
Why everybody here hate black people?

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We have to live with them

usually niggers themselves just make it easier to hate them

There are good and bad black people the same way there are good and bad black people. But because of where they live most of the people on Jow Forums only interact with bad black people, and because those are the only interactions they have they believe all black people are bad.

>There are good and bad black people the same way there are good and bad black people.

Show us where all the "Good Black People" are that everyone seems to live far away from? I'll wait


I really dont
I just prefer them in Africa or America

They're smelly and they kill people

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>black people
No such thing

Stupid. Violent. Criminal.

die newfag

> Africa
But Africa is a shithole

Even niggers hate niggers. That’s why they’re always killing them.

White people kill people and can smell bad too

They're way more smelly and they kill way more people.

Because they are afraid of them

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I don't care about niggers but I believe pol about them. I come to warn of the scourge that is spics but pol is already 1/3 spic so they don't listen.

I don't think you get it OP

Do bad people make a place a shithole or do shitholes make bad people?

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Then we should take to prision the bad niggers so they don’t kill the good nigger?

Because we haven't been murdered by them yet.

because the color of the skin very plainly reveals their lack of civilization. the white niggers are much more pain in the ass to detect, catalog and discuss about.

Are you bearophobic if you don't want a brown bear rooting around in your garbage user or is it just a stupid nuisance? You're the ones who say white people are evil but then refuse to leave our evil lands back to Wakanda.

You have obviously never interacted with large amounts of black people. They are really unpleasant.

generally you have to work harder in some capacity when they are around you. ask any waiter or tradesman

can you fuck off with the fucking shit fucking slide threads? this is literally at least the 20th fucking HUR LUR Y U HATE NIGGER threads today

I don't hate black people. I don't hate anybody, really.

Im just not a fan of niggers.

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>There are good and bad black people
Sure but like 90% are bad

South Africa, under the government of a white minority, built first world cities and even went on to developed nuclear power and weapons, with some help from the US, as a staunch anticommunist ally.

People make nations, not natural resources or muh values.

Don't be fooled. There definitely can exist a based black man. Albeit rare.

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Europe for Europrans
America for Niggers

they were brought of the shithole warzone that is africa and still cry when they are treated as citizens in the us and can't believe they are arrested or shot when they rob a gas station or rush down a cop

These are mutually exclusive.

I don't, really. I just hate entitled crybabies and criminals. A lot of those falling in to either category have dark skin. I hate the ones with light skin too, and every shade in between.

Stereotypes are a quick-reference for life. Until proven otherwise, everyone is their stereotype. That's the default, and the majority of the time it works. Sorry.

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Because the BLACK man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity. White men envy black men their virility and their inherent masculinity. Some of them crave the big black cock themselves.

Let's start by looking at black man's body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of africa, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The BLACK man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(ʷʰ*ᵀᵉ dogs)

The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The BLACK penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the BLACK man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent african seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the BLACK man impregnates.

In total, the BLACK man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the BLACK man is the epitome of masculinity.

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Woah woah, we don't hate black people.
We hate anyone who's uppity and with a criminal record, we're all tax payers here.
Look, why not put on a green mask and be anonymous, stick around.
This board has a lot to offer for everyone, just realize half the posts here are copypastas or variants of, or shills who don't have your best interests in mind, white or black. Don't reply to those threads, and if you do, make sure to sage them so it doesn't move up to the front page.
Have a good day

I dont hate black people at all, black people have become brits and they are sound and that's the reality.

Things might be different in other countries but black-british is just British in my book and I would defend black-British people to the death, they are my countrymen.

The Islamic lot are a different story.

shoot the wacists

hi, Olisadebe

>There are good and bad black people the same way there are good and bad black people.

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> the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood

So what's the ultimate symbol then?

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This is correct. It's like the whole world has to stop what's it doing for 20,000 years until you evolve.

I'll answer your question with a question:

why is "nigger" considered the most insulting word in the english language?

Hi there

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criminally underrated


oh my what an unfortunate predicament!

hot off the presses

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Because they're niggers

As a whole I think statistics speak for themselves.

Individually I usually just use judgement you can spot a nigger form a mile away. The smell the obnoxiousness the demeanor and behavior. There are good black people out there. Just use judgement and never relax cause you never know

You fuckers need to be nice to niggers. Remember that diversity is our strength.

