What would George Washington think of these two?
What would George Washington think of these two?
"Why are their outfits so weird? How did they get to be that old? Is that language supposed to be english? What the fuck is that not-candle thing making all that brightness?"
"when did we start allowing jews to hold public offices?"
He'd do a 180 and become a monarchist
This. He would have accepted when they wanted to make him King.
How quickly he could kill them and their “army”
He probably see them as the highly manipulative space lizards they are.
He would pull out a flintlock pistol and execute them
It's not like he ever hated monarchy. Just the way the government, mainly Parliament, handled the Colonies like they were occupied territory, instead of the land of Englishmen.
Also take the purplepill, monarchy is the best form of government.
Thousand times this. I don't remember about Washington, but lots of the founding fathers held nobility in esteem and had an aristocratic view of America.
>A woman and a Jew with dual citizenship
Yeah, don't think he'd be too keen on them.
It is true that most Americans prior to the Revolution admired monarchy because of their cultural and ethnic bonds to Britain and because of the colonies' economically advantageous position within the Empire. But don't doubt the sincerety of their transformation to believing in republican forms of government. Washington, as the first president, made it his mission to become a "republican monarch" of sorts, which meant keeping with the ideologies of representative government but also investing the presidency with the prestige and aesthetic found in monarchies.
We really should have imported a prince. Denmark or the Netherlands would have been good sources.
But at this point people see "democracy" (The poor being led around by shady lobbyists through propaganda and silver-tongued politicians) as central to American identity.
Also we let in too many non-British/non-NWEuropean Protestants.
This country is ruined.
>What would George Washington think of these two?
That's odd there weren't any Jews or Italians last I remember.
Meant as a reply to
He would HATE Drumpf's racism
He would have had them hanged them for treason during the years of the American Revolution.
Their allowing what into our country
Build the fucking wall
He would probably organize a revolt with the average american white or negroe and have these people on a ship across the atlantic or lying in the street. Nothing of these faggy protests or 2a pride marches
Democracy was mistake
He'd literally kill them and every dual citizen anywhere near the federal government. He's also wonder why British intell niggers are assisting a coup.
>to the virtuous and persecuted
Neither of which applies to the majority of Asylum seekers today.
He would have hanged most of congress by now but everyone is too scared of being labeled a terrorist for doing what the constitution literally allows for
I think you mean the Declaration of Independence, which endorses the ideology of rebellion but ONLY IF government has become truly tyrannical to the point of enacting a "long train of abuses and usurpations" against the people. Are you saying that we have reached that point?
You need to careful with the word mankind. Coloreds weren't considered full fledged people when he was saying this. He was referring to Europeans you dumb nigger.
he'd toss them into the Potomac
he would love them
>durhur Washington is gud
no, he was a fucking plantation owner
if you think the founding fathers were any different from the politicians of today you're retarded
"Wow I love these people"
The moment the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929 passed it did.
I must admit, I have never heard of this. I will have to look into it.
Newfags, I tell ya what.
it actually doesn't apply to the wh*teoid trash that support and enable tRump's facism and xenophobia
Probably indifferent given he was a Freemason degenerate.
>How the fuck did all these jews get into positions of governance??
Schumer's wife is hideous.
He would realize how right he was about not allowing political parties
He would retreat until they lost interest... then he’d charge back and take a few useless garrisons and declare victory.
probably his cousin, since jews often merry their cousins.
That they'd make good wind-chimes
>Also take the purplepill, monarchy is the best form of government.
He would of had them sentenced to death by hanging for treason. I would have attended or paid to have been able to watch too.
if any of the founding fathers came today it would be the day of the rope for real
"Who allowed these dirty kikes into my country? ...prepare the gallows, all traitors hang"
Why? Because he didn't do that stale 360° joke?
he would command his niggers to bring him some rope and find a sturdy tree
Usa corrupted and beholden not only to foreign central banks but also to a foreign ethnostate. The total failure of libertarian freedom
All the founding fathers weeping at the state of nuclear weapons and other advanced technology that guarantee the absolute failure of government by and for the people, the rise of "professional" entrenched political class: american noble class declared in all but name
The concept of charity to foreign groups as a globalist indulgence to forgive the sin of never representing the tax payer. Weaponized empathy
He'd vomit at the thought that the federal government has become so powerful and far reaching that 800K people rely on them for a paycheck.
>What would George Washington think of these two?
He'd shoot them for being enemies of liberty. Well, maybe he'd let the sons of liberty ride them around on rails....
yeah europeans, to whatever nation they might belong.
>John, fetch me my dueling pistols
all we wanted was representation in parliament.
if the brits had incorporated us into the UK proper the empire would still exist to this day