Peace be upon those who follow the Guidance of God
So why haven't you taken the Allah pill yet, Jow Forums?
Frequent responses >I don't know Arabic You don't need it. Indonesia is the largest Muslim country and they don't speak Arabic. >I don't want to get circumcized It is encouraged but not required (sunnah). >Dogs are haram False. You are allowed to have a pet dog, but it is considered religiously unclean in the sense that you shouldn't let it touch your prayer mat. >I'm not disciplined enough You should strive to fulfill your religious duties, but the most critical thing is becoming a Muslim. Other things can gradually follow. >I don't know how to start You need to recite the shahada. If there's a mosque nearby, they'll be happy to help.
Orthodox Christianity is the true way. Repent and accept Christ
Isaiah Baker
Many ways. One way if there's an eligible God-fearing woman and the imam thinks you're worthy and compatible, he can introduce the two of you.
Angel Jenkins
Islam is the original Judaism and Christianity before they were corrupted.
Leo Scott
I accept Jesus Christ the Messiah (pbuh) as Allah's prophet and messenger.
Ryan Parker
id take my dog over you impure sand niggers any day
Henry Roberts
Too bad because he is god made flesh and he died to be a sacrifice for your transgressions. The Koran and hadith say Allah prays. Allah cannot be the supreme God because he prays. Jesus can pray because he is God made flesh not God in his original state. Jesus Christ is God become man to save man from satan and the Jews. Accept Christ and I will be able to se you in paradise friend.
Kevin Taylor
>The Koran and hadith say Allah prays That's false. You need to repent from your idolatry. Jesus (pbuh) wasn't sent to his people to be worshipped.
Also I didn't say to worship Christ. I said accept his gift of salvation. You're supposed to worship God but without accepting Christ, you reject his sacrifice.
Ryder Fisher
>trying to corrupt the Holy Quran in this day and age >claim they didn't corrupt the Bible thousands of years ago
Jesus Christ son of Mary (pbuh) sacrificed like all the other prophets to deliver the message of God to his people to worship the one and only God. He didn't die on that cross.
Christopher Martin
Islam is a violent totalitarian ideology stuck in barbaric medievalism. The sooner it dies out, the better.
Like I said, you're literally trying to corrupt the Quran like you already corrupted the Bible: >Indeed, Allah confers blessing upon the Prophet, and His angels [ask Him to do so]. O you who have believed, ask [ Allah to confer] blessing upon him and ask [ Allah to grant him] peace.
Liam Nelson
>muh thot mistreatment Roastie asked for it.
Angel Anderson
I don't want anything to do with the mad Arab's Bible fanfic and the millions of Pakis associated with it.
That age figure given to Aisha could have been falsely interpreted in todays lingua franca. As the counting system of old Arabia followed a different coherence in contrast to the modern variety. This is even more self evident when you take in to account that age was more of a guess back then, as quantifying birth dates was not the norm in that aforementioned context. Either way, even if your assertion is correct. It doesn't really mean anything, as child marriage was globally legal just a couple hundred years ago.
>Christ denying
Wallahi no, Jesus is rightly attributed his prophet hood in Islam. We just don't accept that he was of Gods literal conception.
your prophet fucks children you fuck teenage boys your women fuck niggers
religion of perverts
Ethan Mitchell
Peace and tranquility in the life and salvation in the afterlife. Strong family values and traditional roles (fitra/instinct). You are not any lesser a Muslim because you have a different skin color.
Isaiah Bell
Assalamualaikum my Somali brother. I wish you a blessed Friday inshallah.
Brayden Butler
Of course you can, the IQ variance between Muslims leads to a conflicting opinion on this. As some of the dumb members of our community tend to think in absolutes, but in my opinion that is wrong. And you do have the right to leave Islam if your mind so chooses to.
No. Only become a Muslim when you're convinced. Nobody forces you to become one.
Jose Foster
so how does S-l-y become "to bless" when everywhere else it means "to pray" and the quran uses b-r-k for "bless" everywhere else you're not fooling anyone mehmetcik
Owen Ross
You can't beat random women. If your wife's behavior is what Jow Forums would call a shit test then yes, by all means you can.
Randomized gene expression, and probably a result of Neanderthal admixture. Could also be because of inbreeding depression, but that's something I can't really confirm. All in all, most of the Somalis I know have regular heads. My self included.
He can't answer truthfully because it does mean prays.
