
> conservashits

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Never make another thread about this faggot. Keep him irrelevant.

Saged btw

Snark doesn't work anymore.

>He thinks we're mad at an inanimate object

No retard. We're mad at a culture which disparages and denigrates us 24/7.

this, we all know the real person here is Daisy-Chan. Keep that bastard Hogg out

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Look at this non white looking for white appeasement along fascist nazis


Is that pic you?

lol he wasnt even in school when the shooting started taking place.

Yes, here’s my good side

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oh look, it's hogg.
harvard's first ever prospective poli sci major.

Whatcha doing rabbi?

It's kinda funny how someone builds a political carreer from the deaths of people and has literally nothing but one point.

Constitutio in Libertate


whew, this is a big one!

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Literally who?

>Crying about the president for whole day for years
>Crying about inequality
>Frequently attacks media for not portraying strong womyn, people of crime and mentally ill characters
>Wants to ban free speech
>Needs safe space
>Willing to be a cuck to virtue signal
>Is crying about what ancestors did to negroloids

>lol man are triggered by commercial such snowflakes

The absolute state of the SJW mentally ill crowd.

It's kinda funny how David Hogg thinks his 1270 SAT score is worthy of him being in Harvard, when the bottom 25% there have an average SAT score of 1460.

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Well, he's not wrong.

Rabbi tries divide and conquer again.

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Dammit to fucking hell I am sick to death of everyone using strawmans for everything.

>is mad at guns

Critiquing something is different from wanting to ban and hide from something because it hurts your feelings. Why are liberals so fucking stupid they can't even understand the criticisms laid against them?

>this commercial is gay

haha WOW look at the RIGHT WING SJW lmao xdd

I've always found the snowflake and libtard thing pretty gay, but it does seem to get under their skin

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david hogg the dumbest kid in history to go to Harvard everyone
i wonder which perfect SAT chink got das boot to make room for him

This faggot didn't learn to read until he was 12.
Hes dumber than a nigger

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>a targeted screed from a globalist corporation
>a snarky tweet from David Zogg
gee, i don't know which is more persuasive. i'm almost coming over to your side, guys

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