How much would a wall like this cost? Seems pretty good desu

How much would a wall like this cost? Seems pretty good desu

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100-200 bil

A lot

>patrol passage
better known as viva la sniped


Did you ever see the extended directors cut of Aliens with the robotic machine guns? That's what we need along the entire border. Just with a whole lot more ammo.

It would be cheaper to tell the Border Patrol Agents to shoot the illegal aliens, and pay for their lawyers and shit in order to get out of jail and repeat the operation

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>$5bn 2000 mile long border wall
>50 foot ladder from any hardware store
Who would win

The top is stupid and the corridor unnecessary but the below ground piles are interesting. I think a double steel barrier is the best, it allows the wildlife to pass through but keeps the animals out.

Let me rephare it

Shoot, throw the human to the other side of the fence, and then get out of jail

That way, there won't be a need to pay for anything for that death illegal

Shift the upper catwalk to the US side so you can shoot down the face of the wall

Ok, now carry two 50 foot ladders all the way across the desert.

The Predator drone dispatched to remove said ladder and occupants.

would be cheaper to just have 24/7 drones and dirt roads cleared to intercept crossers

still need a wall in some places though, but nothing that complex, just something to slow people down and bottleneck the flow of people towards areas with better surveillance

Landmines are cheaper desu, and once a few go off they'll get the message to GTFO.

Attached: BorderSecurity.jpg (710x410, 55K)

Cheaper to have a wall with surveillance and dispatch drones as needed than 24/7 drone surveillance. Shit's not autonomous.

>Shit's not autonomous.
could be though

Fully autonomous drones is going to open a can of worms nobody wants to open.

>How much would a wall like this cost?

It would be free if Trump made Mexico pay for it LIKE HE PROMISED A THOUSAND FUCKING TIMES!!!
...lying orange faggot...

open cans, not borders

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They mostly worked for best Korea, we should defo push for that

Drones are already controversial as is, if you make them autonomous, we're in killbot territory.
While that may sound a bit cool at first, I for one do not welcome our new Skynet overlord. Nor would any international treaty.

at the very least we should put the signs up

This is a waste of money. Why don't you just build a fence, Goy?

Attached: fence.jpg (1600x1067, 502K)

This again. Show me a 50' ladder from "any hardware store" nigger.
We'll wait.

This is what I’m always trying to say to my boomer dad. We don’t need a wall at all. What we need is sharks with freakin lasers!

I'm not talking about armed drones
more like drones with IR cameras and police lights to spook the spics

Then you just need the drones, no wall.

Do you really think that'd work? You're gonna need more than a fireworks display to stop people.

>24/7 drone surveillance
>Each operated by a team of 2.
So much for slimming down the government, huh?

how much would this wall cost?

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drones can track them until border patrol is able to intercept them

police lights was more a joke, I don't know if it would be better if they knew they were being tracked and about to be apprehended by border patrol

Really unnecessary to have a fucking tunnel for border patrol. And platforms would only be useful at sporadic intervals, if at all.

Yeah but how many shit heads would die falling off of that wall through?

somebody send this to kushner right now

Would have to check in with the Great Old Ones and hear what they would demand in wages.

You got a lot of fucking border. A wall with cameras and infrastructure for them safely inside the wall is the best and simplest solution.

we should just dig a really deep pit

We have HEL, now retard. When an invader is detected, the energy can be beamed from space to a turret which then disintegrates said invader faster than you can say "Open borders".

grappling hook would probably beat it.

Fuck man. I remember that thread when these drawings just got out of control and people kept one-upping each other like kids

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Looks pretty wholesome. I'm sure itll be even better if you added mounted radars/guns every dozen miles or so.

It looks like it will cost a lot. Easily over 100 bil.

I did the math for concrete costs. Doubled price for concrete because government is known for overspending on crap.

Added labor price too for concrete contractors(all info pulled from google)

Times labor from how many people you will have working this project also by how long itll take to build then add that with the concrete cost. That'll pay for about a good chunk of this wall idea. I got the width from eyeballing it. Didnt add the other things.

You are looking at easily over a trillion dollars for this wall. Probably will be more than 5 if I have to guess off the top of my head

>You got a lot of fucking border. A wall
that's the problem
we do need walls in places, but as a way to create choke points, and the gaps need an efficient method of surveillance (IR drones that track crossers and relay that info to border patrol on the ground)

it wouldn't be 100% effective, but it would 90% more effective than what we have now

Yeah it needs to be curved on that side. The design is lame overall.

My picture didnt come out reeeee

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Meant for

I'd like to see you carry a 50 foot ladder through the desert.

More than you’ll get.

People have been security fortresses with walls for thousands of years. Anyone who doesn't understand how this works already is a total fricken retard.

too fucking expensive

You dumb fucks.

There is a resource that is real fucking cheap to keep them out.

It's called Fear.

