My friend stopped being vegan after 5 years after watching this...

My friend stopped being vegan after 5 years after watching this, and it was recommended to me too even though I'm omnivore. Kinda weird but it's working. Spread it

Attached: veganbad.png (443x102, 38K)

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Ugh I bet her braps stinks. Meat eaters smell so horrible. You can literally smell the toxins coming out if their pores. I went vegan a few years ago and I am never looking back. The changes that have been felt in my mind and body are amazing. I feel quicker, cleaner. I only have to shower once or twice a week because I don't have animal fat oozing out of my pores. My mind is sharper. And I get erections all the time now because meat is not restricting my blood flow.

>Meat eaters smell so horrible
People's sweat after they've eaten ham is the worst.

I'm a man.
I smell bad.
Get over it.

Dunno if this is bait but Steve Jobs also thought he didn't have to shower because of his vegan diets and his collegues said he was very wrong.

Also meat eaters don't need to worry about farting so much whereas vegans fart 50 times a day. They're worse than cows.

I eat small amounts of meat, maybe chicken once a month and so on.
Our ancestral diet was very heavy on meat, which could be behind the amounts of kidney stones in those days.?

Balance is the key, moderation in all things.









>38 minutes
>I'm not even vegan and I don't know anyone who is

vegans btfo

nah that because he was an arab
the 2, depends if you eat beans or such

Spread it? The only reason I hate vegans is not because of their diet, but their fucking evangelism. Take a hard look at yourself, you're practically vegan already.

>being vegan was my whole identity
Imagine being this fucking basic. Nearly killing yourself over changing your diet. Fantastic.

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"it was my whole life my whole identity"


>Veganism puts me and boyfriend through hell
>It wasn't Veganism guys it was underlying gut issues go vegan guys
How brainwashed are they holy shit

I really don't understand the comments that say her diet wasn't vegan now she's stopped eating it. If they met her a week ago they'd have no problem.

Gives people a sense of purpose, which people don't really have anymore

>their fucking evangelism
that problem absolutely exists yes
on the other hand, they are right, and it's a message worth spreading

those should be raising her kids
not animal rights activism and veganism

>on the other hand, they are right,
>and it's a message worth spreading
and no. Change that flag, sóyboy

Liar. I was vegan for 6 months, then vegetarian for 6 months and just started eating meat again. I immediately felt 10x stronger and more energetic.

Veganism/vegetarianism does begin with feeling good. As you are on a meat fast, your body feels lighter. To begin with. The incredibly insidious thing about veganism is that it's ALMOST healthy, enough for you to keep believing in it. Your physical and mental energy declines so slowly that you don't notice it. Until one day, a year later, you're lying on the sofa feeling tired again and thinking it must simply be from work, or not sleeping enough.

You look in the mirror at the bags under your eyes and say hmm, I guess I should be getting to sleep earlier. You notice you can't do as many pullups as you could a year ago, and put it down to not training as consistently. For some reason you just haven't had the energy or motivation to work out like you used to... you feel shy and quiet in public, and forget that you used to be confident and assertive. "I guess I'm just a quiet kind of person..."

And the worst thing is, your brain isn't thinking straight because you've deprived it of energy. You can't think yourself out of the vegan trap by yourself, which is pretty scary. Realising you're wrong about veganism is emotionally difficult, especially for a tired brain, so it's too easy to attribute your various developing weaknesses to other factors in your life, or not to notice them at all.

I am so glad I snapped out of it. I feasted on a steak and English cooked breakfast the first day, and the difference I felt was night and day. Like I'd been suffering insomnia for weeks and suddenly had one night of deep, long sleep.

Fuck you and fuck veganism. Europeans lived on meat and milk for thousands, if not tens of thousands of years. The extra energy density of meat is completely superior to veggies for our brains and bodies. You're made of glass.

>meat and milk

fish and veggies with carbohydrates under strict moderation is the ultimate masterrace diet

lol whenever I've been on vegan kicks eating shitloads of fiber and I had terrible braps. I rarely ever fart fasting and eating meat. Sv3rige hasn't farted in years

So vegan is out and "plant based" is the new hippie?

Ocean is contaminated to hell. You should be avoiding any food from it.

the meat fast is that something you would recommend from time to time?


Unintentional I promise.

