If multiculturalism doesn't work, how does Jow Forums explain Los Angeles? The LA region has a similar population to the Kansai region of Japan (Osaka-Kyoto), but a much larger GDP, even though Kansai is basically an ethnostate, and the LA region is only about 1/3rd white. Jow Forums has absolutely no explanation for this.
If multiculturalism doesn't work, how does Jow Forums explain Los Angeles...
What's the poverty rate in LA?
Economic prosperity =/= spiritual prosperity. LA is a shithole and everyone there is miserable and drugged out.
LA is a shithole. I know because I live here.
In case of Los Angeles. What happened first. Multiculturalism or prosperity?
If LA wasnt in america(the most influential and powerful nation on earth) it would probably be no different from central america
>why does the biggest port in the US affect the local GDP?
You’re an idiot.
>highest pollution rate
>highest homeless rate
>one of the lowest paid wage cities in America
Yeah user. Multi-CULTuralism totally works, doesn't it?
I was Born in LA. Shit sucks, too many bums, trash everywhere, it fucking smells, too many niggers, spics, chinks, and poos. There is too much traffic, no one knows how to drive, hardly any parking. Rent is expensive, EVERYTHING is expensive. Please tell me how multiculturalism works user.
white people