US - Mexico border is almost 2000 miles long. 500 men each placed 4 miles apart with sniper rifles. Hell, give each of them a spotter, too.

The stories spread through Mexico of every beaner who tries, gets his leg blown off and left for buzzards.

More fear, fewer attempts.

Total cost per year ≈ 8 million USD

A far cry short of however many billions for a wall.

>50 foot ladder
Does Jose want to snap his spine clean in half? Because this is how you snap your spine clean in half.

Yeah. We also have a Blackhawk variant that can lay hundreds of anti-personnel mines at a time so we have the technology already.

Not enough depth of pylons + internal tunnel is useless, just make it thicker and add a slide-rail for nv/termal vision cameras to roll of automatic patrols along the upper patrol route, add acoustic seismodetectors at the bottom of the pylons so you can hear someone digging underneath

just imagine the headlines ...

Just run them over

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scales are of like shit

what about a pit of acid?

Nothing will ever work to stop immigration so we might as well not do anything

Also medicine doesn’t work bc youll still die

Place about 200 of these to patrol the border, outfitted with pic related.

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1. pay border agents more and give them better equipment.
2. make drugs legal
3. get rid of all incentives that people have to not be citizens first. including punishment and heavy taxes towards employers who hire illegals.

there, better and cheaper than a wall.

>builds a road for Palestinians
>autistic screeching ensues

6000000 Jewish foreskin a day for 1000 years.

people here still think they are even going to do that

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lol do trumptards still think they're getting their useless symbolic wall?

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Do you need the "symbolic" wall around your country, Moshe? Mr. Kikelstein, tear down this wall.

add a minefield infront of it and it looks good

Nothing to the American budget

>How much would a wall like this cost?
I dunno
but I would approve this

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suck it

Attached: 50ft ladder off amazon.jpg (521x447, 57K)

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>carrying a 50ft ladder across the desert
>women and children climbing it
>most obese population on earth
imagine having either a double digit IQ or the level of tactical nihilism required to preach that MEXICANS have this much agency

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uh-oh, someone's telling porkies

>12.5 foot

There are only 13 rungs on that ladder. For it to be 50 foot tall each run would be almost 4ft apart.

Amazon really has everything you need though

2000x autosentries every 1km loaded with 7.7mm ammo

exactly, pic related. 300 lbs of ladders that cost $1600 and you don't think they would be deterred?

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Just lay a fucking minefield, holy fuck.

I remember it, too! The drawing that previous user posted made me laugh so hard that a kidney stone that was stuck in one of my ureter finally moved, after weeks of immobility, and I finally got rid of it.
Thank you, you magnificent bastards.
Never change.

I've been trying to meme this for a year. It's not taking off. It's starting to piss me off.

>50 foot ladder with 13 rungs


why not drop them as soon as u cross? why bring them with you to LA?

Also, dont forget about drones with lasers....

If it was patrolled enough that it could not be defeated, the wall itself would be superfluous, and the manpower alone would be enough.
But of course I actually applied critical thought to this situation, which is a big nono on nupol

It's easier to transport that way bruh

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Huge wall does seem a little strange honestly. You still need people to watch over it after it is built. Why don't they just expand border patrol personal, funding and equipment by 10x? 20x? 30x? 40x?

You probably would not need this wall if you just open up more jobs and get more boots on the ground.

The problem with border security that relies on manpower is that funding is dependent upon the administration in charge. Consider that Obongo had CBP agents handing out water to the fucking wetbacks as an example.

This is why we need a wall, something that will remain standing regardless of the political whims of some random future administration.

>50' ladder
>Doesn't understand what a 50' extension ladder would even begin to cost
>Can't fathom to the weight of such a ladder since he's a faggot
>Doesn't know you would need 2 ladders, and the capability to hoist the second ladder up the first

Jesus user, you couldn't be anymore of a limp wristed niggerfaggot.

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the ladder can hold 300 pounds, its not a 300 pound ladder you absolute knuckledragger

Clearly not 50 foot. Each of those later steps would be nearly 4 feet. A common later is like 1 foot per step.

Freshly mowed "mine field"
>try harder

look at her little pet nigger ahahahaha

Home depot has one for the low price of 800 dollars.

>wall goes up
>a few super-stealth mexicans make it over every year rather than the thousands just walking across right now
>"checkmate drumptards wall doesn't work"

I'm still upset nobody likes my idea of harvesting organs from illegals as punishment. If they come back, we take another organ until they stop coming back. It works great for China. How many people do you see trying to get into China illegally?

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this wall would be fucking amazing but it's too much. it'd cost 10x as much.

>look on the horizon over the border wall
>see pic related being pushed towards the border
>hear tiny brown voices chanting viva la mexico! in the distance

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Man the trebuchets.

How’d you get to that #?

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>those giant rollers from takashis castle with spikes aren't immune to nuclear mines