> Americans work more than anyone in the industrialized world.
>More than the English, more than the French, way more than the Germans or Norwegians. Even, recently, more than the Japanese.
>And Americans take less vacation, work longer days, and retire later, too.
Attached: WAGESLAVES 2.jpg (1024x768, 143K)
*a single tear rolls down a boomer's cheek*
Hard work and a free market are what America's all about, I tell you h'what!
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If you don't work, you die. Fact of life.
if you are white and don't work, you die.
Britian is poorer than Mississippi
To whoever wrote the OP picture - KYS.
This is either and extremely disturbing laundry list from a megalomaniac, or brilliant satire.
> Americans work more than anyone in the industrialized world.
That is just the American way for being a cuck.
Do the French even work? I've heard some weird ass communist shit about their laws.