Why are anonymous bulletin boards always become places for conservatives?

Why are anonymous bulletin boards always become places for conservatives?

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Because mainstream media won't accept anything that isn't leftist

Because just like a disease, it can only thrive when it’s unidentified

To avoid the censorship on leftist dominated boards. Yahoo and all other mainstream boards filter out all comments that do not conform to their beliefs. Anonymous boards allow more freedom. Glad I could help.

Probably because liberals want to be able to know who says meanie things to them so they can physically harm them you fat fucking EU faggot
Meme flags should die

Hard to stay a lefty when you're not getting virtual pat on the backs for being brave and agreeing with Jews

I bet you thought that sounded witty. Except for the fact most thriving diseases have been identified

leftism requires shaming and censorship to be viable

>Jow Forums

why do boards that dont ban people for having edgy rightwing opinions always become places for conservatives?

and its because progressivism can only exist where "hate speech" (dissenting opinions) is not allowed, shamed, or you are otherwise punished for wrongthink

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No one will upvote your faggot ass here you wanker

because they know if they publicly spew the garbage they post on here, they'll get castigated.

ever noticed how upset people get when someone doxes a major, semi-anonymous, twitter account? or when someone doxes people who show up to RW protests?

there is no place is decent society for people like this


they're cowards

fucking newfags

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were the jews cowards for letting themselves be put into concentration camps?
after all, its pretty offensive for someone to be a jew in public. there is no place in decent society for people like that.

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It doesn't matter how brave you are if Twitter mods don't like what you're saying. A ban is a ban.

don't buy the bait premise right away, you idiots
holy shit Jow Forums is crap now


All kinds of people come here. I'm sure it's because many want to avoid Democrat/MSM endorsed lynch mobs and other forms of oppression and censorship.

You're here, are you implying you're a conservative?

Leftists become moderators on mainstream forums and like to ban everything they disagree with.

Without heavy censorship, logic, reason and facts weigth in the end, and people became conservatives.

Because they're ostracized in real life. And rightly so.

>literally admitting that your ideology only works by bullying people into silence

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because the shitlords were banned from everywhere else.

The left needs an account to track their "karma" and post history because they want to be someone. The right doesn't care about shit like that.

I wouldn't mind being castigated. If they actually printed my posts, I would easily destroy them. And I wouldn't mind being doxed, either. I carry, so I would WELCOME leftists trying to attack me. The only reason to censor the ideas of your opponents is that they are right. Since you cannot win the war of ideas, just censor the correct ideas, so your own become accepted as true by those of low IQ.

What? I'm agreeing with the poster that your views are so vile and repugnant that even you realize associating your actual name with those views is a negative thing.

Ancaps don't have careers or friends.

>The right doesn't care about shit like that.
You're suggesting that the right does not get into power for the fame, glory, and wealth?

So, what's your real name and address, hero?

Liberal hystericals have taken over the public debate, and protection of political freedom doesn't mean anything anymore

>they're cowards
Absolutely true. If you cower in fear when they call you racist or whatever when you are in fact that nobody will respect you because you don't stand up for your values.

Even the people who embody the "southern redneck racist" stereotype in real life is deserving of more respect than the Jow Forums pseudo intellectuals, because at least they openly state whatever they stand for and don't hide in the fucking closet.


This is true. Decent people in real life will stop you from saying hateful things.

Thankfully none of them post here.

>not wanting to kill babies is vile and repugnant
>disagreeing with socialism is vile and repugnant
>disliking big government is vile and repugnant

>everyone i disagree with is vile and repugnant
you literally cant work in hollywood or google and so on if you support trump/are conservative

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Tf are you trying to say mehmet??

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Your Eastern European wordsmithery is showing.

>they're cowards
Sez meme flag

Because popular boards get heavily censored. The other way round, liberals go for the popular boards, because it's all virtue signalling that can be 'liked' and 'shared' and not an actual thought-through political belief.
Thats the reason these people lack any logical argumentation for their view.
They're like a religious cult.

>Please come out where we can dox and kill you

says the meme flag.

Sharing unpopular opinions get people doxxed, they may lose their job afterwards.

Also this

OK, what is your real name, and home address?

