Create the biggest charity event in europe which collected 1 bilion polish cash in 30 years for sick children

>create the biggest charity event in europe which collected 1 bilion polish cash in 30 years for sick children
>be the most hated person in country, hated even by public television
welcome in poland, country of hate

Attached: jerzy owsiak.jpg (768x432, 65K)

Other urls found in this thread:

So, why do (((they))) hate him?

>be the most hated person in country, hated even by public television
Public TV is under PiS control, so... I don't think the average guy on the street hates them.

*hates him

this guy looks like he fucks children

because poland is piece of shit

Why did they hate him though?

I know he does

Looks gay asf m8
Glad he is doing good work but I still despise fags



He's not a fag tho he's got a wife and daughter and organizes the biggest free entry open air rock festival in Poland as thanks to the people that help in gathering money. Anyway he's always been connect to the polish rock scene.

>numerous "childrens" charities are really fronts for pedos and money laundering
>Something like 10% of charity funds actually go to the end cause
>Poland gets enough money from the EU but yet they have to rely on charity for sick children.

If the EU were actually invested in your people they would have given this in grant money. Instead they told you to build roads using German supplies and German firms,.

Charity is a joke, my sister runs a charity and she is minted, so fuck off with your altruistic virtue signalling.

Theres a reason why Bob Geldof and Bono are some of the richest people in the world and its not because they made good music.

From figures I find he has creamed off roughly 22% from each charity drive. Nice little earner there. Notice his net worth is super hard to find a figure on, almost like its deliberately suppressed info. Its estimated of around £30-40m.

>"""sick children"""
yeah he successfully funded sex rings, black market organ trade, and fed a few niggers to adulthood

Great for him, he deserves a bullet.

>welcome in poland, country of hate

Good, fuck you OP

where is your aluminium hat?

Charity is going whole year with big event once a year and they only disclose where money goes from this one day event.
So a lot money is going sideways, one of which is big hippie festival that has nothing to do with charity.
Pushing into politics that has nothing to do with areas that foundation trying to help.
I have pretty neutral approach to whole thing, in the end he buy some needed stuff and a lot of people who would never donate to cause, share some dosh to him.
But there are more, less shady charities, that better spend money.

where's your pedo rape dungeon?

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>pro abortion
>pro feminism
>pro lgbt
>promotes whoring and mass degeneracy on his events
guy that supports abortion is using kids who who werent aborted to collect money for kids that should be aborted according to him

yes I wonder why people hate him

Who ? Timmy Mallet ?

Jerzy Owsiak, polish icon of charity

They guy has been screened by right wingers for 20 years they never found anything on him and when you go to a hospital it's literally impossible to not see equipment bought by his charity as it's all plastered with stickers. Besides the equipment he buys is based on the requests of hospitals and it's acquirement is even done with the very same doctors that request it. Just because you have pedo charities dosen't mean ours are too.

>>create the biggest charity event in europe which collected 1 bilion polish cash in 30 years for sick children
>78 bilion was spend on public healthcare by polish taxpayers in 2018 only
>but yes everything at hospitals is bought by (((him)))


Die scum. Sage thread. (((Owsiak))) is a son of SB (polish stasi) functionary and a sinister half-wit who created a mechanism to syphon the money out of the foundation through 2 sister subcompanies.

Poland stay strong defend against the Jew!

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so according to you every chastity event is without sense?

Charity is a simple way to manipulate gullible people into liking you. Nazis also raised money for poor families but at the same time hated Jews. This guy raises money for muh poor children ;(((( but at the same time promotes degeneracy.

You know what this is called? Perversion, when you mix good things with bad things. So if he gets attacked then sentimental gullible people will defend him because muh poor children. In the same way people could defend anybody because he did partly something good. The best way for mafiosos to improve their image is to start a charity, because 90% of people immediately feel for poor children

>obvious money laundering (only ~50% of the funds collected go to charity)
>a Western-style progressive (immigrants, faggotry, trannies are great)
>a member of the Communist Party pre-1989
>organizer of the most degenerate event of the year (Woodstock) where tens of thousands of teenagers go to drink, do drugs and have gangbangs

Mass charity like (((he))) was doing simply doesnt work. Collecting money to the specific person in need where we know the name, face, what kind of illness they are suffering from and how much money is needed is actually fine.