Alexander Anderson
>flag >muslim >zoomali Jesus christ UK
Easton Kelly
Muhammad trolled the world so hard. He faked divine visions so he could get little girls to fuck.
Adam Myers
>implying I don't have extensive knowledge in Arabic and know how words can have vastly different meanings Let me guess, you're the kind of person who thinks the Quran says God fears knowledgeable people (Astaghfirullah) when it's the opposite. You're living proof that little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
صلو II to perform the salat, pray, worship صلى على to pray for
صلى 2 He prayed, supplicated or petitioned. و صلِّ عليهم And pray thou for them.
yes, you literally say "may god pray for him" however theologians try to explain it away right now, that's what the quran says if you give any other explanation, you're corrupting god's own words
Gavin Richardson
The Prophet ﷺ was offered leadership of Arabian tribes, all the gold he wants, and all the women he desires. He replied "O! My Uncle, even if you put the Sun in my right hand and Moon in my left, I will not give up this mission (of spreading God's word) until I die"
Aaron Rogers
See? You can't answer honestly. Nearly every translation of the Koran and hadith affirm that it is prayer. You have to lie and play games because you can't argue the points honestly because it means pray. Enjoy hell.
Jacob Richardson
My gf's family is from Iraq and only her dad is a practicing Muslim but in a moderate way.
She or her mom and sister don't wear a hijab or anything or something like that. He's very nice to me as an official Catholic (because of my Spanish family side of my dad) even though I don't really do anything with it. He says he's happy we (me and my gf) are at least not atheists
Elijah Lopez
BTW I know your history and you were the worst slavers in history and worst barbarians invasion of Europe, you deserved the crusades and shame that they couldn't kill more of you.
Lmao at these absolute fools trying to play missionaries
Death to islam will happen by the will of the uncorropted white man. Your religion is being subversed, Imam Tawhidi is doing gods uncorrupted word.
Jack Anderson
>Implying hijabs are mandatory
Come on now we both know it's not literally mandatory
Chase Morales
It's not hijab I'm concerned with the most. It's the premarital relations and the fact that she is with a non-Muslim man, both are haram. If you were to become a Muslim and marry her then it's a whole different story.
Hunter Smith
I recite the shahada yell allahu akbar and alhamdulillah (khabib ftw) just for the lol. Am I a muslim now? If yes how do I become normal again?
Cameron Wilson
Just draw a picture of mohamed, preferably out of bodily excrements and then denounce it
Matthew Butler
You're basically committing the intentional act of swearing a false oath. That's a reflection of your morality and character.
Alexander Rodriguez
It's Never going to happen that I'll convert though. Family history of Catholics dates back at least 1200 years and we've been prominent figures in Spanish history when fighting against the Moors for example.
She isn't Muslim either and just tries to live a good modest life by not doing anything out of the ordinary.
Dominic Collins
Adrian Hall
>Guidance of God .Allah Um, I think you might be confused there. You're worshipping Satan. Also, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY.
William Myers
A westernized "muslim" You should redpill her and lowkey convert
>Allah The word Jesus used for God in Aramaic, the language he spoke.
Parker Ramirez
Andrew Taylor
Abdullah ibn Mas’ud reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was having trouble with the immense weight and volume of negro Jizz-ya that had filled his rectum from the payment. His stomach sloshed and The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, decided to allow the bull to finish the Payment of Jizz- ya onto his tongue.
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6665, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 666
May you receive a large load of negro Jizzya in your rectum and upon your tongue like The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
>May you receive a large load of negro Jizzya in your rectum and upon your tongue like The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.May you receive a large load of negro Jizzya in your rectum and upon your tongue like The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
May you receive a large load of negro Jizzya in your rectum and upon your tongue like The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.May you receive a large load of negro Jizzya in your rectum and upon your tongue like The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
>May you receive a large load of negro Jizzya in your rectum and upon your tongue like The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him
Nathan Miller
Muslims are extremely retarded to follow a book which has a documented mathematical error but tell themselves that God meant to include the mathematical error intentionally so that muslim scholars could come up with a patch to fix it after muhammad died.
