Who is the legitimate heir of the Russian Throne?
Who is the legitimate heir of the Russian Throne?
decedents of Rasputin
Probably Medvedev.
finland by right of inheritance
A Romanian
>hereditary monarch
bootlicker please
Doesn’t exist. Romanovs lost their divine right and this the monarchy
Putin at this point, fuck what was history, let the titans of today carve their empires because there happen to be enough good ones in office who won't spoil it for everyone like we've come used to witnessing
Aleksandr Dugin
Prince Harry as Emperor Igor the First.
I don't know but he is Finnish
Russia is Alaskan Clay and will be taken again.
if legitimacy comes from the people, why is germany elected officials do the exact opposite of their voters desires ?
I am.
What can I tell you?
Ruriks (swedecucks)
This lady but how really cares
Russian throne doesn't exist as it got overthrown and the heir exterminated
we're a representative democracy, not a direct democracy
also the majority of Germans vote for retarded parties
doesn't mean that an absolute monarchy would somehow have legitimacy
It would actually because it would be in the best interest to satisfy populations need to keep being in power.
Isn't she well known in Russia?
They need a Borboun
Medieval society made evolution work better.
Capital punishment to scare people from doing crimes that are rampant today. Absurd xenophobia that kept invaders out or a war ensued and the stronger tribe won. Women did what they were supposed to, maintained households. Also, no firearms that trivialize evolution by not letting the stronger man win.
Anyone who's current head of Romanov's House
They're two at the moment
>Maria Vladimirovna, Grand Duchess of Russia
>Prince Andrew Romanov
So that must be Andrew Romanov. He's male and the most oldest of direct descendants of one of the Tsars.
I am
In case of a monarchy restoration, would Russian support the changing of the anthem to link related:
I think everyone had enough of Bourbons
Not gonna lie, he was the supreme chad going by his looks alone.
From what I read he was extremely religious so he probably wouldn't have acted chad.
DIVINE RIGHT you degenerate
>Andrew Romanov
Fuck this shit, it should be Putin and whoever he appoints as his successor afterwards.
You would be retarded to replace someone like Putin with some kid who knows shit about ruling successfully.
Whatever gripes someone might have with Putin and the system he created, no one can deny the astronomic success it brought to Russia internally and externally.
Russia will overtake Germany this year as the 5th largest economy of the world. Not a small feat under all these sanctions.
Germany gets its economic power without having to take any risks on the world stage. No one is threatening Germany or her allies.
And if you guys put this kid in charge and afterwards collapse as a result it'd serve you right.
How the fuck should I know. I don't like "God save the Tsar", that's all I can say. I like this one, but it's not official and was written solely for Ekaterina II. It was presented to her during the Russo-Turkish war.
>Andrew Romanov
Kek, he is an oldfag, I thought he's this young kid Yelzin imported in the 90s and who couldn't even speak Russian.
Oh yeah right, I totally forgot to ask the foreigner's opinion on Russian matters.
If you can't take opinions of foreigners then fuck off to another board you faggot.
What are you even doing here then? Do you expect only Russians to reply?
I just checked Wikipedia, he is married to jew.
What else could he marry once he moved to America?
Probably sacrifices a goyim child every year on Purim now.
Also lives in San Francisco, obviously.
>he is married to jew
Sounds like he's a good person.
Digits confirm
Romanovs ceased to be legitimate somewhere around Catherine II and eventually morphed into euromutts who had more in common with a*glo inbreds than with people whom they ruled. Fuck them.
If monarchy will be restored, there should be an article in Constitution ensuring that current monarch or heir to throne immediately gets guillotine upon mixing blood with foreigners.
I want Borboun queen
the resemblance is striking. He's due for another rotation as PM soon isn't he?
There is no throne left. But we should preserve his Majesty heritage. The Russian nation, Law Codex of the Russian Empire.
Yes, she is from Romanovs branch, that betrayed the senpai and actually stepped down the throne (not being the emperor) in favour of bolsheviks.
Cyril was a backstabber, fuck his heirs. Besides she's a woman married to a Hohenzollern, do Russians really want to be ruled by a great-grandson of Kaiser Wilhelm II?