This is video of the dude who pulled PRINCE PHILIP from the car yesterday. Does he look spooked? Was there a kid in the SUV?
Does this guy look SCARED SHITLESS?
>pull an old man from a car wreck
>*gasp* it's Prince Philip
>on no, what if he's dead/injured and I get blamed because I was the last one to touch him
He's probably just jumpy.
>duke of edinburgh
Bend the knee peasant!
how easy is it to take one of these people out if you can just drive your car into one of them?
Also how does a tiny ford Ka manage to flip a land rover?
>Was there a kid in the SUV?
The royals are unkillable, they only die when they are permitted or assinated.
he looks like a fucking twat
A kid in a SUV just flew over my house!
what a fucking KEK
He caught a glimpse of his true form.
Chad King
>hates kikes
>older than god
>cars bounce off him
He looks shaken, not stirred;)
Also - predicted this...;)
Philip is a funny motherfucker. Still a dirty reptilian though.
Seeing the Prince in a car crash is rarer than even a celeb.
Literally noone converses with someone like that on equal footing except in a situatution like that.
Imagine getting the insurance details from the Prince
Gentle reminder that Prince Phillip has been dropping redpills and being generally all-round based long before there was even an internet.
On Indian workmanship
On women
This man had royal blood on his hands. The blood was meant for the land, he knows his, we know this, the land knows this.
On socialists
On Nigerians
He found out he literally is a reptillian shapeshifter.. there is NO fucking way a 92 year old gets tboned like that and doesnt have major broken bones.
On Abos
On Scottish people
On Chinese
A 97 year old Royal, married to the Queen, goes out for a drive alone?
None of that makes any sense.
Prince Phil does not give a fuck, he does as he pleases.
>king of England doesn't have funds to buy quality vehicle with strong frame and curtain airbags!
really? the fuck have bongs been building for the rich people over there?
That is exactly what I thought. I have heard that he was driving the car himself. So the husband of the head of state, the Queen, goes around the country driving himself at 97 years old of age and without any guard?
wasn't alone, "body guards" with.
The Queen drives herself around, at least on her property. It's really not a big deal.
well, yeah. he's a chad.
>at least on her property.
That's a big difference.
The whole country is Her property
And the swans, the fucking swans belong to her!
Fuck me, are these real?
I love this man.
Does this guy not know what a scissor is? Those eyebrows.
Yes, you can find them all. Many more too.
Fucking priceless
My favorite bong, bar none.