Age of consent thread

I hate adult women

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Pedophiles are not welcome here

fuck off

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alright then dude start fucking kids and see how far that takes you

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Neckerino your selferino friend

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wrong! we even have a Donald "lolita express" Trump general here

Seek help you perverted mentally ill faggot.

> slide thread

16 is about right. Preferably 18. If you dont see it now, wait till you’re 50 and have daughters.

fuck off pedo

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If it was legal and he was sane, then it would probably lead to a married life.

Age of consent exists because there are a lot of weirdos who will try shit with a kid that they wouldn't try with a grown woman. Either that or they're only attracted to kids, gross.

When I was 13, and a 20 year old I knew told me he'd teach me how to give him a blowjob. I didn't know what it was, I told my mom, and she told the principal who made me feel like I was disgusting. All of my friends turned against me saying he never said that to me, and I was alone for a while until I moved. Another man, the son of the town judge, propositioned me from his truck. I was 14. When I was 15, my sister's boyfriend groped me in front of my sister and boyfriend. It wasn't a fun puberty.

I actually got the most blatant creeping behaviour between the ages of 12 and 14. I had a friend who was very pretty when she was 14/15, but looked about 2 years younger. And that was the age she got the most creeped on.

Age of consent should be 18, and it should even be illegal for people under 18 to have sex with each other. And having sex outside of marriage and having multiple sexual partners should be heavily discouraged, both by government and society as a whole. Deviants like OP are why society is so degenerate today. It's time to say no and return to our Christian roots.

if you date women under the age of 25, you're basically a pedo

anyone who has sex with someone under the age of 25 must hang, anyone who is under 25 having sex must be arrested for social disorder, put into a re-education camp, and then put on a list that tracks mentally ill people for the rest of their lives

anyone who has art of paintings, whose colour configuration depicts someone under the age of 25 in a sexual or nude position must hang

anyone who has pieces of plastic or rubber or latex, whose colour configuration depicts someone under the age of 25 in a sexual or nude position must hang

anyone who has masturbation paraphernalia or toys, must hang, they are unnatural, and degenerate

Blame the men in their lives. Your forefathers allowed women the vote. They allowed the Pill. They allowed the degeneracy to grow and spread. Because the men wanted the same thing as the women---to be completely "free" and irresponsible. And that's what happened. Look at you now. You have all destroyed civilization and can't even recognize that fact. Humans were evolving away from sex with much younger humans, recognizing that delayed sexuality in younger humans meant healthier and happier children and families in the long run. It thousands of years to get to that evolutionary point, and now here we are, regressing, all because you thought you'd get off, literally and figuratively, so much easier. Evolution, progression. Being a pedophile or hebephile is subhuman, subevolutionary, regressive behavior.

And white males think they're smart.

Why tho?
>Age of consent should be 18, and it should even be illegal for people under 18 to have sex with each other.
Why tho?

tits or gtfo

i hate 3d women, lolis included

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Reminder that if you are interested in good girls like this you belong in jail.

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We need more white children. It should be between 16-18.

Because minors don't belong engaging in sex. They belong focusing on school and playing outside. Faggots like you are why teenage girls look like adults instead of the children they are. You perverts have brainwashed our youth into focusing on looks and being sexy instead of being their age. Children belong acting like children, not sex objects. And perverted degenerate scum like you belong swinging from a rope.

Display mammary organs or vacate this thread

>puberty is not a biological indicator for sexual attraction
>it was not commonplace for white Christians to marry and have sex with young girls
>the current age of consent is not a result of post-modern feminism
>God did not impregnate a 13-year-old Mary
>my position is not a result of decades of psychological conditioning

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If you're over 25, agreed. Ideally people would be getting married and making babies by that age.

Pedos get the short rope.

pedo in denial, it should be illegal to be attracted to women under 30

school is where you send girls to learn to become whores like this slut
give your children a classical education so they'll never fall for anything but the best chad's persuasive rhetoric. and they won't be strippers for zog either.

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The real ideal is arranged marriage.
Arranged marriage promotes strong families because trade always maximises wealth for both parties. A family with excess daughters gets wealth to support a bigger family, and the family without mates trade their wealth for generational success.

Age of consent laws are created by roasties and kikes trying to destroy familial success. Young girls between ages 9 and 13 are the most valuable long term asset a family used to have, because they could trade her for a dowry.

Now daughters are just useless baggage on a family, which only extract resources with their mindless consumerism.

