Where will the Ethnostate be, geographically?

Where will the Ethnostate be, geographically?

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There won't be one. How do you imagine one emerging?

I know there won't be but I just want to know where people think it would be.


Pacific northwest Washington Oregon Idaho Montana

Is that enough space though?

Ozark mountains Arkansas/Missouri

I wouldn't tell you, leaf.

NH, VT, ME. More head collectors up here than the ID panhandle.

whats an Ethnostate?

>Meme answer

>Real answer

According to the thread above you its gonna be greenland.

In heaven where non-whites are not allowed.

Every piece of land on Earth and all of it's seas.

The United States is doomed. The demographic decline will cause the country to Balkanize. With it's collapse, so too goes the Established Peace that the United States politically, economically and especially Militarily maintains. This will create a power vacuum, a vacuum larger than any in history. A power vacuum that will make the Wars of the Diadochi look like a family squabble. China will attempt to assert itself, but the Collapse of the United States will send shockwaves, especially economically, through the entire western world. This economic shock combined with the breakdown in order that thirdworlders bring will cause a Civil War. The fight will lead to the most powerful single demographic in the world (White men) to assert themselves. The threat that China will be to the world will mean that after the civil wars in the west, Realpolitik will be the order of the day and Western-European countries will confederate into a Pan-European nation that stretches across the globe in order to counter China. That will be the "ethnostate".

Southern Africa since niggers are easy to kill



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shit beaches

The ethnostate doesn't even need to exist geographically if whites start acting like a tribe

In ur mom's butt hole.
I've been there, it's comfy.

Based Bong knows

Deutschland über alles, über alles in der Welt

Eventually? The whole planet

It's bad if we are too spread out because we will be unable to get anything done.
>this is happening right now in america
>even though all branches of the government are republican


Brazil ofc. Come to Brazil please!!!!!!1!
Also: don't forget to impregnate my sister

>idiot shill

It's like germany and france combined. (like 150 million people). Not the same type of land, but it's good enough.

The thread is irrelevant anyway, pardileiro friend.

If there ever is one somewhere in the US probably

post her feet

Namibia and Botswana. Maybe top end of Australia up in in the Kimberley.

In the last few weeks we annexed South Georgia Island, the Pacific Northwest, and today our boys took half of Greenland.
Fucking GAINZ cunt

Northern Canada and Greenland


There’s gunna be huge fuckin anime tiddies

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