What are the biological differences between races?

What are the biological differences between races?

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Australiods have denisovan DNA, you don't.

None GOD made all men equal.

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Skin tone / melanin count. And that's it!

none. thinking otherwise is racist and literally hitler

Differences are vast. Blacks are actually closer to chimpanzee then to actual humans...


Forgot the image.

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None. We are one human race and only our skin color is different but blacks have bigger dicks and are more athletic xD

>all men

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Whites and East/South Asians are little cuck boys

niggers heads are slopped giving them a smaller frontal lobe which is what processes logic but aye its all just skin color maaaaaaan

Hey Niggers

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>hapa dicklet detected
LMAO wow suicide is right around the corner isn't it


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Nigga we are the product of race-mixing too.

You wake up one morning, look yourself in the mirror and see this. What do? An hero?

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Wow, somebody being honest! I want to hug her.

Source on this as there is no sound and I can't trust the subtitles as she seems almost too honest for it to be true

literally fucking everything. To assume people living separately for thousands of years managed to evolve 100% the same is foolish. Divergent evolution in humans explains all racial differences.

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Don't rip on someone who is actually honest, she looks tired, she needs to straighten her negro hair and get some sleep and she will be ok

>This brain region has been implicated in planning complex cognitive behavior, personality expression, decision making, and moderating social behavior

Literally the part of the brain that decides empathy is diminished in blacks.

She has self awareness. That's white.

It wouldn't help if she ironed and straightened her whole being, Shurik.

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um yeah nah
Go suck the shit off your mothers mustache you NPC faggot spic

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You have room for her on your little island

DNA, bone structure,skin tone and there is thing like gooks don't smell etc.

"We have found, in both human and non-human animals, that darker pigmentation is associated with higher levels of aggression and sexuality (and in humans with lower IQ). Lighter pigmentation is associated with the slow reproductive strategy (K) including lower birth rates, less infant mortality, less violent crime, less HIV/AIDS, plus higher IQ, higher income, and greater longevity."


I want to protect her from white women who grab her hair and make less mutty mutt babies with her

Is that a shoop?

sickle cell anemia

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That's just her face man. That's what negro faces with pale skin look like

I read an article about 2 years ago stating that almost every human has Neanderthal DNA in them except for Africans that have no ancestors from outside of Africa. If that is true then DNA differences with the amount of other hominid DNA that has been splashed into the Homo Sapien gene pool.

yeah nah, they had the old face swap surgery

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