"You're Not Productive Enough!" How Do You Deal With This?

I know 3 people that are constantly told by management that they are not doing enough, they're numbers are down, and that they need to do more even though its not humanly possible in an 8-10 hour day. One of them is a fucking teacher who already goes out of his way for his students and its still not enough.

Why the Fuck are all work places like this and how do we stop this? Its fucking ridiculous. I'm thinking we should incorporate some sort of Humanity Office in all businesses and corporations to police this bullshit, its fucking insane. A Humanity Officer would basically lay out to all managers/mgt that you are not allowed to fuck people like this

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>they're numbers

kill yourself

They know by stressing you out (very bad for your health) they can get more work out of you

Clearly those people need to focus on the numbers and not 'going out of his way for his students'. There are clearly measured metrics and if you do things which aren't involved in those then you perceived productivity goes down.

Unironically in the eyes of their boss THEY ARE JUST NUMBERS

Simple, who are the bosses? management. Give uncle Jow Forums some food to eat.

Long term productivity will suffer if your employees are always stressed out. Stress might be good in a pinch, but any organization who uses it consistently isn't an organization that lasts long.

You must feel like a real faggot now.

>They know by stressing you out (very bad for your health) they can get more work out of you
How the fuck is this even legal? Its 2019 and we live in a PC, SJW, Safe Space culture where every Nog and trann freaks out if you're even white skinned or look at them wrong

just pretend you look busy

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Cant people start suing their work places for causing this kind of stress? Im sure jewish lawyers would eat this shit up

Our societies are based on pushing people as far as they can be pushed to extract as much profit from them as possible. This means reducing their cost by getting them to live in little boxes and eat tofu, and increase their revenue by making them work like robots.


I just got an award today for my impact to a major fortune 100 company. Today I shook hands with a manufacturing leader who manages 1500 people and he thanked me for the help in digitalizing their plant. Tomorrow I fly first class back home, all paid for by the company. I’ve been here under a year. I’m straight out of college. I’m the first college grad in my family. I learned how to work harder than everybody else. Maybe the people you talk to are just lazy.

A faggot with no self awareness

>One of them is a fucking teacher who already goes out of his way for his students and its still not enough.
Guaranteed this piece of shit 'public servant' is a lazy goon

there's nothing you can do

either they are posturing to get more out of you - and you can willingly give them more

or you really can't do more - if they're only posturing, then nothing will happen. if they're not, you'll be replaced

They just replace them once they burn out.

why would i feel like a faggot though?

Why wouldn't you just find a job that doesn't put you through this kind of stress? Corporations know that stressed employees are less productive. It's mostly the middle manager's ineptitude that causes stress.

If you are useful, you get used.

>I learned how to work harder than everybody else.

Measured metrics are typically set by administrators who haven't set foot in the work environment in years, if they ever did, and consequentially have no real idea what constitutes success. I don't care if you're in healthcare, education, software, fucking retail, this is an iron law of 21st century managerialism.

And then you woke up and realised you were a student larping on the Internet.

Thats true. In place like fast food, they'll just replace them. In industries like finance, the burn rate is pretty high too, but they expect newcomers to get experience and move on. The trick is to get experience and credentials that make it hard to be replaced.

Oh? Alright. Do you have any suggestions what steps could be improved?

Doesn't matter. If you want to be the god of the workplace then you have to play whatever game they make for you. If you get 5 points for signing in 5 minutes early then you sign in 5 minutes early.

