Why does the left want to abolish the EC?

Do they not realize that if only California, New York and Florida got to decide elections, they would have no reason to stay in the union since they’d have no representation? 2/3rds of States would secede within a month of the EC being abolished.

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Women shouldnt into politic, lose, lose and beg to change the rules. Hilldawggie = argument for end the vaginal vote!

Without the EC, and a nationally controlled vote Trump would have campaigned in California and New York, and would have won the popular vote as well.

And of course IDs to prevent non citizens from influencing the vote right?

don't worry, they'll reestablish the EC once it's politically convenient for them to do so.

If you abolish the EC then Feds would need to run the election to prevent a state from cheating. Having the election overseen by the President directly sounds like a disaster.

she's one to talk about secret money in politics

Because they precieve that Hillary lost due to the EC and bit due to the fact she was a shit candidate. Tbh they don't want it gone since it benefits them as much as it does the right, Hillary is just trying to stay relevant.


interesting and probable

>thinks states can leave the union
>has never heard of the bloodiest war in the nations history

The absolute state of education

20 years ago she stated her support of the electoral college.

who the fuck cares what this hag says anymore, she should be relegated to taking care of her fucking health and mental issues

Ask her about superdelegates.

This woman's hypocrisy and hubris is stunning.

>believing any state could actually secede in today’s geopolitical situation

How fucking dumb are you?

This. Both teams knew the rules beforehand, and Trump simply won the game. But because Hillary lost (and she’s a typical woman) she’s bitching about a game that doesn’t exist. And the media will parrot everything she says. It doesn’t occur to these “Hilldawg won the popular vote” people that the entire campaign would have been run differently had that been the explicit goal from the beginning

Because they rely on illegals voting in order to win elections. If you don't have the Electoral College, then California and New York decides you all of your presidents are forever.

they know where and how they can steal elections and its a lot more effective without the electoral college in the way.

early eyes should also be on the fact that removing the electoral college also makes it very dangerous for republicans in blue/purple states. use your imagination.

Trump actually mentioned this at a rally one time. He said winning a popular vote contest would have been much easier than winning the electoral college.

If you think about it, it's pretty obviously true. With a popular vote contest, all you have to do is appeal to the perfectly targeted "median voter" better than your opponent in order to win.

But with electoral college, you have to formulate a strategy that will appeal to enough people in various states to win, without putting off people in other states so much that you lose those.

Trump's campaign platform was absolute genius. He pushed trade deals so much solely because he knew he had to win the Rust Belt states, which have lost many great jobs to outsourcing over the last few decades. The entire campaign strategy of focusing on trade deals was solely to win those states in the electoral college. If it were a popular vote contest, he probably never would have even mentioned trade deals.

This is why anons

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And this

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This too

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> we can’t win by the rules so we need to change the rules

Or you could run on platforms that appeal to more voters in different states instead of pandering to your liberal costal strongholds.

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they have been importing non whites for decades and believe they have a history ending perma majority

No thats racist.

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>Thinking foreign countries wouldn't step in to help seceding states crush the US at its weakest point


We can look at changing the EC the moment we ensure that only eligible people can vote. Meaning you need to provide a SSN and birth certificate to register to vote, or other citizenship documentation.

Weird how to work you need to provide an I-9 yet to vote all you need in players like California is a driver's license.

Or better yet only allow property owners to vote

Looks like a ball of butter with some red whipped cream on top.

Because then they won't have to be concerned with the rural areas of the country. The Dems could just campaign in the urban centers of Commiefornia, Jew York, Tejas, etc. and get a win.
It'll trigger a civil war, though; city vs country.
How much oil, water and food are produced inside the city limits of Jew York, btw?

Because fuck you if you're not in NY, Florida, or California. The rest of the country needs to bend to the will of the collective costal elite and their droves of welfare entrenched serfs.

Flyover states should all be voided of their senators and representation because they choose not to live in better climates or trade port areas.

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1. Because of the EC, the value of your vote depends on the state you live in. A single vote from Wyoming is worth 4 times as much as a single vote from California.

2. Because EC is winner take all (with a few exceptions), if you don't live in a swing state your vote is outright worthless. Despite its reputation, California does have a sizable conservative population, yet those conservative votes get thrown into the trash every election.

Why is campaigning in swing states a better system than campaigning by population density? Wyoming might get ignored by candidates either way, but at least they would know their votes would still contribute with a different system

Introduce approval voting over fptp to be honest.

it's obvious
She lost because of it

do it faggot

>the chance to have seventeen nigger-packed cities decide every national election
>Why does the left want to abolish the EC?

Gee I wonder.

How about population be fucking damned and every state is 1 point? Win the majority of the states, win the UNITED States.

fuck off the EC is fine as it is. I live in Wyoming and don't give a rat's ass that we don't have many electoral votes--that's just the way it is. this system directly mirrors how our bicameral legislature handles representation.

Direct democracy.

They essentially want to put the worst type of government in place (founding fathers' worst nightmare) because they have the power to control the narrative and rile up the general population because the media is on their side.

Twenty years ago her husband had a sweeping electoral college victory despite winning 40% of the vote.