Why do we let pure evil to live on?
Why do we let pure evil to live on?
Because it wears (and depends on) a pretty face.
Evil is subjective, nobody considers themselves evil even while doing evil shit.
Oh I definitely know when I'm doing evil shit
So gun owners should grab baseball bats and start no knock home invasions targeting liberals? These people got banana brains.
I don't know if this is a subtle reverse troll or not.
>be ready to pay the price in blood and treasure
That went to some pirate kinda shit pretty quick
Because you're too much of a pussy to do anything hw*teboiiii
you can just gas them instead of raiding the house
Can confirm, did some evil shit a couple of times and knew it was evil
Im glad criminals stopped killing people in all those gun free countries once the guns were gone. It's not like they've used grenades or industrial trucks as weapons, and knives are harmless.
Seems like a fine, well-adjusted, reasonable fellow who isn't in the least psychotic.
"lets pick up some guns and do away with these gun owners once and for all".
what could possibly go wrong?
I took an evil shit in train station once. Didnt have time to get the lid up. Just waterfalled it over the sides. The cleaner knew evil that day.
>evil is subjective
>Evil is subjective
How's your gender studies degree coming along?
>We need to kill those who have guns
>With guns, of course
Zero introspection here. He perfect describes why we need guns, because it's the people's right to power. Countries aren't made of governments, they're made of people.
Hey it's a retarded, pretentious Christian pretending to be smart to impress other retarded, pretentious Christians so they'll all feel intelligent.
Good is self-evident, not arrived at by "instinct" or whatever garbage this pseudo-intellectual faggot is spewing. It's objective because you can demonstrate it's physical reality and consequences, religitards.
Even more hilarious that the "ultimate foundation" for morality he refers to is a fucking Jewish mythology book full of medieval barbarism and psychotic fairy tales written and assembled by men.
here's hoping this faggot gets mugged and stabbed to death for maximum irony
fuckin lost
The leftoids just want to kill all right wingers , guns are just an excuse . And the left isnt trying to take OUR guns , its a long game . They chip away so that your Grandchildren with have no interest in guns and so wont own any .
>hurr, we'll need to use guns to kill 20 million people so we're gun free
That post is probably a Jow Forums shitpost account
If you don't like Americans being allowed to own guns you should move the fuck out of America.