>and have gangbangs
[Citation needed]

that face raises the question of how many kids he diddled; not if

>they never found anything on him
To procesy z Matka Kurka przegral sobie o tak o, bo sady go nie lubily, co nie?

Although pharma kills? 70% of diagnoses are fake as shit, they will fake your cancer just to squeeze the insurance into the system. (((They))) feed on fear and work tirelessly to produce malfunctioned human beings just to get more money out of the gullible goyim communities

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Owsiak is a massive fraud, he got rich off "charity"

Ofc man, moreover he was always a communist lackey making (((funny))) progressive comedy radio shows while Solidarnost was rotting in prisons... Complete utter moron, his only talent is to manipulate gullible goyim into givin the rest the jewish control system, so called (((governmetn))) had not stripped them off yet.

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hi, please rate if they are hate speech, they come from around the presidential election,

> Twarz półgłówka , przebił nawet kurdupla, nieuk i ekonomiczny dyletant , drobny oszust i złodziejaszek podobnie jak Hofman i spółka i nagrany rynsztok i patologia z PO , najdalej za cztery lata ten idiota i reszta pisich półgłówków zostaną skazani przez trybunał stanu .
Czas szybko leci,świat śmieje się z tych ciemnych religiant?w, tylko zwykłych Polaków szkoda, którzy płacą na utrzymanie tych debili i tłustego kleru.

> Pisiorstwo jak targowiczan trzeba będzie powywieszac na wszystkich latarniach na krakowskim przedmieściu, taki im trzeba będzie zrobić "terror proletariatu" żeby sobie ruski rok popamietali

> Katoliczki, katoliczki. Scierwa, zlodzieje, oszusci i gnidy. Bucek ich stworzyl na podobienstwo swoje. Chwalcie pana swego.

> Pedryl i jego wierny kureski powie że było pięć osób. A tyle lat już po denominacji...

(((damage control))) but the old weapons don't work. Slavs are starting to redpill the nations on Jews. Keep up the good work, Polish bros

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Of course it isn't hate speech, when (((they))) speak.

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>Theres a reason why Bob Geldof and Bono are some of the richest people in the world and its not because they made good music.

Exactly this. Same with Bill and Hillary Clinton---if you want to make a shit-fuck-metric-ton of cash, you open a "foundation" or "charity", and voila! You're a multi-millionaire, and everyone thinks you're a fucking saint.

got more

> uważaj wiewiór. Żebyś za bardzo kaczce d upsko nie wlazł, bo widzę, że już masz brązową łuszczycę języka. A jak się zasiedzisz w kaczym kuprze, to umrzesz z nosicielem. Ten stary pierdziel raczej własną śmiercią nie skończy - naród go powiesi... Przypominałeś sobie Komorowskiego - właśnie, znakomity przykład. Poparcie z takiego, które mu dawało wygraną w pierwszej turze (60% o ile pamiętam) zmieniło mu się w czasie kampanii o -20%. Jeśli to samo stanie się z Pisuarem, to pisuar zostanie na poziomie Pijaka15. I siara będzie okrutna. A wierchuszka zgodnie powędruje przez Trybunał Stanu i będzie piknie. Potem to samo spotka PeŁo i będzie jeszcze pikniej :D A jakby się potem udało popędzić pasożytów w czerni to już będzie jak w raju. Ehhh - ale by ta Polska była wtedy piękna...

> Oż ty chamie pisowy. Czekasz na 500 zł na swoje bękarty z moich pieniędzy ?

> A ja mam to w dupie, nie czytałem durnego tekstu , jedyna WIADOMOŚĆ JAKĄ CHCIAŁBYM USŁYSZEĆ TO , KACZYNSKI POPEŁNIŁ SAMOBÓJSTWO

> Przypominam, bron czarnoprochowa mozna kupic bez zezwolenia. A swoja droga, jak swiat by wygladal gdyby ktos zastrzelil Hitlera w '34?

> Ale wysyp qrewskich pis-dzielskich trolli, pewnie mlaskacz zagonil do roboty? Ujadaja jak psy lancuchowe grzebiace w kaczym gownie.