Because we big-dicked, high-IQ conservative chads prefer to remain anonymous

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You mean uncontrolled, as it should be, parasite.

>Stand up for what you believe for in real life! Don't hide!

>y-y-you are telling us to dox ourselves!
You're either completely missing the point or refusing to grow up and stand up for what you believe IN REAL LIFE.

Conservatives like to argue. Forced-Anonymous shitposting is the best for arguing, it disables all of the jew's "identity magic".


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From anonymity comes the truth. When you attach a name, it becomes a criticizing game.

>or refusing to grow up

Wow, really thinks trite rhetoric like this will work.

Man that was an ugly nigger

Wow just like antifa!

>Why are anonymous bulletin boards always become places for conservatives?
Because autistic retards seek anonymity to hide their shame and avoid social consequences for sperging out.

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go be a jew somewhere else, niggerfaggot

because leftist have no become cock holsters for big business and censorship

Keep hiding in the closet and only stating your opinions in the safety of internet anonymity, that'll surely make society respect your views more, and make them mainstream.


Actually, YOU are missing the point. You come to a board where you are not welcome, and hide behind anonymity....then say that conservatives are cowards for going to boards where they are not welcome, and hiding behind anonymity. I didn't think IQs went below zero, but then you showed up.....

>everyone i disagree with is vile and repugnant
How can you type that out and press Post without feeling the slightest hint of irony??

Actually, it is because their posts are deleted on the leftist controlled message boards. The conservative boards, like this one and breitbart, allow leftists to come in and spew their nonsense. The only reason to block your opponent's views is that you cannot logically refute them. Censoring your opponents is indisputable proof that your opponents are correct.

feel free to point out where i tried to publicly shame my debate opponents by implying they are vile and repugnant

oh right you can't

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Nah, there are many places where you can post anonymous drivel. But on Jow Forums the most spergy people can gather in a joyous festival of autism.

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>uncensored free-speech zone naturally turns right-wing
>community with rabid censorship naturally turns left-wing

>lol user isnt one person so you cant PROVE I've called everyone that disagrees with me every derogatory name in the book
Yes, this is exactly what I'm saying about anonymity. You hide behind it when you want to say horrible things, because you know you can't say those things in real life because you value your image. Now, nobody can prove you said horrible things. Which is the point of what I was saying. Not sure how to get any more clear than this.

Until who you are added some addendum to your arguments, you ultimely do not matter. Internet is where minds can freely flex without the constraints of a ego or body. Ergo, only informations pertains. People that find that notion bothersome shouldn't be on discussion board.


If you are refering to Jow Forums, it is not "anonymous". It is owned and controlled by the SNA, and used to recruit "like minded" operatives.

I personally know two separate individuals whom have received job offers as "data analysts" directly because of their chan activity.


Because when a piece of your actual identity is available to other people, alt right memes, pseudoscience propaganda and being anti-progressive gets you fact checked and destroyed. Not all conservatives are atraight up alt but basically everybody on Jow Forums who is "conservative" is. See, when you lack intellectual honesty you feel the need to compensate with memes. That doesnt work when you have your identity attached to the meme posts because people can call you out for being an ignorant autistic retard with faulty substance. They basically like to avoid the reputation because they're cowards, but that's already been said ITT. Anything progressing ahead of the status quo is fucking terrifying for dumb conservatives.

Because Silicone Valley operates like a Liberal mafia

the logic in your post is laughably faulty

>>lol user isnt one person so you cant PROVE I've called everyone that disagrees with me every derogatory name in the book
so you're admitting you have literally no basis for your argument, other than being so deluded that you think your "logic" is self-evident. get a grip, idiot

> because you know you can't say those things in real life because you value your image
i'll literally get fired from my job you dumb fuck. you cant even begin to imply people are hiding their conservative beliefs because of social ostracism when you literally have the majority of your career paths automatically blocked because of your beliefs. do you also think McCarthyism was a good thing? because the current progressive hysteria we see everywhere is basically the modern manifestation of mccarthyism.

>Not sure how to get any more clear than this.
not sure how much clearer i can get that your "argument" rests entirely on the idea that people you disagree with must be excluded from society

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source on this cup, please? like where can it be bought? asking for a friend. thanks

surprise surprise, you are banned from the board if you are disrespectful towards gays

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