Companies go out of their way to make sure their non-inner circle employees are replaceable.

seething emu

>Why wouldn't you just find a job that doesn't put you through this kind of stress? Corporations know that stressed employees are less productive. It's mostly the middle manager's ineptitude that causes stress.
I am not the one in a stressful job. Myself I'm a welder and have an awesome workplace that even provides beers on Saturdays and we grill. Its the people around me, family, friends, gf's and so on. Even if they leave, someone else will be in that position getting fucked by middle management constantly stressing and making people live in fear. I want to start some sort of movement against this, like a Humanity Department which keeps management in check and sides with the Employees (since H.R. sides with the Company)

Or maybe we can have a thread analysing and critiquing the culture of the workplace which doesn't turn into a pissing contest where we all compete to be more cynical and savvy than each other by going "that's reality so deal with it"
How about that?

you're a faggot for letting a mispelllling bother you. I bet if anything is out of place in you're homme you start getting panick attacks and should KYS asap

>work at CVS
>literally every weekly goal is not reachable because we aren't given enough time
>stupid boss always stressing out even though we get stuff done, but just not on schedule
>pharmacy is overwhelmed but company does nothing to attract more pharm techs (pay is shit).
>Instead, the company just churns through pharmacists and techs and nothing changes.

OP said:
>constantly told by management that they are not doing enough.
>not humanly possible in an 8-10 hour day.
and my reply indicated that it was indeed possible as long as you cut the fluff out of your work. You have to do your job how they want you to do it not how you think it should be done.
There are too many people nowadays who think the world revolves around them and that they can do whatever they feel like as long as it somewhat aligns with the job description. That's not what you are being paid for.

Its not about working the hardest, its about making sure you have a balance of working hard and and being treated with respect and like a Human instead of a fucking robot asked to do twice as much as you humanly can.

Worked IT. Covered Help Desk with 3 others. Butted heads with some but was always polite, honest and correct. We were already short handed so I know I've gotten more done than 3 years prior. Review came up with boss and HR.
>"Ohhh your metrics numbers are down"
>"Your not putting 100% into it"
>"Seems there were some complaints you werent a team player with other departments"
>"Raise will only be 1% this year, you need to do better"
I was absolutely pissed.
Me: "I quit"
Boss: "Wait, no you dont need to.."
Me: "No, I do. You think I am worth 1%, then you guys can find someone better."
HR: "We didnt mean for you to feel you have to quit. What if we go over this again"
Me: "No, I am done. You have straight up insulted me and treated me like garbage instead of a worker doing his best for the company."
Me: "I am going home for today, you have my personal email and phone number. I wont be coming back."
>For a month they made some offers to get me back but I had a new job in 2 weeks at higher pay. Felt good.

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>Measured metrics are typically set by administrators who haven't set foot in the work environment in years
Fucking this right here, nail on the head. How the fuck is the allowed to continue and its 2019? They then expect people to perform 100% based on numbers someone fudged just to get into management years ago, and now everyone is help to numbers which are unattainable so they get fired and replaced, (rinse and repeat ad infinitum) thinking the people are the problem but its the metrics and management thats the problem

This is what I did...I worked for a large corporation while in uni. The hired a group of 25 with good work conditions (no weekends, free cellphone usage, company car, health plan, etc) At some point they decided we were not productive enough...this raised a red flag as their new standards were unobtainable.

I came up with a plan....I let them demean me, tell me I was not doing enough ...but I recorded that shit without them knowing.
When they started chopping people, I had an Oscar moment, I pretended like I snapped....I took my computer and smashed it to the ground...went to the parking lot and drove to the ER...waited to be seen by a doctor

Made the doctor listen to the "tapes", told her I was thinking "dark things" and basically got her to send me to a psychiatrist.

My health insurance kicked in....as both doctor and psychiatrist were appalled by the treatment I had suffered. I took the prescription given to me by my (((psychiatrist)))...got it filled at the pharmacy but ditched the pills (according to the label) into the garbage...I knew what my psychiatrist wanted to hear during our monthly meetings.....doing better...no side effects...still feeling like shit.

during that time I was paid, went a full year being paid while I made my move to start a company with my buddy....I never appeared on the paperwork until my last day of paid leave was over...I then called in and quit.