I'm 26, gf is 23
Am I ?

wow didn't know there were so much faggots in Canada, I guess memes are true

you could have said 15 and the answer would be no. everyone knows france doesn't count.

Get fucked


Nobody cares slut

>time to rebel against western culture!

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women are mostly used up and quickly approaching the wall by 25, good luck

By your measure then nonwhite males are barely sentient you autistic dumbass

I am fine with age of consent being as lowest at 16 but anything lower than that, you need to kill yourself.

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good luck dodging the rope freak

>>puberty is not a biological indicator for sexual attraction
Puberty does not equal adulthood or sexual maturity. All puberty means is you can get pregnant/stop shooting blanks. Some girls go through puberty and can have kids at 12. Doesn't mean you should start getting with 12 year old kids.
>>it was not commonplace for white Christians to marry and have sex with young girls
Correct, it wasn't. Just like today's age, a select few of the elite got to pay off poor people to take their kids as sex slave. Wasn't okay then, isn't okay now.
>>the current age of consent is not a result of post-modern feminism
It's a result of society maturing and understanding that kids need to be protected, not used for pleasure.
>>God did not impregnate a 13-year-old Mary
God didn't impregnate anyone, you absolute retard. And Mary wasn't a child, she was an adult who was traveling with her fiance. The whole reason it was a miracle is because she was a virgin.
>>my position is not a result of decades of psychological conditioning
Society is pushing for pedosexuality and hypersexuality in general. My views are against the norm. Unironically kill yourself, you worthless degenerate.

Sorry to hear about your bad experince.
I had some young girls walk up to me smiling and giggling asking my age ect.
I didn`t do anything but it felt good to be flirted with even if they where young.

>t. 40 year old virgin that desperately wants a teenage girlfriend but is too disgusting to get anyone
What a loser you are.

No, I'm actually in favor of stronger morals and fixing the schools.

Also when does a person grow from being a minor?
Nature suggests 11-13.

Also, if you have any delusions about the world having once been a purer place, slap yourself a little.
The only times people didn't fuck in any way imaginable were the short periods in our history where social norms got out of control.
People are fucking animals and none of your dumb little idealism is ever gonna change them.

Also, you seem to have the idea that every pedo wants to make kids into living sex dolls.
This puts you on exactly the same levels as the feminists that claim all men are rapists.
You are the same.

Of course there are those retarded fucks that would try this and they deserve the bullet. Fair enough.

But your way is absolutely retarded and it takes into account nothing except your own childish expectations.

okay let me just say that God knows what is on the tip of all of your tongues, please stuff it down until AFTER Armageddon, that is when we can dig this shit back up

there is no fucking point to be worrying about AOC when we are looking into the portal of WW3, but there sure certainly could be after we win

just forget about it for now, it's not important

There are two biologically sound reasons why pedophilia exists.
First, a young girl has the most child bearing years ahead of her, with the least amount of external influence which would make her beholdent to other men or have the agency to cuckhold the man. As she gets older her agency increases and so does the chance for cuckholdry.

Secondly incestuous relations with children ultimately generate loyalty to the father and hence beget loyalty to the family/clan. These incestuous relations reward the father for having children, and thus gives him a drive to continue having them, while at the same time increasing the closeness of the family without the risk of inbreeding due to the children being prepubescent.

>school is where you send girls to learn to become whores like this slut
People need education. People need to know our history and how to read. Even if you are super traditional and want women only in the kitchen, they still need to know math to do measurements and know how to read recipes. The woke response is giving all the kikes and degenerates infiltrating out school system a helicopter ride.

t. 30 year old roastie

reason suggests the age you start looking at girls differently is the age of consent...

teens fucking teens
>no one bats an eye
>make sure to use protection!
>oh they're just 'learning'

adults fucking teens

Makes you think...

>life in the Toronto caliphate

We're not gonna have an apocalypse tho.

Clinton was supposed to be the whore of Babylon and trash the US economy, along with the rest of the country's power in the world.

Then Russia was supposed to invade Israel after they got rid of Putin.

Unfortunately, you can see that enacting prophecies insn't a profitable business.

25 is used up slop

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Consent itself is a spook.
The relative agency and predictive intelligence between many men and women are so vast that it will be impossible to enforce any kind of true consent, since it relies on an unprovable assertion of mutual understand.

Can a 160 IQ individual truly have a consensual relationship with an 80 IQ one?

is the dude in the sunglasses a chad or a virgin?

