Now saying "Family" it's offensive at Google

Now googlers find the word Family offensive because it excludes people who does not have children. Burn this place already

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So fucking tiresome

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The CEO lied to the American People in Congress.

Yes. You have to say senpai now. And onions

America is such a disappointment

Holy fuck I hope this identity garbage never reaches my country. Although there are some signs already. Can't you just fuck off amerilards?

Lol we have no choice on our culture, its forced on us. You foreign idiots actively import it lol.

Sell everything! Now!

>You foreign idiots actively import it lol
No, we don't. Only the loudest idiot NPCs do. Social networks were a mistake

And yet 90%+ of Jow Forums still uses Google daily.
You brought this upon yourselves.

Only cocksucking faggots use the word tiresome

Reminder their CEO is an America hating poo who actively pushed the pro china pivot when he took over but had to walk it back. These people want to be your technocratic oligarchs. They want you dead, your oneitis chinked, and you alone, your natural gifts wasted and your bloodline shamed and purged.

Play time is over.

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>Someone who wasn't in a heterosexual partnership explained their definition of the word which pointed out it shouldn't be linked to one household either.

>The person commented: 'My family consists of me and several other trans feminine folks, some of whom I'm dating. We're all supportive of each other and eventually aspire to live together.'


And this is just another step in (((their))) grand plan of completely and irreversibly destroying the family unit. Looks like somebody at Google didn't get the memo early enough so this happened.

Hebdo when

Always screen shot stuff Anons, you know they scrub shit when the narrative changes

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It's all just public now. A parallel system for treatment under the law has existed for a long time, but now it's just public knowledge that criminals and traitors are given a pass if they are the "right people."

>ceo lies to congress
>they keep changing definitions to suit their agenda
>they keep changing algorithm to prop leftist agenda
>They keep deplatforming people for their political believefs
>they keep colluding and helping democratic polititans.
when are you burgers going to stand up for youselfs?

Liberalism is a death cult

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As a fellow.mexican living in America for.more than 15 years I can tell you it's because people are afraid of being called racist, homophobic and other -isms. Anyone who acuses you of anything like that they are fired,banned or ostrasiced from society.

Nonte miento pero si da miedo que te llamen racista porque luego te corren de tu trabajo,te aíslan socialmente y pierdes muchas cosas

It’s fucking terrible since I moved here to get away from that shit.

Multiple trans-women partners? So someone has a trans harem?

It’s the CEO isn’t it?

Haha reminds me of this

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Maybe, but I’d guess it’s just a bunch of unstable dickshits trying to be political/interesting. None of them actually like each other since they’re all so fundamentally unlikeable.

Well it’s not interesting. A bag of lettuce has more personality

so you're gong to be scared like a little marica, fight the fucking bullies like a real mexican... oh wait you abandoned your country to live confortable somewhere else instead of helping fix the place... you're probably going to run somewhere else when shtf

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No shit.

what jobs do these people have at google?
These people who are trans-sexual and complain about the word family meaning family , are they they people who built the search engine?
Did any of them build google maps?
Did they build the ad-auction platform?

Are any of these trans-sexuals and other deviants good at programming?
Has anyone ever met a trans-sexual who as a strong programmer that deserved to work at google or palantir or another leading software company?

How do people who are so non-essential take over a company?

Don't forget to put an archive link in the pic, or people will be kvetching about "Source???"

>using poojeeta as brainwashing material
they are annoying and won't stop talking until a bullet to head. Enjoy

Thanks, you're right

So what you're saying is we should spam their helpdesk and use as many triggering words as possible?

This has to be fake

wowee who wouldve thought category words would exclude some things and not others

Atheists hate life.

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Jow Forums needs to spend some time on Jow Forums
start by using as an alternative to google search

>Social networks were a mistake
holy fucking THIS
the fucking shit i accomplished when i was 13, rode a bicycle everywhere and only used payphones. it'd boggle the mind to today's youth how i possibly coordinated skipping school with the work release juniors, making money cutting grass, hitching a ride with my older friends 300 miles to new orleans and going to the aquarium tripping balls. and then making it home before saturday night so my folks didn't know i'd missed school and thought i crashed at a friend's house friday night.
these bitches will never understand. too soft.

how do we reel a line to draw Sundar back into the Congressional hotseat, but now armed with irrefutable evidence of manual search tampering and cognizance that he deceived the first time around

maybe the hearing can end with him being shunted into handcuffs

just rq

>tfw gf is infertile, but we dont want kids anyways
No wonder ABC Family changed its name to FreeForm because "family" offends too many people. I just dont give a shot. Jesus christ the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

>multiple trans-feminine partners
wtf does that mean? google doesn't need so many employees, it should create programs to find these weirdos and cull them. they are encouraged to be like they are because they live in comfort and decadence.
being unemployed and unemployable would make them realise they should be normal again

>And this is just another step in (((their))) grand plan of completely and irreversibly destroying the family unit.
yes indeed. one phrase i thought interesting was someone defining a family as 2 parents (hetero) and at least 2 children. how could they think it isn't a family if there is only 1 kid?

And fuck fucking babies too.

Perhaps instead of family we should use the term (((Bloodline))) like the reptilian elites do!

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This is only a test industry thing. When I was applying for jobs I noticed this one random technology related company in my area(middle of nowhere) and in reviews it had women complaining about inane bullshit like you see online. Literally no other company in the area had reviews and shit like that. Tech industry is trash.

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>living in america scared of losing your job because they might call you things
What are you even doing

My family disagrees and my friends family’s disagree! Fuck you google!

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They replaced "family friendly" with "kid friendly"

>yfw Mr. Chang won't stop roasting you and your people
Is it getting tiresome, brother?

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fake news
no sources
>insider info