Thoughts on the Baby Boomers?

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Kill them all

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The most spoiled generation of all time

White niggers

Destroyed america by being greedy selfish and more concerned with jimmy buffet concerts than politics

Baby boom = NPC overproduction.

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They are really immature. Obviously, millennials seem to have adopted the stereotype, but the fact is most babyboomer I know have NO FUCKING CLUE how to act, they have no sense of financial resposibilty (NO - they're no rich, they indebted everyone coming after them) and they bitch and complain WAAAYYYYYYY more than millennials do. Millennials don't speak up typically and just accept their shit situation.

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I love boomers.

>Thoughts on the Baby Boomers
They're the best generation in history. With hard work, they built these greatest societies world has ever known and which whiny lazy millenials now shit on

They waz Woodstock.

>be a boomer
>create a system where the next gen pays your retirement
>expect the next gen to pay your retirement
>surely the next gen will pay for your retirement
>have no savings
>don't need no savings since the next gen will pay your retirement
>meanwhile click every flashy ad online
>better give the bank account information
>wonder why you have no money on your accou-
>oh look I won an iPad
>retirement any day now
>glad the next gen will pay for it
>hello? no sir, I have not been in Vegas. I see. Well that's unfortunate.
>and I had just a create day too. Yes sir, I won an iPad.
>good thing the next gen will pay for my retirement tho

Why didn’t they stop it, they should have stopped it all.

Looky here son. Boomers have EARNED their retirement. We built this country with our hard WORK

Corporate statist hippies

Boomers didn't do shit.
It was the veterans who did all the ground work. Boomers just took it shit on all over it. Boomers also have an attitude problem and major saltines because they didn't get to go to war but they act like they deserve the same respect.

You have no idea about how good britain was do you, mainly because you werent there with us to enjoy. The younger generation have ruined it for themselves, laziness and aparthy being the main reasons but you choose to blame others for your situation. Boomers only wanted the best for their children. Imagine how we feel to see how useless our kids have turned out.

What the literal fuck are you talking about? Why is the Mayor of London Pakistani then?

I have boomer relatives, husband had early retirement at 50 with full local govt pension after an entire career of long periods of faux sickness. His wife went on long term sickness benefits for "back pain" for 26 years until she received her govt pension a few years back. They worked damm hard I tell you!

Boomers wouldn't last a fortnight in a modern call centre that monitors a dozen metrics and times your toilet breaks.

We literally built this country up to what it is today. And now lazy useless millenials whine about us because they're too lazy to work hard like we did

Best screen caps on boomers

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We are the greatest Generation that has ever lived.

T: boomer

Indeed, so sad to watch this generation waste what we did for them to continue on.

>Speaking of younger generations

Find a old people's home or a coffin, old man.

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They are like the Jews in every single way, but there are way more boomers than Jews. Boomers also lack the Jew tribalism/nepotism. Their greedy Jewry begins and ends with themselves. If any are still alive on the DotR i am killing them too. Police officers also get put-down in rope day.

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Dont forget most big companies prior to boomers destroying them has their own pension programs, where if you worked for them for 20 years you would be able to retire with a nice salary still. Only places that still have this now are military/govt work.

>People born from 1944-1952 and perfect

- People born 1944-1952

Military is going for pseudo 401ks now, Fren

How is doing drugs and banging randoms a "Counterculture" ?

That's not a culture at all.

>only wanted the best for their children
This is how delusional boomers are. You kike wannabes only want the best for yourself. Hurry up and fucking die already

Peter Fonda sucks!

They have their fucking problems but are literally the only reason the Democrats aren't dominating everything. We need every fucking white person we can. Fuck this D&C bullshit.

scum of the earth

I cant tell if b8 or real boomerposting.

Am supposed to be impressed? am I supposed to be outraged? literally fuck anyone who is unskilled labor and blames anyone else for it.

Hahaha are you fucking stupid? Millennials and the older gen z kids got Trump elected. Boomer white guilt elected Obama. Boomers marched for nigger civil rights and flooded our country with spics (while they sent factories to china for cheap labor) boomers hate themselves and consequently they hate their kids and the white race. Fuck boomers

Its real. My father says the exact same shit. Last time i talked to him anyways

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Yeah - It was good in the past and boomers fucked it up royally. The boomers exploded the national debt, which IS ruining the purchasing power. This is a historical FACT and not just my opinion. Millennials have ZERO power to affect change of influence, so how they can "ruin it for themselves" is fucking ridiculous. Boomers did a shit job generally and their kids are dealing with that shitness. Theres mathematically NO FUCKING WAY millennials can participate in society.

And im 1982 born, so Im either the first year millennial or Gen X. I associate more with gen X culture before you assume Im a millennial

Its the starting wage. Its significantly higher than a similar job nowadays.
If you cant understand what the ramifications of this are then I expect you are just a COPE boomer

>Vietnam War was terrible
Okay I get it.
>Hold on a sec while we invade Iraq and Afghanistan
Wait what?

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Millennials lean Democrat, and the Immigration act and Civil Rights act were passed by Greatest Generation and Silent Generation, when Boomers die out whites become a minority. Chill the fuck out NIck Fuentes

>reading comprehension
I said the boomers marched with the niggers. I didn't say they passed the laws. The silent generation grudgingly gave niggers rights, but the boomers betrayed their race to go and demand it.
Trump barely won in 2016. The election that had the highest turnout of young voters, most of which were right wing. Sure, Millennials may """"lean"""" left, but the ones that actually vote, vote right wing. Meanwhile boomers can take credit for both of Obama's terms and slick Willy. You can take credit for Bush and spic lover Ronald Wilson Raegan too.

Drown 'em in anti-freeze.

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>all these jealous millenials
Only thing boomers got wrong was failing to instill millenials with proper work ethic

>silent generation grudgingly gave niggers rights
>Coping this hard
JFK, Eisenhower, and Nixon all supported Civil Rights.

You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Nixon hated niggers, Jews, and most of all Boomer hippies. All you boomers know how to do is cope.

You're a fucking moron, Nixon may have privately hated blacks but he chose Spiro Agnew because he was anti-segregationist and he instituted the Philadelphia Plan which PROMOTED affirmative action. His personal opinions don't mean shit considering all the Civil Rights policies he promoted.

Kill yourself you parasite