use the fucking system

Companies and corporations only care about the bottom line. Even if your direct superior is a decent guy and tries to help you out. To the guy above him your just numbers on a spreadsheet. Tell em to get into a trade union. As long as your not a nigger it's a great route. No corporate bending you over and fucking you raw and you have at least a modicum of respect and power over yourself as a contractor

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I grew up poor in a military family and realized that a few extra hours every day can pay off exponentially. Everyday after classes I went home and learned real skills to provide value. It was a very delayed input/output response in the amount of work to the benefits received, but it’s finally paid off. Most people fizzle out if they can’t find instant gratification in whatever they spend their time in. Never stop grinding user! There is much opportunity in the world.

>Oh? Alright. Do you have any suggestions what steps could be improved?
Yes a 3rd party humanity department that talks to and sides with the employees so the workers have rights and can stay sane and are not pushed via unattainable goals and threatened.

That’s fair. My life does not currently have much balance right now. But my quality of life is much better than it previously was. You win some, you lose some.

yes and a department that judges what is happening based on fairness and humanity would put this to an end and call it out. Eventually a universal set of values would be created after a few years and would become law across the U.S.

>being told "not productive enough"
Already spotted the LARP. The only thing teachers are expected to be "productive" for is pushing unqualified kids into the next grade so that the schools keep getting more government gibs. It's why almost half of the niggers who graduate are still reading at a 5th grade level, because schools are factories for gibs, not places where you are actually educated.

>you're not productive enough

this is far too general of a statement and quasi-abusive, because it's an impossible goal to surpass. Instead, ask for SPECIFIC directions of what they want from you.

yeah. that didnt make much sense.

Teaching is the one place where you can totally avoid stressful demands outside of 3-5 grade and high school math classes. The only stressed out teachers outside of that are the ones that actually care.

>The only stressed out teachers outside of that are the ones that actually care.
Exactly, and there aren't a whole lot of them left out there these days.

Lol it sn’t about working harder it’s about your charisma in the work space. I work in gay office buildings and the people who get paid the most/do less work just talk their way up with the superviser,managers, and bosses.


Nah management does this shit all the time
>back when i was 18 i worked in retail packing shelves
>mate gotta pack FASTER, need to pack atleast 70 cartons per hour (just over 1 carton per minute)
>this is fine for maybe drinks but when stuff is everywhere in an aisle it gets near impossible to do 50 an hour let alone 70
>also face up the store, crush cardboard garbage, building up giant displays and throwing up stock is included in that time
>always behind schedule because its fucking impossible
>management would just give warnings then fire people to fire new ones then fire them 3 months later.
>finally new manager comes in
>he finds out previous manager been stealing for 2 years
>also work load was impossible so increased budget for more staff and helps out from time to time
>gets promoted
>new manager comes in
>same shit happens
>quit and go to uni

You've come to Jow Forums where everyone here hates gays but would gladly suck a CEO or cop's cock. Any level of authority and Jow Forums will gladly turn over and spread their cheeks, yet you're getting sympathy here. You know Trump doesn't give a shit about worker rights and has only made sure corporations make more while wages for the middle class continue to stagnate, right? This is y'all's mudbath, swim in it.

>I'm thinking we should incorporate some sort of Humanity Office
So, Comrade Party Officer Chang, you think it's the Government's duty to tell you when you should tell your boss to shove it up his ass?
Damn boot lickers.

this is 100% bayst god

Welcome to the real world son. Its called productivity. Have you ever seen someone who has worked in one of those positions for 15 years? They are walking corpses. A lot of careers in the USA will suck the soul right out of you, and many will gladly accept this for $50,000 a year maybe a little more. People in their mid 30s that look 50+, hair falling out or gone, dead look in their eyes, need pills to function everyday and boat loads of coffee, then more pills to go to sleep. That is the world you live in.

why not start some sort of organizations to fight back against this dehumanization and make it spread country wide. Its perfect in an era of Pound Me Too, SJW's, Snowflake'ism

the trick is to not be American serial killer Ted Bianchi. Don't over play it.
The psychiatrists expects to see you aloof, not dramatic as the months go by. Act like an NPC, show no emotion but pretend like you are getting better.

