When the average for whites is about 30% an extrange eugenesic program is starting to appear
White pill of the day 41% of of white mothers have college degree
Also what the fuck with hispanic? even lower than blacks....
Because Hispanics are actually worse than blacks but only teachers know this.
Blacks have American heritage, Hispanics don't.
Bump for good news
The ones that are coming are the lowest caste in mexico
It's the same for every race. Is there some kind of explanation? I thought it was the opposite.
It says new mothers in op's pic, so maybe mothers without any degree have a highr fertility rate?
Latinos stay more or less the same the birth rate of graduate womans stay at 13%
Blacks stay st 17% too
White mother and asian has an incredible rise
From 30 ,% to 42% while asians from 48% to 64%
Euro> asian> black > latino
Good work white girls
hispanics get ahead with brute labor and balls. no education needed
Black women go to for profit colleges and take out loans to get degrees in shit like "media communications management". Latinas just work as waitresses or whatever.