Hey guys, as stated in the title, my friend committed suicide because of mercury poisoning(partly caused by vaccines), he was a young guy with massive potential(made 200k in one month from his business) but he was suffering from mercury poisoning behind the scenes and it became so bad that eventually he decided to kill himself, before he did it though he wrote out exactly why he did it and what caused the problems, read it:
Sounds like his pussy ass anus deserves to be ravaged by Lucifer for not surviving a shot/suicide. I’m loling at the thought of Satan’s thorned cock ravaging that no longer tight poop shoot.
Nolan Brown
Both of you can go fuck yourself
Austin Brooks
You too
Jace Lopez
Maybe it was too much tuna fish. Sorry, Charlie.
Adrian Ross
Im sorry user. My condolences. It may sound corny but these forums are always here for better orr for worse, and theres usually a few good people around. Best wishes, friends dying is always rough and upsetting.
Tyler Kelly
All white people deserve to die to make amends for putting down non whites