why are you against socialism?
Why are you against socialism?
Why is your socialism is not mcdonalds colors?
I'm not, I'm against Communism.
It’s totally severed from any aristocratic and “upward” ideal, it appeals onto the the lowest castes and masses. Its Slave morality. It’s Jewish. It’s entirely materialistic, degenerate, and, to boot, fictional. There’s nothing scientific about it whatsoever. It sort of acts like a pseudo religion to fulfill the needs of the decrepit and lowly “final men” in the age of atheism
A phenomenon like socialism or communism can only ever appear at the life cycle of a civilisation - our western civilisation, specifcally. It symbolises the “centre of gravity” shifting to the slave castes, and as such, works only toward more chaos, less order, less natural law, and finally, death - the age of iron, the Kali Yuga. It’s literally an ideology of death.
*at the end of a life cycle
Based leafpost
Because I believe in private property and you and your friends “voting” to steal my shit is still stealing my shit.
this thread again. howbout why are you against original thought?
because I work for a living.
funny story, my wife has been mostly apolitical for as long as I've known her. In the last year she got a job where she made commission instead of an hourly wage, and then she started her own business. She learned the hard way how obstructive government is and how much they tax you. She's become so economically conservative it makes me uncomfortable sometimes.