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Because it's the most reasonable, natural thing to do. A better question is this: why would anyone NOT hate niggers?

here you go

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Niggers have to go back to Africa. The chinks are building Africa from the ground up and its not a fucking desert anymore. Please go back or you will be the next in the upcoming race war.

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because they are humans afflicted by a condition imposed on them by their Jewish lordship

95% are bad, really bad. If that number was like 10-20%, we could all live with it, but it's not.

Low IQ, violent, criminal-prone, low education, low empathy, little to no altruism, tendency to take advantage of others, constantly complaining, compulsive liars (din do nuffin), and I could go on. All of this is measurable too, it's not an opinion. You should ask why anyone likes to live next to them.

This retarded post shows us that spain should’ve continued to be ruled by muslims

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People hate black people everywhere whether they admit it or not.

They have to be agents trying to divide us. I love black people in general.

Your focus determines your reality.

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I’ve seen the good and bad in niggers. I’ve interacted with blacks from well off parts of town and I’ve interacted with blacks from very poor economic parts of town. Most were from bad part of town. Spoke Ebonics was dumber on average more degenerate. They didn’t pay much in taxes some of them were a major nuisance in the school system. They were sometimes violent and would usually be in larger groups. The blacks from the rich part of town were most ostracized from the ghetto nigs. But the richer blacks would sometimes suck. It was kinda 50/50 some just acted white and were the token black. While others were vocal about (((social justice))). Out of the ghetto nigs I became cool with them. You just couldn’t show weakness and had to stand up for yourself. Some of them are cool I became good friends with a handful. The poor blacks ive encountered are almost never uppity it’s the rich sjw blacks I can’t stand. The poor blacks are just overall are more predatory and are more likely to be involved in criminal behavior they look for weakness in people. But the most cool red pilled blacks I’ve met were from humble beginnings. Around blacks don’t show weakness and be on your toes. They respect people who show strength and are less likely to give you any problems if you project confidence

cause niggers ruined the country

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>Why everybody here hate black people?
Jealousy, obviously. It's emotionally taxing to live with a micropenis.

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>the civnat lolbergs
Go and say that sentence to your "black man" fucking retard

Apartheid was the best damn thing that happened to the shitskins. Once it was abolished, SA became a crime ridden garbage heap

Fag detected

Why are white boys so jelly these days?

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>black people
no such thing. you mean spaniards?

Because they don't contribute anything of value to society and leach of the system like parasites they are. Then come cucks like you saying oh look, here's an example of your personal penis envy, yeah stop projecting. There are plenty of animals that are more muscular and bigger than humans, are you also envious of them?

Whew lad

Because of the simple fact that:


Why are australian shitposters so low effort these days?

Dumb white people hate black people.
Dumb black people hate white people.
Smart white people don't hate people.
Smart black people don't hate people.

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We don't.

This story gets better every time i read it

>Smart black people
user, I...

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Crime rates and average negative statistics heavily outweigh all other race statistics

This. Proximity to nogs breeds racism. I thought they were normal people until I left Vermont and started traveling. I was dangerously naive.

>brain doesn't perform basic function of pattern recognition
At least you "intellectual" retards are literal faggots, complete losers, kill yourselves or otherwise don't breed for the most part

Dutchnigger, black people hate black people the most. Dumb black people hate smart black people. Smart black people hate dumb black people. Niggers hate niggers.

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I don't I just don't want to be around them

We don't really hate you, niggers. We're just trying to be edgy and shocking.


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well we seem to be stuck in a time loop so it's the 80s again & racism is back in black (not that it ever left it just went quiet like Oasis in the 2000s)

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Speak for yourself.
It's a general waste of time dealing with them.
See: literally any 'humanitarian' effort in Africa.

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i don't hate black people, i just hate crime.
if blacks had comparable crime rates to whites i would not see them as any different than white people

Speak the fucking truth user!

this, nobody remembers good or neutral interactions but bad interactions create very strong memories and emotions.
all it takes is one mugging to make a person hate black people.
funny enough the anti-white blacks hate whites for the same reason.
"one bad apple spoils the bunch"

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>b8, the thread
and nu/pol/ swallows it like a somali cock.

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to reduce the issue to simple intelligence is an ad hominem strategy, and it belittles the suffering of those who have been wronged by members of other races.

You ever met one?

it's a legitimate question.
why do you hate blacks user?

who said I do?

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I actually met a nice black guy today. Just luck of the draw I guess.

what is happening here
