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This guy didnt read any of the actual evidence and is going off of what an author, who in turn, hasnt seem the actual evidence and thinks Trump is some based on a lawyer who is paid to lie for a profession....and you believe him. Congrats op you're retarded.
nice try GOP shill
Lmao he linked chunk yogurt citing buzzfeed. Well done sir.
not an argument
Cenk is a hero and his efforts in moralizing the troops will be appreciated one day. Fuck anyone who claims to be a lefty but puts down the young turks.
Can't wait to watch this fat fuck lose his shit again like he did on Election Night 2020.
BTFO Water Buffalo
Until he offends somebodies sensibilities and he ends up consumed by the left, you know it always happens in an outrage culture, and then he will be tossed under the bus.
im a Chunk fan now. this guy keeps it real, always 100%, makes the most convincing arguments in alternative media. love it. im signing up to the TYT mug club after work today
its nothing
>mug club
that's some cringey crowder shit
Smug Cenc ... Thinks he's Stalin.
Smiling Anna ... Knows he's actually Trotsky.
>confidential sources
Your "news" is a danger to the country and should be banned, if not hung from the top of the tallest tree for treason. How's that for an argument, you communist shitstain?
lmao trump admin officials aren't even denying it
Wingnuts about to make Mike Pence, who would be eligible to be elected for two full terms of his own, President for the next two years of Trump's term.
Me too, I watch the longer vids of him on election night just to revel in his greatness.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Kevin Corke, @FoxNews “Don’t forget, Michael Cohen has already been convicted of perjury and fraud, and as recently as this week, the Wall Street Journal has suggested that he may have stolen tens of thousands of dollars....” Lying to reduce his jail time! Watch father-in-law!
7:02 AM - 18 Jan 2019
18 U.S.C. § 1505: "Whoever ... endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede ... the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House" is guilty of a felony.
Reminder to everyone that witness intimidation for Congressional hearings is what started Nixon's impeachment process. Trump does this almost daily now, including in the tweet above. If you don't see this, you are in denial.
you now cenks been a little retarded for a little while now, but even i'm kind of surprised that he's falling for the ''drumpf is done for'' meme. See you in 2020, who the fuck would impeach him?
>Reminder to everyone that witness intimidation for Congressional hearings is what started Nixon's impeachment process.
And Clinton's
The House, it has a Dem majority.
But impeachment is not removal -- impeachment sends the case to the Senate for a trial of the charges. The GOP has the majority there -- and it takes more than a majority to remove a President, which requires a 2/3 vote. 66 Senators would have to vote to impeach, the Dems have 45, there are two independents. They'd get all of those probably, but they need a lot of Republican defectors to remove him.
Meanwhile, they need to consider the Clinton example carefully -- his poll numbers ROSE upon beating the impeachment rap, and he was able to lead his party to INCREASE their seats in congress in a midterm year, which is very rare.
The Mueller investigation was meant to find evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians TO INTERFERE WITH THE 2016 ELECTION. This main allegation can't be proven so the focus is now on trying to snare Trump into a perjury trap if he ever agrees to testify - which he will NEVER do. Clinton actually committed perjury and the Congress couldn't get rid of him. The same will happen to Trump. In fact, I would go further and say that Trump will win re-election in 2020 as the Democrats start to fracture and the antisemitic side of the progressive wing comes to surface. In your attempt to destroy the president by any means necessary - you lost faith in the system and that lack of faith will only lead to your continued downfall.
Who cares about the clintons.?
I didnt know people still got news from water buffalo
>The Mueller investigation was meant to find evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians TO INTERFERE WITH THE 2016 ELECTION. This main allegation can't be proven
the investigation isn't over you infantile retard, the special counsel has made no statement on trump's collusion or election interference at all. jesus christ.
The fact that Mike Pence was nominated to his position under the direction of Manafort though makes the entire thing hinky.
Like the slimiest person throughout all this has to be Manafort.
Bill Clinton got impeached, that's why it's pertinent here.
I don't care. I want him to shoot you on 5th Ave. ALL capital shooting sympathizing liberals must die. Fuck you school shooters to death. Why are you posting here? Don't you have any Americans to kill using illegal immigrants?
The investigation will never be over, you fucking vulture cunt. Because it's a witch hunt to destabilise the executive branch of government.
Fuck off and KILL YOURSELF.
HAHAHA you leftist faggots better hope it's not "Over" if you go after Trump for anything other than your imaginary Russian bullshit, with absolute proof of something substantial directly to it.
Anything else to "gotcha" Trump is lighting the wick on this country.
>Because it's a witch hunt to destabilise the executive branch of government.
Fucking Australians, even moot couldn't stand you shits.
Trump directed Cohen to lie to congress under oath. The first article of impeachment against Nixon was obstruction of justice by directing others to lie.
Oh, sorry, I forgot only "alternative facts" are acceptable.
LOL. These faggots can't help themselves to leak how many diet coke Trump drinks and you expect them to have collusion in the waiting. How much of an AIDS ridden faggot are you?
Yep, they were all up in arms about 'two scoops' of ice cream. This administration leaks like a sieve, if there were actual collusion they would have had hard irrefutable evidence before he was even sworn in
you have your buttplug in way too deep conservacuck
They didn't denie or confirm obviously.
At least according to the fat turk I just watch rambling and calling it "analysing"
And the word of a proven liar is gospel now ? Fuck off ya cherry picking seppo cunt
Inb4 faggot emu aids etc
Obviously the clintons do..........
who hired a slimy creep like manafort anyway?
nice try shill