Rape cases in Finland by nationality

Crimes in Finland / 10 000 population units

Nationality of criminal:
Afganistan: 138.12
Iraq: 133.86
Syrian: 41.59
Turkey: 40.77
SWEDEN: 28.69
Somalia: 28.46
Russia: 6.51
Estonia: 5.43
Finland: 3.33

So low that it was not worh mentioning in statistic:

Attached: swedes.png (550x618, 20K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: theswede.jpg (184x274, 14K)


>sandniggers are more than 30 times as criminal as finns
damn, didn't think the difference was that big

Everytime I bring this kind of shit up with a leftie it's:

> yes but the laws are messed, talking to a girl is a sex crime

So it's either:
> 3Rd world animals acting like animals
> stupid laws unfairly punishing white Europeans for talking to women


And how many foreigners that do not even appear in rape statistics, can be found in Finland?

Ukrainian: 4033
Polish: 4284
British: 4518
Vietnamese: 5603
Thai: 7533
Chinese: 8742

>SWEDEN: 28.69
>Somalia: 28.46
I wonder if there is something in common between the two.

The Brits are all nogs so this can't be right

I don't get it. Why don't they just simply marry a nice Finnish woman?

Attached: 12753543 (1).jpg (299x475, 43K)

Attached: kEhSaGk.jpg (888x499, 103K)

>no source

Finnish men rape the most because they're the majority fake and gay

>what is per capita

> Sweden

Hey if we go by those metrics, most rapes are done by "Swedes" in Sweden too.

Attached: download.jpg (229x220, 7K)

Google it idiot

Attached: 21.jpg (113x163, 9K)

Why are Swedes so rape-y?

You should google it. Its the whole point of the chart.
Nogs are more criminal per population unit.

>no source
this is why reddit laughs at you
whites rape the most it's a fact

>British people are over 100 times more likely to rape than an afghan

Attached: 8BF293A4-C536-43DD-B204-B443D8485254.jpg (750x818, 134K)

I thought we were friends Pegga, why spread this misinformation?

>Hurr nationality = ethnicity

Attached: 1547754667863.png (646x1152, 101K)

nope the number for Brits would be 0.5 (roughly)


Try to keep it in your pants, Göran.

It took two minutes of searching.


Why do you call sweden ruotsi?

Trying to infect my pc now? Fuck off incel.

Also lähde means source.

fuck off faggot the source is at the bottom of the picture


Attached: 1547233335634.jpg (638x1000, 92K)

Is suomi just a name or does it have a meaning?

Prove it

Why the hell are there Vietnamese in Finland

Women vote these barbarians in

Sweden and Somalia have the same rate. Makes sense.

Attached: 1503086057934.jpg (300x300, 21K)

Ok. Its over then.
Plug your ears. Go ahead.

Mail-order brides.

>Somalians are more civilized than Turks

This shouldn't surprise me knowing Turks but it still does.

>Grow up in a country where you never see women
>Migrate to a country with minishort cuties everywhere
>You re so ugly no cutie wants you
Incel+violent culture

I'm assuming that's us.
Why the fuck do you Finns call Swedes by our name? What kind of shitpost level is that?

the irony, your here to shitpost but eventually the more you expose yourself the more you will agree with us.

All slavniggers look alike

Cause we are homogenous unlike the mutts who come in all colors of the rainbow.


Please tell me you were just trolling me.

Yes you are homos

At least it's not Krievija like in Latvian.

Mutt education.
Guess everything they say about you is true.

the picture literally says "Source: Statistics Department, Police"

You should post source in the op retard


So much this
Why is the nationality of the rapist even important? They're all men.

first person to provide an actual source congratulations

Huh. I thought it's just a theory that the Wends were Slavs.
Fucking hate Latvians now.

It's sad that this isn't even surprising anymore

>Sweden ahead of Somalia

You know that if you changed google preferences to search in finland and you typed in the name of the chart it would literally be the first to pop up, right?

that's not the source. In fact the source of that article is this image.
The source of the image is in the image.

Oh, look, someone who is innumerate. How did you get to be your age and not understand something as basic as fractions?

the important thing is, poland is better than germany!! again!!! who is the superior race now mf


Attached: Stubb.png (458x595, 369K)

Dont be so proud. It takes little to be a german nowadays. Probably boosted by browns.

