This just a glorified stripper bar whore, ye goyim
Degeneracy disguised as sport
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perfect 10 literally. Anyways, fuck off you gay faggot. If you're complaining it's because you're a fucking queer or a jealous bitch.
s.o.y drinking beta male incel detected
Is there any practical need for them to wear swimsuits? Would more covering shorts really be restrictive in any way? Except for the funding and interest in the sport, of course.
If I had a daughter, I'd not let her do gymnastics with such a swimsuit on.
>99.999% of men in human history have been GAY because they didn't prefer women being scantily clad
Not an argument.
my word
is that a legal pic senpai?
Not sure, but While we're at it I noticed there isn't a "male wrestling revealing outfits outrage" thread. You going to start one?.
enjoy your b& faggot