Spot on. I was vegan for several years though. I have pretty bad IBS, and fucked myself up by partying and eating very poorly - the result was an absolute catastrophe. Anyone can go months without meat if they don't eat bad foods, and make sure they're eating a nutrient dense diet, but beyond that is difficult.

No. No more than you would usually fast. I honestly think it's down to how the meat is cooked. The feeling of heaviness means your guts are full and busy digesting. Meat cooked until it's extremely tender is very easy to digest so you won't get this feeling.

And coincidentally, ancient cooking methods like pit and spit cooking leave the meat extremely tender.

It's probably pretty natural for your body, so you can definitely do it if you want to. Happens to me naturally from time to time, but that's also because I eat dairy inbetween.

Why can women never fucking get to the god damn point. Holy shit.

i cant believe i watch that video. they spent years sticking to a vegan diet while spending huge amounts of money on doctors (even going overseas for a specialist) to figure out what was wrong with their digestive system. educated people are the biggest NPC on the planet


I'm not going to watch for 38 minutes some bimbo who was dumb enough to believe Vegan idiocy. Fuck off with that shit.

Carnivore with extended fasting is the true redpill.

beg for cash
travel for free
eat rotten meat
drink blood

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you are wrong/lying about each and every point faggot. fuck off back to plebbit

I'm a huntegan.
I only eat animals I killed myself.

youre beyond stupid


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No u

>my entire identity was based around being vegan

Yes there are annoying vegans but a plant based diet is one of the most redpilled things you can do for yourself. Vegans are annoying, but the retard boomer
is way worse

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>call everyone a narcissist
>always cover balding with that retarded bandana

The diet advice is good though

>Im making a video but Im not ready to talk about it

you forgot

>Has a massive unbelievably huge fivehead that makes people feel physically ill

sorry, not gonna listen to some bitch vocal fry for 40 minutes

Eating rotting meat is good advice?

Haven't tried it yet. He didn't come up with it, it's been around for ages

>go vegan
>lose health
>struggle with health issues for months
>start eating fish and eggs again
>health comes back in a few days
>"veganism didn't cause the health issues"
>"remember the purpose of life is to subsist on non-animal nutrition"

>make a shit thread about a 40 minute video of thot rambling
>fail to even provide a summary
I hope you die with your shit thread


Australian women are just awful, how do you aussies deal with them

>Eating rotting meat is good advice?

Eating nicely seasoned and cooked meat is terrific advice.

Veganism is the ultimate blue pill

it's called mediterranean diet Hans

Go Vegan and Die you fucking idiot, hehe.

Your body is made of fat, your brain is made of cholesterol, you need meat and fat to live. There are no tribal vegan/vegetarians and tribal groups go to extreme lengths to get the fat they need
>The NWO order diet will make you weak and stupid

Vegans are such fucking idiots, it's hilarious.

Go vegan.

Onions are so healthy.

Attached: 9146B172-532A-4B9C-90AC-8B82883C8698.jpg (770x412, 231K)

44 yo user here with 22 years of pure onions bliss.

corpse eaters cope - you look like shit, smell bad, your skin is all fucked up... but yeah - Fight the kike and the NWO...

sorry typo senpai, I wrote onions it came out as onions. Must be a glitch.

Can anyone give me the time on the video to skip to? I can't listen to shit story tellers who don't know how to structure their thoughts or exclude unimportant information.

A cunt that talks without saying anything and you expect us to listen to it for 36 minutes. Fuck you.

What about farmed or river caught fish?

Yes, onions are onions, we know. Maybe the onions are giving you brain damage?

What a blatant newfag shill. How much do you get paid to come here and shitpost?
No, sherlock, you're replying to a newfag and most likely a shill. Hopefully it's just an uninformed newfag that will eventually absorb the redpills and learn better

Test onions

Well that explains a lot. I thought everyone on Jow Forums had lost their minds.

select settings>speed to speed up, still takes forever with the cunt regularly saying "long story short" while being anything but. I'm not even done yet but they switched to meat and symptoms went away, asserts can get everything in plants that's in meat, problem is plants have shit you don't want, and a thing as too much fiber so that it fucks up your gut, can't process, grows bad bacteria, suppresses good.

Yeah it was sarcasm, I know hes a newfag who doesnt know about the onions filter

I wonder if the onions filter is Jow Forums specific because that could really fuck up /ck/

>eat artificial vegetables
>get health issues
Fucking morons.
Now they'll eat fish full of canceroid plastic and artificial eggs to get cancer, and make another video about fighting cancer. Fucking Morons.

