Army Corp of engineers incoming
Army Corp of engineers incoming
Wyatt Jenkins
Other urls found in this thread:
Parker Watson
First for happening
>army to build wall
>all democrats arrested for coup
>American empire declared
Kek let it be
Bentley Hall
t. increasingly delusional idiot
Logan Green
we'll see, won't we
Asher Garcia
you shillcucks have 0 selfawareness dont you?
Zachary Collins
David Sullivan
We've seen dozens of times and you still have hope.
Holy fuck how is it possible for an adult human to be this gullible.
David Brooks
Isn't tomorrow day 30 of the shutdown? RIF announcements and state of emergency.
Kayden Brown
She's going to hang and you'll be next to her
Michael Mitchell
A rare Saturday announcement! Please be the declaration of a National Emergency. The political theater needs to end, and action needs to be taken.