>Also when does a person grow from being a minor?
>Nature suggests 11-13.
Wrong. Being capable of having children isn't being an adult. Your brain doesn't stop developing until 25.
>Also, if you have any delusions about the world having once been a purer place, slap yourself a little.
Not as pure as what the ideal is, but if you think the Holy Roman empire or the puritanical age if America wasn't many times over mire pure than now, you're retarded.
>People are fucking animals and none of your dumb little idealism is ever gonna change them.
Humans are above animals. We are the only fully sentient species. We need to be better and act above. It's how we got civilization. Not that I expect the gyspie monkeys to understand this.
>Also, you seem to have the idea that every pedo wants to make kids into living sex dolls.
Kids cannot consent. They cannot fully comprehend. There isn't a single minor that can properly choose to be in a relationship, therefore every pedophile relationship is inherently abusive.

>God didn't impregnate anyone, you absolute retard. And Mary wasn't a child, she was an adult
yikes. looks like literally every single legitimate Christian sect hasn't gotten this memo yet

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Good men handle young girls like nuclear waste, while bad people dont. Young girls mature faster than most boys, her hormones will work she becomes in heat, and there's no one but the scum of the earth.
Ive seen it happen when I was young and I think most of us did.
So there is a problem, the scum is on the internet now mostly, hanging around a school or whatever the analog way is an ancient method. Nowadays they can get in touch with all the girls in the world and a predator spots a prey instantly.

is she a virgin?

Hang yourself

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Consent isn't even a good ideal to strive for, as it presupposes the liberal assertion that individual liberty is the greatest ideal rather than the strength and influence of the collective clan.

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chad for walking by


>Secondly incestuous relations with children ultimately generate loyalty to the father and hence beget loyalty to the family/clan. These incestuous relations reward the father for having children, and thus gives him a drive to continue having them, while at the same time increasing the closeness of the family without the risk of inbreeding due to the children being prepubescent.
And this is how you get crooked toothed retards that look like they've been on meth their whole life like the UK. Please go back to living with your kind.

Oh man I miss him.

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under boob you are all now pedos vans on the way

been looking for a dignified portrait-style photo of him so I can hang it on the wall in my office

> Puberty does not equal adulthood or sexual maturity.
> define mature: having reached the most advanced stage in a process
t. doesnt understand the concept of sexual maturity

Well the first one is history, the second... I can't prove either right or wrong. All I can say against it is that it would've led to some children dying, since men long ago were never famous for being gentle.

The simplest way to explain it, though it's a lefty point, is that sexuality is in fact a three way spectrum.

Masculine traits
Feminine traits
Neotenic traits

All humans have various levels of attraction towards all three.

Normies mostly often go for the feminine traits, deviating toward neotenic and even a little masculine.
Fags like masculine and have a larger deviation toward neotenic than normies.
Pedos are at neotenic going for either male or female.
No matter how leftist this sounds, I cannot find a better system.

How old is she?

Nevermind, I don't want to know.

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fuck off nonce boy

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Between the old women and the younger, man will consistently choose the younger.

It would be pretty sad if everyone's sexual parts stopped growing at 13. Asian dicks and mosquito bites for everyone.

Clean your room, bucko!

Such a shame...

So what is bad about pedophilia? I think it's the libertine aspects of it. The kind that can only appear in an individualistic society such as ours. When any man, regardless of his worth can get access to young girl, without even supporting her family or pledging his aligience to the goals of her father. Then all we get is the theft of a families most valuable human resource.

So ultimately we throw the literal baby out with the figurative bathwater. We assertion that all forms of sexual relations with the young are necessarily evil. When it is only true for an individualistic society that does not see women as the rightful property of the father.

I said prepubescent. They can't procreate at this stage.


Only those under 14 remain pure and pristine in our sick kiked society today. Why haven't you taken the loli pill yet, Jow Forums?

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She had breast reduction surgery. That clip is part of her vlog about preparing for it and explaining her reasons.

not handeling a real women who has taken dick calibers every per monthly
muh this point everyone is a parasite

pedophilia is ingrained in evil you wook

it's just not fucking right, it's wrong

tell me how a school of thought that takes it's thinkers to disemboweling children as they rape them shouldn't be exterminated in all it's forms

a young girl is not a victim of pedophile, it's so fucking =/= that all I have to say is how dare you muddy the waters, you're why there will be no talk on lowering AOC for at least 7 fucking years

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