Vast majority of americans support gillette's ad

Vast majority of americans support gillette's ad
Why are americans so emasculated?

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>sample of 2,202
Remember to sage

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That's a good sample size, it just depends on where they pulled from.

hahahahahaha inventing sharts for kicks and giggles

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Your pic doesn't specify gender. This is probably a bunch of white feminist whores saying it represents them.

Probably college campuses.

Top lel, OP btfo. I wish these people would find something a bit more intellectual to try to bluepill cuz OP's shit ain't convincing anyone with half a brain.

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use your brain leaf. they sample college kids and liberal cities.

I'm not surprised that the figure went up, it would have to, since 99% of people had no idea what the fuck "Gilette's values" were before watching the ad.

But I am surprised at how positive the reaction was. That shows over SEVENTY PERCENT of Americans giving it a POSITIVE reaction. Not to mention that over 10% "don't know" or have no opinion. Making a grand total of over 80% of respondants who are basically cool with it.

What are they putting in the water

All the adults they interviews were probably either gay, trans, antifa, democrat, or a mix of any of those

Thats why they have to bombard us with headlines about how everyone supports it right? How it's the popular and therefore safe and correct position to hold? And why they had to reset the dislikes?

Unless they went asked people in the real world, aka outside of colleges, that shit can go in the trash

seems legit

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>lets make a poll that confirms what we want to hear. hey market research firm, can you give us a pool of 2500 liberals? thank you


this cant be real

This isn't really a shocking poll because how many people actually think it's OK to assault women, or provoke people? Etc. etc.

That's not the issue with the commercial; the issue is that it's lecturing men to do things they don't promote. Yeah, obviously, don't be a fucking dick; we don't need a commercial telling us that -- especially one whose major consumer base is the very men its demonizing. They aren't moral saviors. People already generally abide by these ideas and rapists, and the like, aren't going to change their tune over it.

This. I demand shills that are actually good at their jobs, damnit!

Damage control after failing to censor their youtube votes.

Am I the only one that enjoyed the Gilette ad? It would have been even better with ZERO wh*te people, just like society

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>believing polls

This is the oldest trick in the book, ai can't believe people still fall for this.

it isnt

How is it even possible for a company that makes fucking razors to have any values at all?
Is there some weird tradition in american culture that makes people who make razors more likely to be like-minded then the average? "Thy shall not remove facial hair, or Abraham Lincoln will rape one's daughter whilst he sleeps"?

no, "Shared their values".
If you're asked:
do you share "bulling is bad, rape is bad"
would you say "yes" or "no"?
This is fake news as usual
let's see how gillete razor sales go

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Yes, because someone being polled is going to say “no I totally disagree, I support rape, murder, and bullying”. The question is intentionally worded that way to show “support”.

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>Hi it's for a poll
>go ahead
>are you
>a) a nazi shiteater who likes to hang niggers from trees and rape women in your inbred family? (and remember, we have your name and address)
>b) an open-minded progressive (who incidentally happened to like the new Gillette ad)
>we've got a third category for responders who hesitate
>oh well

Gillette will make serious bank over this. It is a fantastic marketing stunt. Get people to lose their shit over the "toxic Masculinity" bullshit and then ride the wave of free advertising that comes with it.

They could not give a shit about the dislikes, in fact the more the better for them. Especially if the likes start to look like they are catching up. The left side of media will throw everything behind them. They are suddenly an amazing company in touch with the real world man. Anyone against them is of course a troll, nazi, woman beater etc. Then even the people that hate them spread more and more about the brand and just continue to increase sales. Worked with that last Nike bullshit.

I think the vast majority of people who are willing to respond to polls are probably flaming liberal faggots.

That's exactly it. Most of their intended audience (libshit millennials) don't read pass the headline.

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who give shit buy whatever you want i will spend mine as i see fit

>every day
>day corporation makes an ad pandering to them

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>Why are americans so emasculated?
They were (((chopped))) when born.

yes it worked so well with blizztards, ea, disney, etc oh wait no.. the stocks tanked..

No one responds honestly to pollsters if they think their answers will make them look bad.

>half of America is women
There's automatic 50% support
>a thrid of America isn't white
There's another 33%. Cut that in half to exclude the 50% females accounted for earlier, giving 16.5%

Thats 66.5% implicit support without accounting for the soi population.

