>be me
>8 CAD a day left over after mandatory bills
>that's 6 USD or 5.30 EURO
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
>Why aren't millennials having children?
it's time to END canada
If you live near Vancouver, just drive down to Washington and go to a Fred Meyer. They have cheap food
Is ramen noodles expensive in Canada? Usually 5 for $1 here.
>implying I pay for my food
I live with my parents lol. I wouldn't even attempt to live on my own in this shitty economy.
$8 a DAY??
Woah there rich guy. Stop the humble brag okay? Most Canadian children aren't even fed properly.
This is a FIRST WORLD COUNTRY and better than America
What could 6 USD get you in USA eh?
A meal?
Well here in Canada, that can get you a coffee and donut with some change for a beer.
Paying more means you're rich.
>aug 2014
>picture from yukon
please try harder. :^)
usually like 3 for $1 for Mr Noodle