it impeaches your credibility.


>they are designed to kill people.
bullshit talking point, millions of people use them to feed themselves.

>I mean, we have to at least try and do something about the gun violence in the U.S
fuck off

Die filthy kike

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sage this slide thread

The best solution to the gun question in the United States is finally solving the nigger problem. Extract the negroid from the equation and gun violence is comparable to any other white majority nation. The mass shootings are a minor portion of gun violence. Easily fixed with a repaired mental healthcare system.

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>hand it in
sure. one bullet at a time.

Nice pipe dream. The moment an attempt at confiscation happens, gun owners are not going to wait around in their homes to be raided. They're going to raid YOUR homes and incinerate federal buildings. I'll kick down YOUR door, chain you to your filthy floor and peel your fucking skin off.

>Everytown For Gun Safety

How's it feel to be on a kill list you fucking nigger shill?

oi bro Australians only turned in 1/3 of our guns to the government, we just not dumb cunts and we don't have a bill of rights so not like we can really complain that much anyways ahahah

You Jews try so hard and it’s really pointless

Molon labe.

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they feed themselves by killing things...
they are designed to kill things, including humans

>he doesnt get it

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>you don't need them for hunting
how will you go bee hunting without 1000bullets/minute? these little yellow niggers are everywhere. you can't escape them. the only way of efficient bee hunting is to kill them really quick. trust me, if you never needed miniguns and grenade launchers for hunting, you don't now the thill of bee hunting.

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