Absolute fucking bullshit, same as the artificially inflated number of "likes" on their propaganda video

>~2K sample size
>Prabably from cucked cities

soon, my friend

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well, let's be real here. the commercial is just a bunch of sjw bullshit. there aren't masses of people just getting upset by the ad. people on the right just get tired of all that bullshit being poured down our throats as if we are the culprits. men are men, we do what needs to be done and when shit commercials like that come out accusing us of being shitty people of course the men who are fed up with seeing it everywhere are just gonna drop the product. or at least that's my perspective on the matter

>rigged polls are representative of reality

the majority of people who support their ad don't shave because they want that hipster beard or they're women

Statistical polling agencies prove that Hillary Clinton has a 99.8% chance to win, Trump might as well stop being president right now.

The ad actually ridicules metoo and the emasculation of men because at the end of their ad it's basically a statement that says, "We advocate against discrimination towards men"

Am I the only person that saw the ad?

Since when did Jow Forums start taking Polls seriously? Or do you seriously think they actually surveyed all 300mil+ Americans and didn't just survey a select neighborhood they knew was left leaning.

t. BASED mathguy

pink slime in fast food """meat""'

Whats a good cheap alternative to Gillette.

I refuse to buy their shit

Their ass, likely.

I personally live by Harry's.

for some reason the file won't open

42% already atleast somewhat thought a razor company shared their ideals so they probably polled down's syndrome kids

indeed, meaning the only valid opinion is the 5% strongly disagree which increases after seeing the add. Gillette and OP BTFO

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I wonder which democrat paid for this poll

Not only were they wrong, they weren’t even remotely close. That tells you everything you need to know about polling. They don’t tell you how they achieve they’re results, you’re just expected to accept it. “See guys!?! Americans agree with Gillette! Guess we better use this poll to influence governmental policy. Just accept it you peasants, this is what democracy is about!! But also, when things don’t go our way then we’ll say it was an illegitimate poll/election. It was the Russians you see!”

I've watched the ad, I'm pretty conservative, I didn't have a problem with the ad. I mean basically the message was "don't be a dick" Not sure why you snowflakes are getting so upset.

Contrary to your idiotic opinions, america isn't made up or edgy 18 year olds who frequent Jow Forums.

>I mean basically
>pretty conservative

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You are correct in that its nearly lunch time here and that roast beef sounds good.

>all the dicks are white men
>all the nice guys are black men
If you don't see an issue with this you're either a shill or a retard.

Snowflakes always meant "someone who isn't special but demands that everyone treat them different based on nothing but their own ego/delusion," it NEVER meant "person who is easily offended."

Not sure why you leftists insist on using this insult (over 5 years old at this point... yikes!) whenever you need to point out that someone right-wing is mad at something.

What a retarded poll. Most people aren't going to be for men raping and murdering. If they wanted an unbiased poll they should have asked "Does this ad reflect how men behave"?

Yeah I'm sure they made an honest effort to collect an appropriately weighted sample and didn't just go and interview a bunch of gender studies students

Kill all jews and destroy all of their organizations

That includes their shitty businesses

Yea lets see their profits next quarter.

>all the dicks are white men
The kids being bulled are white,
The black guy says "boys will be boys"
White guy breaks up a fight
White guy breaks up kids fighting

You obviously didn't actually watch the commercial.

Because we all live in a beta cuckuleas country now thank you feminazis and msNPC for making the men that got shit done into the men that pussies who let everyone walk all over them. You know what it isnt even thier fault it is the so called men in this country who let these bullshit agendas dictate how they view themselves. We as a whole went from ww2 heroes and genuine badasses to “hey stop it that hurts muh feelings”. Its time to take a stand and tell these cunts men and women alike to shut the fuck up and make the real men some god damn sammiches, and stop being so dam pathetic.

>Vast majority of liberal americans support gillette's ad
>Why are liberal americans so emasculated?
Fixed it for ya, nigga.

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>sample of less than 2000

>expected to represent the entire country of 800,000,000

>cherry picked study doesn't reflect the real life scenario
oh wow imagine that.

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>a sample of 2,000 people, most likely selected by the same mouthbreathers who ran the marketing campaign is somehow representative of 400,000,000 people

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>the entire country of 800,000,000

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>the entire country of 800,000,000
>THAT lesbit spacing
chink freudian fail at its best

No reason to believe ANY poll that jews put forward. They do it to psyop NPCs into shifting their views to conform because humans are herd animals and most of them don't want to be seen as having views outside the norm so they will adopt the views of the majority..

>freudian fail
*freudian slip

The like to dislike ratio on the youtube video would disagree

>Of the 43 "bad" men; 42 were white, 1 was black.
> Of the 7 "good" men; 2 were white, 5 were black

Try again, Chaim.

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Half the people polled could also be women.

>sample of 2.2k adults
>no gender pool identified