In quran 4:11-4:12 it gives the instructions for how to divide up a man's estate when he dies. >Allah instructs you concerning your children: for the male, what is equal to the share of two females. But if there are [only] daughters, two or more, for them is two thirds of one's estate. And if there is only one, for her is half. And for one's parents, to each one of them is a sixth of his estate if he left children. But if he had no children and the parents [alone] inherit from him, then for his mother is one third. And if he had brothers [or sisters], for his mother is a sixth, after any bequest he [may have] made or debt. Your parents or your children - you know not which of them are nearest to you in benefit. [These shares are] an obligation [imposed] by Allah . Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and Wise. >And for you is half of what your wives leave if they have no child. But if they have a child, for you is one fourth of what they leave, after any bequest they [may have] made or debt. And for the wives is one fourth if you leave no child. But if you leave a child, then for them is an eighth of what you leave, after any bequest you [may have] made or debt.
So for a man who dies and leaves behind 2 daughters, a wife , a mother and a father the quran instructs >2/3 to the daughters >1/6 to the mother >1/6 to the father at this point 100% of the estate has been given away. there is nothing more that can be given away. Yet the quran instructs, impossibly, to also give >1/8 to the wife and thus tells you to give away 9/8 or 112.5% of the estate away. Which is as impossible as having a pizza and giving half the pizza to person A , half the pizza to person B and half the pizza to person C.
What a retarded religion.
Nolan Perry
Henry White
May you receive a large load of negro Jizzya in your rectum and upon your tongue like The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.May you receive a large load of negro Jizzya in your rectum and upon your tongue like The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
>May you receive a large load of negro Jizzya in your rectum and upon your tongue like The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him
Andrew Rodriguez
Muslims are so stupid that they literally believe in a book that claims that shooting stars are heavenly missiles shot at djinni trying to eavesdrop on heaven even though this is proven totally wrong by science and is clearly just bullshit made up by a man seeking to explain phenomena he didn't understand by making up fairy stories, same with every other religion.
quran 67:5 >And We have certainly beautified the nearest heaven with stars and have made [from] them what is thrown at the devils and have prepared for them the punishment of the Blaze.
Quran 37:6-10 >Indeed, We have adorned the nearest heaven with an adornment of stars >And as protection against every rebellious devil >[So] they may not listen to the exalted assembly [of angels] and are pelted from every side, >Repelled; and for them is a constant punishment, >Except one who snatches [some words] by theft, but they are pursued by a burning flame, piercing [in brightness]. quran 15:16-18 >And We have placed within the heaven great stars and have beautified it for the observers. >And We have protected it from every devil expelled [from the mercy of Allah ] >Except one who steals a hearing and is pursued by a clear burning flame.
quran 72:8 >And we have sought [to reach] the heaven but found it filled with powerful guards and burning flames. >And we used to sit therein in positions for hearing, but whoever listens now will find a burning flame lying in wait for him.
sahih muslim 26:5538 > In this process of transmission (the jinn snatches) what he manages to overhear and he carries it to his friends. And when the Angels see the jinn they attack them with meteors.
Muslims are genuinely so primitive , unthinking , retarded and superstitious that they believe in a book containing made up , fairytale nonsense like this and consider it more trustworthy than all the scientific evidence of astrophysics.
Gavin Fisher
She's already "redpilled" despite the term being so fucking cringy now
Joshua Walker
"islamic intellectualism" consists of pondering over such pearls of wisdom as >there's no such thing as contagious diseases 'Ibn Mas'ud narrated: "The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) stood among us and said: 'One thing does not infect another.' So a Bedouin said: 'O Messenger of Allah! If a camel gets mangy glands and we leave it at the resting place of camels, then all of the camels get mange?' The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said: 'Who caused the first to get manage? There is no 'Adwa nor safar. Allah created every soul, so he wrote its life, its provision, and its afflictions.'"
>drink camel urine as medicine Anas b. Malik reported that some people belonging (to the tribe) of 'Uraina came to Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) at Medina, but they found its climate uncogenial. So Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said to them: If you so like, you may go to the camels of Sadaqa and drink their milk and urine. They did so and were all right.
>ablution (ritual washing yourself including rinsing your mouth 3 times and sucking water in and out your nostrils) can be performed using water with menstrual rags, dead dogs and excrement in it because water is pure Narrated AbuSa'id al-Khudri:
The people asked the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ): Can we perform ablution out of the well of Buda'ah, which is a well into which menstrual clothes, dead dogs and stinking things were thrown? He replied: Water is pure and is not defiled by anything.
>groundwater is safe to drink as long as there is at least 2 large pitchers of it Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar:
The Prophet (ﷺ), was asked about water (in desert country) and what is frequented by animals and wild beasts. He replied: When there is enough water to fill two pitchers, it bears no impurity.
