Women are responsible for the never ending ride

never forget

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Literalist Kraut. Find the figurative life and set yourself free.


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>god create man
>create woman next
>tell them not to take the apple
>woman pissed to be 2nd after a man
>go to snek who is also satan
>snek offer woman forbidden fruit
>woman ignore what god said
>take apple
>mankind doomed

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If the chick had no concept of good and evil before eating the fruit, how was she supposed to know that it's wrong to ear the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil?


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Just as women deceived man in the Garden of Eden by influence of Satan, they again deceive man in the modern age by influence of Jews (Satan)

I don't think that you'd rather be someone who never has to think about anything and challenge hismself physically and mentally. Without the serpent our existence is pointless.

>woman takes risks
>man stays complacent and passive
This story's fucking bullshit and you know it.

adam made the choice to also eat of the tree.
its his own fault.
He was not deceived by Eve.
He could have let her die by herself but chose not to.
Love ;)

because god said not to

Women have no concept of good and evil now. The point of the story is to show that men will obey authority but will crumple to women who are easily tempted themselves.

>Repeating the "WYMN ARE EBIL" Jewish subversion lines dating back to biblical times


>Love ;)
Love is one of the biggest lies ever sold to man.

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Is it evil to disobey god?

I thought the story was a about puberty and getting Eve knocked up.

Eve didn’t take a risk. Satan told her she had nothing to lose and everything to gain.
>God says you’ll die if you eat this
>Satan says nope, but you’ll get to be just like him if you eat it.

Let me spell it out
>Satan tells Eve she’ll be equal to God if she does what he tells her to.

Assemblywomen isn’t the only ancient literature that predicted feminism.


reminder: women are animals
another reminder: they are beneath men
yet another reminder: women lack agency

Weed is the fruit of knowledge; psylocylic mushrooms may have played a key too...Karen, pull that up

Eve wasn’t evil. She was led astray because of her fragility. That she gave Adam the fruit suggests she thought she was doing good.

The point is to show female nature for what it is, not condemn them.

Never forget that Adam wasn't deceived and that he loved his wife Eve so much that he was willing to eat the apple so he wouldn't live without her.

It is literal.

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Dunno, just made sense to me that way.

>wtf it's the fault of this bitch you sent to live with me.

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>Women are responsible for the never ending ride

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>be god
>create man that requires dinner every night
>make woman to make him his dinner
>makes them live below an apple tree that they can’t eat from
>humanity must either die from starvation to remain pure or eat abbles and be eternally doomed
>thousands of years later make churches that require you to put cash in a bowl
>pastors drive benzs
>poor people live by restaurants and still starve
>only rich people go to heaven

I remember when Jesus invented capitalism to stop people from being sinners.

I’m off to go read some scripture and purify my soul from this devil forum


i mean adan fucked by eating the apple
the story is dont trust women, dont follow what they say, dont be enchanted by their bodies or lies

The story of genesis is a parable for sexual knowledge and the antipathies that creates between men and women you dumb cunt

Women are responsible for ending the ride.

Men build and destroy civilizations.
>women end them

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the story is telling that women are retarded and dont need to be trusted

She should have just fucking listed. Bitches never listen.

>Be roastie
>Get told not to do things because bad stuff will happen
>Do the things
>Bad stuff happens
>Blame men



fucking women. always trying to bring dudes down to their inferior level. its not malicious its just what women do

ya it seems so.
the religious ages, the beginnings of great cultures, seem to be ages of men. Men and their kingdoms and the presence of the spiritual in their lives.
As things end, it appears that the female moves into the spotlight.
There was a video about that - a little too pathethique maybe - but it was a good video, that explained this development in detail.

>If the chick had no concept of good and evil before eating the fruit, how was she supposed to know that it's wrong to ear the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil?
Just rephrasing:
If the children had no concept of poisons , how was she supposed to know that it's wrong to eat the poison?
>b-but the other guy said it would be cool...

Where can I find more of these cards?

Fair point. But.. are disobedient children not the fault of the parents? Does obedience not need to be instilled? Just look at the kids of overly permissive parents.

You can easily make it Adams fault, too.
Because he didn't stop her.

And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

"Never forget" is a very pharisee-ish phrase

women will always act predictably so it is entirely a mans fault for expecting any variation. This it is the fault of men collectively that women were allowed the privilege they now wield as a cudgel against society. Men need to collectively rise up and put women in their place as is our duty but a host of faggots claiming NEET or MGTOW status have decided to fuck over everyone and just nope out. I'm furious at women and the weak men that enable their degeneracy.

so what do you expect me to do
marry? And then put her in her place?

>Does obedience not need to be instilled?
They were expelled from Heaven. Did they learn from that? I mean did WE learned?
>Just look at the kids of overly permissive parents.
And people are pushing for the end of corporal punishment. And after that the end of emotional punishment. And after that the end of economical punishment. We are running to the edge of the abyss.

keeping women in check is like dealing with animals and children. always be consisten with the treatment and do it everywhere. Not just relationships. But the more you do this the more women will find you attractive. KEEP THEM IN CHECK.
remember: women have nothing of value to offer men apart from their genitals.

giving women any power destroys civilization, it was not the acceptance of faggots.
it all started with female suffrage

>actually believing the bible and literally at that

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Christian theology is dogshit. Women are naturally whores, men need to be men in order to police them.

The Greeks and the Romans had this downpat for thousands of years.


