He's juuuuust saying

He's juuuuust saying

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It's funny how they don't bring sexuality into it anymore now that gay people aren't enough

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I used to be like this. Thank God I grew out of this before highschool. I can give insight into his thought process, he thinks girls like sensitive, "nice" guys. He thinks it will get him pussy. No man believes this stuff. How could you? He is so deprived of female attention, he thinks this is what they like, meanwhile, liberal cunts are squirting over MAGAchad cock.

Attached: TightLeftwingPussy.jpg (1080x1679, 573K)

Make a commerical featuring young black men.
>C'mon, man, don't shoplift. That's not yours.
>You're a father now, dawg, you can't just leave.
>Why you gonna pop them dudes? You don't even know 'em.

And another featuring Jews.
>Ari, don't sink your own boat. That's insurance fraud.
>Rep Tevye, his penis is fine. Leave the kid alone.
>You can't renege now, it would be unethical.


I can smell the onions from here

We should produce it... what would be the underlying product... maybe a fried chicken place for the blacks.

But what about the Jews? What do they actually buy?

>what would be the underlying product
Gillette razors, I spose.

Posting social media screenshots without a link is one thing.
Posting social media screenshots with censored names and without a link is capital offense.

Can't argue with those digits

How can we get this made?

everyone saying cis shit should be beaten senseless in the street

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>what do they actually buy?


>I can't stop
>has no agency, is acted upon by her self.
Female confirmed.


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A comparatively cheap and easy-to-spread form could be a simple comic. Not as compelling as a commercial, perhaps.

Why is the name covered up?

Make the Jewish one for a deli lol. Have the name of a sandwich shop on bags in all the shots. Say America runs on pastrami sandwiches.

This doesn't work tho because we arent guilty of what the commercial presents.

>set in a deli
>a jew and a nigger walk in together and order sandwiches
>the jew tries to send his back
>"not cool that food is fine"
>the jew nods and eats his food
>they go to leave and the nigger doesn't tip
>"oy vey" the jew says
>the nigger robs him

Juuuuuuust saying yao ming

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Living rent free in their bed

Attached: rent-free-in-your-bed.jpg (1219x2813, 1.22M)

>That white knight post.

He's not getting any pussy.

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>tfw you think these people are the "right side"

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It's much worse than you could ever imagine. European ruling families claiming the divine right of kings depended upon institutions with a loyalty to Christianity to enforce that rule. An analogy exists for all aspiring ruling families. All justify their rule relative to some moral ideology, and all depend on institutions with a loyalty to that ideology to enforce that rule. (((They))) have extremely reliable strategies for subverting the loyalty of institutions, which only depend upon the statistical properties of groups, and a small set of very general statistical laws. Possibly the most prevalent of these strategies in current year is one which could be descriptively dubbed "Enrichment by Proxy", and is best illustrated with a specific institution as an example, although the strategy is much more general.

Considering the military as our example, we can look at how the "average soldier" evolves under Leftist recruitment policies. Securing the loyalty of the military is among the highest priorities of any aspiring ruling class. Aside from contractual obligations, the average soldier has no strong loyalties to either the elite or to Leftist ideology. Of course the average soldier can still be manipulated by the elite, but within limits. The average soldier will have natural loyalties to things like family, friends, race, religion, nation, etc, and conflict between these loyalties and the will of the elite provides a natural buffer against tyranny. It is very difficult to convince a military composed of average soldiers to march against their own people in the name of an ideology to which they have no loyalty. Achieving the higher level of control needed for such tyranny requires a critical mass of loyal ideologues, such that the natural buffer provided by conflicting loyalty is broken. Get Leftists in, and get non-Leftists out. This is where (((diversity))) comes in.

Attached: event-horizon-1.jpg (630x468, 142K)

Let's consider women for example. Not all women are Leftists, however the average female soldier is more Leftist than the average soldier. When a policy that increases the proportion of female soldiers is applied on a large enough scale for a long enough time, the net result will be that the average 2nd generation soldier's loyalty to Leftism will be intermediate between that of the average 1st generation soldier, and that of the average female soldier. This is what women are in the eyes of the Left. They are proxies for Leftism, nothing more. Of course there is a limit to how Left-loyal the average 2nd generation soldier can be made by using female proxies, but this is nowhere near the limit of this strategy. All that is needed is a new proxy group.

Let's consider gays for example. Not all gays are Leftists, however the average gay soldier is more Leftist than the average 2nd generation soldier. When a policy that increases the proportion of gay soldiers is applied on a large enough scale for a long enough time, the net result will be that the average 3rd generation soldier's loyalty to Leftism will be intermediate between that of the average 2nd generation soldier and that of the average gay soldier. This is what gays are in the eyes of the Left. They are proxies for Leftism, nothing more. Of course there is a limit to how Left-loyal the average 3rd generation soldier can be made by using gay proxies, but again this is nowhere near the limit of this strategy. All that is needed is a new proxy group.

Let's consider trannies for example. The pattern for the nth generation soldier sould be obvious by now, as should the "real" motive behind the Left's constant need to declare new oppressed groups in need of (((representation))), and their disowning of groups that they would previously champion. This is not "irrational", "purity spiraling", etc as some may naively conclude, this is all calculated, at least on the part of the elite, and it serves a very practical goal. If the cycle is not broken, eventually a critical mass of Left-loyal soldiers is reached and the buffer that once limited the elite's capacity for military tyranny is broken. The event horizon has been crossed and the military is now more loyal to Leftism than to the people.

All of this is general. All institutions are vulnerable, not only the military, and choice of proxy groups does not actually matter beyond the single constraint that the average Left-loyalty of the proxy group be higher than the average Left-loyalty of the current institution members. If this constraint is satisfied and representation equal to the proportion of the proxy group in the global population is achieved in each iteration (this is literally what they demand), then the conditions for the Law of Large Numbers are satisfied and there is no turning back. Governments, businesses, media, education, etc are all vulnerable, but democratic institutions are particularly so, as immigration provides an effectively infinite well of proxy groups. Notice that no step depends on explicit conspiracy between the proxy groups and the elite. Proxies don't need to be aware of what's happenening in order to fulful their purpose to the eilte. Some may see through the charade, but as long as the proportion of those who do is lower than that in the current population, it will not matter on the macro-scale.

But this is even more general still. It need not be restricted to institutions and ideals. The ethnocentrist types should spot parallels between what is being done here and the "beige horizon", "racemixing", etc agendas. It's the exact same strategy, but applied to population genetics. This shit is fundamental to all macropolitics. It practically is macro-politics.

Poor thing, it can't even speak proper English.


pathetic people deserver pathetic (and painful) deaths

this pic gave me aids

I haven't even watched the damn thing, I hate advertising; it's so synthetic. If you got involved in this in anyway - outrage or defensive, you're part of the problem. Just shut up and if you want to boycott, do so by recommending alternative products without mentioning the company, Fuck!

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>getting into corporate shill offs online
>for free
Genesis does what Nintendon't

>women arent capable of standing up for themselves so men need to do it
what happened to the stronk wamyns meme

These fucks don't understand people don't want to be preached to 24/7 about their version of right and wrong while they push degeneracy.

Aye don't put 6ix9ine in with those freaks

The only humor in this is that these seemingly innocuous social media posts will lead to this “person” to their death.

*nods respectfully*

What are the rates of pedophilia and rape by non-cis males?
What are the rates of sexual assault, divided by race?