> Pytam się kto wreszcie tego popie...ńca odjebie jeden strzał w ten popie...ny tępy kaczynski łeb a ta cała zjebana sekta pisiorowa tych debili będzie wiała z tego kraju w podskokach...

fuck off shill is right, he deserved the blade

Attached: TypicalPolishPatriot.png (451x674, 201K)

he isnt the most hated person in the country, he is hated by the church because his charity is better than caritas


my mate played the mainstage of woodstock. said shit was cash

He is the definition of a slav kike. His (((charity))) scheme is the most opaque shit ever, there is no way you can really check his management of funds, no way to keep track of hundreds of thousands of zlotys. His advocacy of degeneracy aside, the guy is literally a con artist and the most annoying cool-ass, reggae boomer you could possibly conceive of. He is also a coarse, churlish retard.
>muh 1 billion zlotys
There is no way to verify how much of that sum was truly allocated to actual charity. This is a slide thread, don't bump this thread, OP just wants (yous).

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Don't lie, he lost multiple cases, and even refused to disclose how much money and from where his "złoty melon" fundation get their money.


he's some shady hippie. It's (((they))) that like him, not hate him. Personally I don't think he's all bad though.

Ja jestem katolikiem, ale prócz drugiego, to jest wolność słowa. Tak samo nie popieram karania ludzi, którzy srali na Adamowicza, o ile nie wzywali do przemocy. Ludzie szybko zapominają jak można się łatwo pozbyć wolności słowa i mieć sytuację jak w Germanii, czy UK.

How is it even possible that such a massive lefty faggot is on Jow Forums?

You want to know why people hate him? Here you go:

For those who don't give a fuck enought to google translate: Owsiak is a fucking fraud. He is desperately tring in any way he can to avoid showing how much and HOW he and his won bussines (that is always hired by his charity) makes money. He doesn't show his bank account information even when judges DEMEND it form him, which is why he loses to Matka Kurka. Who tf is Matka Kurka you ask? A polish blogger that exposes him for the peace of shit that he is. The whole article is based on what Matka Kurka dug out with official evidence to back it up. Owsiak, of course being a peace of shit that he is calls that blogger and everyone that critisise him "haters" (at lest thats the nicest thing, among "fucking catholic whores" and such). He continuesly prises him psycho fans (like a cuck OP himself) for harrasing critics and was succesfully sued more than one time for utilises his "peace patrol" (that's how he litteraly calls his private security) to beat the shit out of anyone he doesn't want on his events anymore.

Once per year He uses his ever growing army o NPC's to collect 10 polish schekels out of people who wouldn't give a fuck otherwise, gives some of it to charity, spends some of it on human trash- the festival (Przystanek Woodstock) and secures unknown amount for himself and for people he has to buy probably.

I don't give a shit about the charity he is head of (other than it's mostly a waste of your charity money). I do not however, like unhonest, hatefull and lefty scumbags like him and by extenction, i don't like braindead cucked suckers like you, OP.

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BTW the whole topic about Owsiak and his charity is hot right now, because on one of his events the security was soo bad that some literal psycho got unnoticed on the stage and knifed to death the president of Gdańsk (one of the major polish cities). Of course every lefty and every euro-cuck sucker is blaming current ruling party and church for "hate speach" that is supposed to cause this. The Charity does of course know that thay fucked up big time (the haven't even declared this huge concert ass "mass event") Owsiak is officialy retreating for his possition as a head of organisation.

owsiak czego ty tam znowu nie umiesz

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kupe robicie czasem?

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pope is a guy who lives in rome

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dayum what the hell is this
some pope head on da stick!

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>Jow Forums will be shocked by hate

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papiesz na jezyku polskim tak mnie mocno złapał i pociągnął krzesło
co mogło spowodować upadek

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wtf czech pope?

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oh, karachan kids are here
still obsessed over Jow Forums i see

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refuges welcome

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umyj dupe

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memes, jack
dna of the soul

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theres a lot of polish tinder like sites where you can talk about meeting for fuck on woodstock - i like this charity but thats true, the woodstock is so fucking degenerous. People are literally drinking, do drugs and fuck 24/7.

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no i sie zesrał

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taki bezradny

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>hire every family member into (((charity organization)))
>less than half of the money raised goes for charity
>organize music festival for leftist retards designed after hippies

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Wait Poland does woodstock?

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