"I go for walks in the park sometimes" after 3 months
"I started eating normally again" after 4 months
"I started writing again/playing music" after 6 months

...lose the "dark thoughts" after 2 or 3 months...show some "encouragement" progressively...but always act emotionless.

avoid any talk of sex or sexual desire..the anti-depressants should make you limp like a cuck.


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I pulled it off...you can too, see my other post.
Remember to not over act...act aloof as fuck and never say more than you must.

NEVER show emotion...they will goad you or ask for a blood test/piss test if they suspect you aren't taking your meds.

Be fucking dramatic for the doctor in the ER...

Sad commie retard detected. Gibs will be cut off for you soon enough! Better get ready to "seize the means" from mom & dad's pantry before you starve to death.

It works so well a buddy of mine did it while working at Bell LOL

>I know 3 people that are constantly told by management that they are not doing enough, they're numbers are down, and that they need to do more even though its not humanly possible in an 8-10 hour day.
They are numbers are down, I think you mean their numbers are down.
Sorry highschool was hard while you were stoned.

Fuck off commie scum

Based huemonkey sieging the system

I'm afraid I'm a psychopath and would have to kill my boss.

You find a better job elsewhere. Why would you torture yourself and stick around otherwise.

You can unionize, but you will probably lose your jobs.

So true

I knew their new standards were bullshit, unobtainable.
ex: a 200% fold sales increase in a recession (2007-2008)
they wanted to replace us with third party cunts (and they did).

These third party people got none of the perks we had.
Fuck the system

because that is the only way you can run a large business, by the numbers. this is especially important in sales. First prize is a cadillac. Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're fired.

Management makes up their own language and context just like sjws.

Because you're replaceable.

>mfw just telling b0ss to go fuck herself when she says work faster
>all she can do is cry to HR
>HR won't do shit because they only turn up to collect a fat paycheck for doing nothing
>going out drinking with company owner and laughing about the useless women he has to quota hire

feels good not being american. my work flow is fixed to a robot and it operates at a set speed that wont change no matter how much a woman moans.

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Here's the problem:

Jews who run the companies want more money. What is a easy way to save money? have less workers. But they were already at the minimum to meet quotas because every other jew had the same idea. so they fire people and now they are making less profit. clearly the undersized and overworked workers are to blame for this, replace them with new ones.

you deal with this with one simple step
gas the jews

wtf does trump have to do with this? Its been like this since the 70's/80's. There are articles showing Dark Ages fucking serfs worked less hours than Americans


no you dont get it. Its a office that listens to and sides with the employee. So if some fuck nut is telling his workers they need to pack 70 boxes an hour, they test if this is possible and if the workers can do it and are okay doing this number.

You should. But all you fagots think your soo fabulous.

Because they aren’t actually generating value - they are doing useless busy work

If you don’t want this, do something that actually creates value for people - if I quit my job my managers would lose far more than they pay me

Lol, I work in IT for state government. People think I'm great and I never have really pushed myself whatsoever. Expectations are so low you stand out for just being consistent.

Intern based consultant companies lol.

Managers are useless. They are what Evola referered to as the bourgoise, they are spineless cowwards of the third estate.

I am a manager, and we have employees who are legit lazy as fuck, or unproductive retards. So many workplace laws makes it impossible to fire them.
It adds more stress on MY plate, and MY superiors don't want to hear about how I couldn't get my tards to work, they just want results. Which means I donate alot of my own time.

Compare that to legitimately good employees, of which I have a handful. Give them some general instructions for the day, and they barely require follow up. Surprise surprise, they're all young, white males.

what I noticed is that its relatively easier these days to "work hard" than it is many decades ago. There are so many protections these days up, so much law, but beyond law...the people have degenerated by a fuckton. Stress levels have increased, testosterone levels decreased, sleep patterns gotten worse...mostly thanks to poor physical health. Not because of work becoming harder.