Maybe we Vlachs should come there to help increase those numbers.

my utter fucking shock
the sub human muslims are more violent
almost like they can't control themselves, like animals

Viking tribe with the name "Rus" lived in Sweden before modern times 1000+ years ago

They had large amount of land in Russia just east of Finland and they also had Swedin in their possession.

Finns started call Sweden Ruotsi because of Rus tribe.

(Rus tribe also founded Russia at some point, or at least name Russia comes from them too se they had at least a role in foundation of Russia)

That's precisely what we've been told for the last 20 years, whenever we've shown these stats.

Your name is Swedish in most languages. Venäjä probably comes from the Wends.

Ruotsi comes from the same root as Roslagen, the coastal area of east Sweden. That's your name too.

We also call you ryssä but some people decided it's derogatory.

Suomi name is shrouded in mystery and was never decided where it is actually coming.

Possible sources: suomaa (swampland in Finnish), siimes (thick forest in Finnish), zemes (habitable land region, in Lithuanian)

Guess facts and truth is hate.

>>Hurr nationality = ethnicity
Literally speaking, that's correct. Nation != country.

Secondary sources are still sources even if they are not the primary source.
Seeing it in an actual media outlet gives the information more credibility than just an image on pol that could easily be completely made up.
We pol browsers have no way to verify the primary source so 2ndary sources are important.

Good the whites need to be erased, you blonde pale animals will be replaced.

Vietnam war, I believe. We call them "boat refugees". Because they fled by boat.

Attached: 35_Vietnamese_boat_people_2.jpg (1900x2830, 1.37M)

Cool it down and have some of that drain you call water in romania.

Okay, does anyone have an idea on how to solve this issue? I don't accept answers like "Just deport them". That would just be treating them like trash, not everyone is a criminal. Many people come here just because they are scared of bombs flying above their heads.

The article you linked is a tertiary source that is reporting based on the OP image.
Again the actual source is the center of statistics and police and the meme flags asking for source are just jews

Whenever they try to BS you with rape definition changed garbage just point out that them being actual violent rapes would be more consistent with the numbers for other violent crimes like homicide

That is literally a sad Don Lemon-tier excuse from almost a decade ago wtf are "people" besides r*dditbots still using it?

Siimes means shade.

Dear Finbros.

Remember, your oneitis is being propagandized to submit to the rapist invaders in your midst. How does it feel?

Attached: 1547821521948.jpg (1125x1075, 238K)

You will have two choices slav, fight with w*ites or join us in the great hunt.

Have them stay in muslim countries. They commit crime because they are unable to properly integrate.

Interesting. It's almost as if the word 'racist' doesn't mean anything and is just used by the elites, leftists and shitskins in order to shut down debates.

Attached: 1545422186576.png (243x243, 12K)

does it in all dialects always mean simply that?

It's not our only name for you. Sometimes we call you "the dark Satan of the old world", too.

Aw look at that. Sweden is our rightful clay now. All we need is to get rid of niggers (and swedes) and it'll be good as new.

Attached: AMCx0gGR.png (512x512, 64K)

Muslim gaslight detected

Attached: male-feminist-comic.png (625x605, 57K)

I'm sure the raped woman is charged as well. She kicked and punched. This is called assault where I come from.

It literally means "whipped" or "lashed". That's why blacks call us crackers.

Just deport them, they deserve to be treated like trash you faggot.

The tertiary sources go to the primary source and verify that the information is correct. That is why its important to post them in the original post.

>the dark Satan of the old world
Sounds awesome.

The articles primary source is this image

I know.
Tertiary sources go to the primary source and verify that the information is correct. That is why its important to post them (media articles) in the original post.

This gopnik meme is getting out of hand. Might as well accept it at this point I guess.

Trapdoor spiders are pretty nightmarish.

Kievan Rus' didn't come from Sweden. But even if they did, you wouldn't call them Venaja, would you?

That's not at all how sources work

>not even changing the ID to look like it's more than one poster

very low effort shilling

Attached: smile3.jpg (900x1185, 305K)

All we need is to keep the real gopniks away from it and made Adidas like hipster-tier.