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Or would it improve their endless fast food threads?

Also, fuck the /ck/ mods for getting rid of the /alc/ threads. Those were always fun.

..continued: the cunt is lost now because being vegan was her identity, doesn't know who or what she is, what to do(yes, really, it's this pathetic,) and that she's keeping it short even though she has so much to say.. 38 minutes is keeping it short saying what could have been said in a couple of minutes. Holy shit.

It's nice that's she's hot, because if she was ugly literally nobody would watch this

What's sad is that, you're completely right. I sometimes feel bad about women, and even about attractive men too, they both suffer from this kind of issue

I like how her boyfriend was dying of cancer for a year and all he had to do was eat a fucking EGG to solve every single health problem he had

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She eventually moves around revealing a form to suggest she's packing some nice tits and nipples, that's what kept me around.

TL;DW holy shit you expect me to watch 40 mins video of some whiny bitch who stopped being vegan? gtfo
Give me the resume.

Newfag shill spotted, fuck off and go eat your grass you limp wristed vagina.

Lmao. I've known like 5-6 vegans who had almost this exact same Revelation.

They spent months trying to figure out why they felt like shit every single day and finally just ate a few eggs every day for a week and felt a million times better

I fucking love this comment section. It's full of people explaining how their veganism led to health problems and idiots angrily telling them that they were never vegan and that their health issues couldn't possibly be the cause because someone called the Banana Girl said so.

I should start getting medical advice from fat virtue signalling teenagers.

>People's sweat after they've eaten ham is the worst.
white man says yellow man smells bad, like fish
yellow man says white man smells bad, like cow
vegan man says everyone smells bad, but white man and yellow man agree on one thing, vegan man stink, both smell and attitude stink.

Classic case of culling the healthy to prevent the ill from having to adapt.

90% fail at eating a more inconvenient diet.
Especially "my whole identity" attention whores like this ethot.

user, let me tell you about (((diets)))
a real diet is calories in < calories out = weight loss. your body will give you feedback if you try to push it too far, and definately do not try to starve yourself because toy will just make up for the lost calories by eating twice as much as you need.


>my bf started feeling better
>I was devastated

This is the modern woman

38 minutes of watching a roastie attention whore? Fuck that. That's the thing with these YouTube idiots---they do it for attention, and can't provide succinct, smart arguments for whatever shit they want to discuss. And it's all about feelings, too. Shut the fuck up. Who cares about your feefees? No one! Just get to the damn point, make it in a few minutes, and move on.

Carb diet makes me fart 100 times day while when I was on carnivore/keto I barely passed gas.

>Dunno if this is bait but Steve Jobs also thought he didn't have to shower because of his vegan diets and his collegues said he was very wrong.

Yes, indeed. That is how clueless vegans are; it's also the bacteria that makes us stink, not just the food we it. But oh, no, vegans are so virtuous! They can't possibly be as bacteria-ridden as us meat eaters!

And Jobs died from cancer due to his stupid eating habits---he would have survived if he'd gone the allopathic route because the cancer was detected early enough. But he arrogantly decided he knew better than Western medicine, and chose to eat clean and take supplements---which is fine if you are fucking healthy to begin with and want to maintain health. It's a different story when you're actually very sick, like with cancer.

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That's the power of diet, and the reason why the globalists are pushing the vegan agenda. It literally destroys your hormonal system and makes you effeminate, weak, and more susceptible to leftist brainwashing.

Also, read this thread on why any high-testosterone white men with a functioning hormonal system should consider SPERM DONATION.

Sounds like a crazy idea but read it

nigger, that video was recently uploaded
>5 years after watching this

Why are there so many morons in this thread?

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Imagine the 650k ppl who would watch this idiot ramble about her diet for 38 minutes.
I made it 5 seconds.
Against my better judgement

Fucking women. Keeps on blabbing for 40 minutes FORTY FUCKING MINUTES to tell people why she eats meat. Holy fucking shit what a moron.

Mediterranean diet works best for people with Mediterranean ancestors. Everyone else should consider researching what their own ancestors ate, that's probably what their body will handle best.

Not that is really matters, but vegans typically have higher testosterone levels than meat eaters