What does it say about man though? Eve was tricked but Adam went right ahead and ate it too. He was ultimately responsible

well said and true
more truth

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It's a parable about agency.

Adam should have beaten the shit out of Eve for disobeying the word of God.

He had plenty of ribs for God to make another woman for him.

>What does it say about man though?
The boludobro said about it:
>women are retarded and dont need to be trusted

I suspect the reason why we are at this stage of history is because keeping women in check is like what is described in the pic

more importantly who wants to be bothered with such a task anyway. It is tiresome, an endless war.

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reminder: adam never asked for any eve, god got fooled by the snake too

women need to be trained up. Yes they do shit tests but it is all at once obvious. Once trained bitches stop themselves from rambling on its lovely

Dog, mans best friend

and arguably more useful than any woman, certainly more loyal. dogs, while not understanding exactly what a man is, appreciates him all the same. Women in the same situation just want to change what a man is and have no appreciation.

it never happens
I remind you that we are at this stage in history, because the woman never tires of her work, and the man grows weaker, weary of his endless struggle with her. So many men today have no time and patience for such things they just go live their lives, and fuck occasionally, because that's what their dicks tell them to do.

The woman always wins in the end.

you dummies know that the bible is not about the true God right?

>fuck occasionally,
thats me. I do it when needed but it doesnt rule me. And I have strict rules that bitches abide by if they want to be around. Do women win in the end by men abstaining? I'm not so sure, but it would be just like a woman to destroy something good and stable on an impulsive and emotional whim

Been a long time since you're reposted this.


We never learn. We literally repeat the same mistakes over and over again. Remember the 2008 housing crisis? We're in a far worse economic situation now because.. we learned nothing.

>We are running to the edge of the abyss
Pretty much. Changes are, we'll be doing a lot of reaping after all this sowing.

Eve is to blame for being an easily seduced idiot, Adam is to blame for listening to Eve instead of God and not giving her a hearty slap for being an idiot.

Such is the price of rebellion.

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So the only way to fix this is to constantly keep women pregnant?

pretty much all theyre good at aside from raising kids. Youve seen the disaster that is women in the workforce

Wow. Who's the artist? Amazing work

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B-but muh masonic amerkike women liberamashion an sheeeiiiitttt!!!

M-m-muh freeeeeeeedumbsss reeeeeeeeeee!



Remphan and the greys are responsible for the ride that had seemed neverending but shall soon end for good

this is Original Sin, God coming out and saying, "look you made a mistake Eve, this was wrong, but I know that something else out there truly gave you this idea, so while we all must now own up and confess you're the one who succumbed and did what was wrong, it's simply not truly your fault, nor is it Adam's, that being said please understand this is about to go 0 to 100 for that golden apple you bit into had knowledge you and Adam just weren't ready to have."

you know what I mean? yeah, she fucking did it, but she's just a thoughtless woman, the true culprit were Remphan and the greys who served under him, altogether a faction that answered to Moloch only.

You guys should read the book of Adam and Eve.

It's insightful.

This is all literal despite some commentators.

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Nu uh, the talking snake was

Post pdf

neat! more!

God created man in his image because he needed someone to witness his glory. God created woman in the image of man because man needed someone to subjugate.

When women rule, society crumbles.

The entire experience of a woman is being a sexual object. You can't build or maintain a soceity based on sexual subjugation.

Through this lens, current events make more sense.

Take the woman pill. They are only good when subjugated, otherwise they are hazardous like a untamed jungle.

Here's a web version: gutenberg.org/files/398/398-h/398-h.htm

>God created man in his image because he needed someone to witness his glory.

But why would god do this? Seems egotistical no?

>Take the woman pill. They are only good when subjugated, otherwise they are hazardous like a untamed jungle.
noted this is solid thinking. women will always without fail try to bring men down to their level. weak men acquiesce

Women are easily controlled. Most women do not continue to fight back after the first hit to the face with a baseball bat.

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>taking a shitty ancient semitic book seriously

God is God, good luck attributing human thoughts and emotions to an almighty and immortal being outside of time itself.

And the only way off the ride is Jesus.

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wtf is wrong with you


>white women

Fixed that for you. The only reason women are such a problem is because of beta white men. No other race has a problem handling their women harshly and keeping them in line. It isn't until the white cucks step in and start interfering do things get out of control. You are all literally male feminists who would happily support the age of consent being at 25. Your stupid animalistic white women should be married by age 12, but you prefer them to sleep with 100 blacks before you wife them up at 35.

lol. Morons.

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>Men need to collectively rise up and put women in their place as is our duty
Men will never collectively go against women, it's not in our nature as we lack in-group preference. Blaming male groups like MGTOW isn't going to help. The best you can hope for is Western men rebuilding once civilization collapses.

>Be god
>Create people who have no understanding of right or wrong, since they would have to eat the fruit of knowledge to gain true self awareness
>Tell them not to eat it
>Punish them for the act they could have not understood

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adam and ever story was about women taking out loans from banks because they expect the man to pay the loan back, with interest.
women should never be allowed near any money, or have any leadership responsibilities.
Women have to go back to being slaves

Enki will punish the sheppards who act like wolves

You're missing the moral of the story. It's just as much Adam's fault because he trusted a woman's judgement.

Its almost like the more women take over and the more freedoms they are giving the more society turns to shit.
Its almost like history show this.



>listening to sand coon fairytales

Women don't have moral agency. It's the responsibility of man to keep women in their place.

>Be God
>Make people
>don't give them concept of good and evil
>tell them not to do bad thing