Faggotry. Faggotry never changes.
How can I take the pearlpill and BTFO drumpf?
OP is poo-fetish.
Someone post the height differences.
Love your threads bruh.
Surprise surprise
6 gorillionth time this shit thread has appeared, have some veggies you stupid fucking nigger.
Yo lil donnie, you ran for non-intervention yet troops and innocent casualties have increased in the middle east. You say youre gons pull out of syria, but only the troops you deployed while still lea ing hundreds if special ops that Obama left. Your first 2 years you had a republican house majority yet you didnt build the wall. Now the house is mostly Democrats, who refuse the wall, and niw you start trying to biuld a wall.. Not gona happen when theres already a wall anyways and this wall issue is a nothing burger just like Russian influence