The flip side of it all is that even the managers are now lazy and kinda shitty like that. Everyone has degenerated to some extent. Most humans operate at like 30% of their grandfathers, peak performance.

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how does one get hired here?

I miss those times when offices looked like that and people wore ties to work.
Now all new offices want to look like pic related.

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Unironically based

You don't need a humanity department, just start your own company. You're free to employ all the lazy shitheads you want.

Welcome to the XXI century

yeah but what about people who legit work hard and its still never fucking enough

>its not humanly possible in an 8-10 hour day
Take a detailed and truthful inventory of how you spend your time during the average work day. An audit. Keep in mind it must be 100% accurate. Then you'll see how much productive time you waste

>Why the Fuck are all work places like this and how do we stop this?

They're all like this because we live in a materialistic, narcissistic culture motivated primarily by profit and secondarily by the desire to avoid responsibility.

How we stop it is by entirely re-orienting our values. And probably removing the corporation as a legal structure.

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there is no justice for many anons who are genuinely working to their best ability and its still not enough and they are just a fucking number

>How we stop it is by entirely re-orienting our values. And probably removing the corporation as a legal structure.
I 100% support this but when and how is this going to happen?

This sounds like a fair argument. People in HR/customer service/teaching/and shit aren't actively making money. Ofc management wants more results, and those people are expected to do more and more, they're a net loss for the company. I've never been told I need to do more because of how fucking much money I'm making for the company. Just for me to be at a site is a couple hundred per hour plus parts and materials, I make $20/hr off that. That being said, I do think most corporate employees are over worked and under appreciated.
Never work anywhere that you don't frequently interact with the *owner*. Good or bad, you'll be treated exactly how you deserve to be treated.

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This, fuck niggers.

They need to write an email every time this happens and ask for an explanation of how they are being unproductive and what they can do to rectify their employers concerns.
Sounds gay but
1 if there is no reasonable complaint that is reasonable when put in writing against the employee it is out right harassment.
2 if there is no method provided in writing of actually improving this claimed unproductivity it is harassment.
3 if either of points 1 or 2 cannot be provided in writing it is harassment and the employee should lodge a complaint with their employers HR person. This puts the stress back onto the whinging boss which is a great laugh for the employee and laughter is good for reducing stress. It also puts the whinging boss on thin ice with HR because this stuff in writing is how lawsuits get won.
Fun fact. Many large businesses that have their own in house computer network use "web crawlers" to ensure that lower level managers do not leave the company open to lawsuits by committing stupid shit in writing. Many managers do not comply with company policies and the company will turn on them the second that they are called out in emails and the response looks like an easy win for a law suit.
Always send a copy of emails to your personal computer as companies can delete any thing on their own system.
t. former union delegate.

They do it because they can. I used to stock groceries overnight at a supermarket. We got a new manager who always found something to yell at us about but his biggest complaint was we stocked too slow. One day he hung up a huge poster in the backroom with our names and the different aisles of the store in a grid. Goals were shown for number of items stocked per hour for each aisle (some aisle are faster to stock than others). Turned out we were all performing over the company standards. After three weeks the chart was mysteriously missing when we came in to work one night and the manager never mentioned it again. Didn't stop him from complaining about our work habits. Some people just have unreasonable demands and end up surprised those they push around leave for other jobs.

How come you have so many friends that are underperformers? You should get some more competent friends.

Employment is an exchange. You trade your time and/or expertise for compensation. If either party doesn't feel like they're getting enough out of the deal it's their prerogative to end it.

P.S. I've had to deal with underperforming employees before. Telling them they're underperforming and giving them the opportunity to improve is a courtesy. Management could have just fired them.

Usually it's the white folk that they pull this sort of shit with.