Angel Ortiz
>And you do have the right to leave Islam if your mind so chooses to. Fucking lying sandniggers he’s telling you that shit to get you in the door but the truth is that if you leave Islam it’s a sandnigger’s religious duty to kill you They lie all the fucking time to try and get people in
Levi Brooks
How many Swedish women am I entitled to rape if I convert?
Also, your pic is of Waleed Aly. For non-emu cunts, Waleed is known in Australia for being a massive faggot. He takes every opportunity to bash "white" Australia, and makes excuses for the terrorism commited by his religion. Imagine if you took a white leftist who hates the west and dressed him in shitskin, you have waleed aly. Fuck that faggot and fuck op and his pedo worshipping desert cult for retards
Levi Baker
Really ugly kids for that circumstances of white sharia mixed with shitholers.
Is relative to the system of math you deem correct. As math is just a man made consistency test, with its rules being mutable if you disregard public opinion.
>That age figure given to Aisha could have been falsely interpreted in todays lingua franca. Narrated 'Urwa:
The Prophet (ﷺ) wrote the (marriage contract) with `Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).
Are you telling me that arabs were unable to count years by the seasons? That they had a bi-annual calendar? Lol the retardation that muslims reach to.
> It doesn't really mean anything, as child marriage was globally legal just a couple hundred years ago. A 50 year old who wanted to fuck a 9 year old has always been a sick, evil pervert. trust muslims to want to defend child molestation.
Samuel Brooks
>Peace be upon those who follow the Guidance of God What about the rest? Xenophobe.
>So why haven't you taken the Allah pill yet, Jow Forums? Because the religion is hateful too say the least.
>You don't need it. Indonesia is the largest Muslim country and they don't speak Arabic. Yes you do, proponents of Islam claim that the original text of the Quran can only be truly understood in the original language. >It is encouraged but not required (sunnah). Encouraging genital mutilation is backwards culture at best. >False. You are allowed to have a pet dog, but it is considered religiously unclean in the sense that you shouldn't let it touch your prayer mat. Why would I pray instead of actually confronting my problems? >You should strive to fulfill your religious duties, but the most critical thing is becoming a Muslim. Other things can gradually follow. Why a Muslim and not the hundreds of other options available? Also, which kind of Muslim? >You need to recite the shahada. If there's a mosque nearby, they'll be happy to help. Thanks for letting us know, maybe I can learn more about how backwards the worst religion is from them.
>May Allah guide us all to be right path. Allah is as real as the tooth fairy.
Ryan James
Alhamdulillah the rest of your country are on our side
do you have special cloasses on how to beat your women properly? and can i get a payment plan on the highly skilled witch-doctor that cuts off my daughters clit? I am sooooo interrested, like, send me a fucking brochure...
"there is no god but Allah? and Mohammed is his boyfriend."
Jaxson Rogers
>be Muslim >be afraid of pigs and booze
Christopher Russell
>Is relative to the system of math you deem correct.
very interesting. In somalian mathematics is it possible to give 2/3 of a pizza to someone, 1/3 of a pizza to someone else and 1/8 of a pizza to a third person? Please could you explain to me this miracle of somali islamic mathematics?
That age range could have been following a different numerical counting coherence, is all I'm saying. Besides even if your assumption is correct, it doesn't change anything. As child marriage was globally legal, back then. Regardless of the ethnic group in question( had to repeat this again for another clarification).
First post has all that needs to be said about islamoshit.
>Mohammed is being raped by pigs in hell. > >This is because he was a child molesting, mass murdering, Christ-denying heretic. > >If you want to go to hell and get raped by pigs just like Mohammed, be sure to convert to Islam straight away.
mohammad was a pedophile, ur entire religion is a lie sand nigger see you in hell
Cameron Nelson
You're using subjective axioms and marketing them as if they're objective, Lol. Who's to say 1/2 doesn't add up to a whole on its own? What about 1/6 being equal to 1/28? There's no one in this tangible reality with the ultimate authority on our ruling to confirm either of my statements wrong. As they're just man made concepts, written in a structure that's only correct if the public opinion agrees on them being correct. If you're still not getting what I'm saying, then just think of math as a language.
>So why haven't you taken the Allah pill yet, Jow Forums? I've spent more than twenty minutes in the presence of Muslims so I know how fucking evil you bastards are?