Remember yesterday Jow Forums? Remember when you thought he actually done for?
Have more faith. It's been years of constant investigation and nothing has come up from it concerning Trump. They're just getting more desperate as his second term draws closer.
You said it was over
I wish I had a cute gf like Sachiko. My life would be so much better and I'd never have to be lonely again. Being a 27 year old virgin fucking sucks.
Just go to a brothel?
I've never lost faith. Trump doesn't lose, just like how leftists never win.
It's under
He said a cute gf you fucking nigger, not some washed up cum bucket
He complained about being a virgin, no German has to be a virgin because we've got the best prostitution industry on the planet.
You know, finding the very idea of sex disgusting might be part of why girls don't care for you.
He also complained about being lonely, which would just be made worse by sticking his dick in a disgusting money whore instead of seeking an healthy relationship
I believe the two of you are massively homosexual. Maybe you should hook up.
Imagine losing an arguments so much that you start calling the other party a faggot. And here I thought I came to Jow Forums, not a fucking toddler playground
Legal prostitution is a fact you'll have to deal with in the future. You may also want to consider not calling people disgusting just because they fuck.
>He thinks taking in cocks for money doesn't make you a disgusting impure skank
I'm not talking about being disgusting physically here user
Everything is physical, m8
Indeed, but you're purposely missing my point here. Though they may appear identical on the outside, sex with a whore can never replace sex with a true romantic partner
What about having sex with both a whore and your romantic partner?
those were shills and kike jannies user
Anyone that lost faith because of a BuzzFeed article didn't have faith to begin with.
But what would be the point? If your romantic partner is so unfulfilling that you resort to sleeping on the side, perhaps you should reconsider why you're even in a romantic relationship in the first place
>But what would be the point?
Orgasm. Also, threesomes (and orgies) can be extremely romantic under certain conditions. Particularly when everyone knows each other and jealousy is forbidden.
I see. I assumed you meant cheating. In that case, it really comes down to a difference in values. I know, I would be sickened by myself in such a situation, but good for you if such a relationship would be fulfilling
That picture is so good.
We are strong beyond your wildest expectation. We memed ourself stronger during the utter darkness of the Obama years. We knew instantly that the false flag mohammed videos were a cover up for a deep state attack on the consulate in benghazi. We cannot be swayed by these ant-like information creeps. We simply chose to ignore them, newfags think they are us. Newfags need to lurk moar
Fucking die degenerate sicko! Modern germans are such horrible people! All the good ones left!
>waa waa sex is evil
No it's not
>sex doesnt have consequences
It's free for anyone to pursue as they see fit.
'Everyone just do whatever you feel like' is not how a functional society works. You're basically letting people stumble blindly into wounds they can't ever heal with that kind of talk.
It works in Germany, and Germany > all
>it works in germany
>eating up Nazi propaganda just because you're scared of vaginas
Do not mistake our disgust with fear.
I don't understand. Who are you quoting?
Who else here trolls libtards eryday while blazing and watching cute anime girls do cute things?
Do you really believe we would ever change just to accomodate you? You're nothing.
Nah, that would be wholly out of character for Germany.
I'm glad you're acknowledging that. We owe you nothing. We'll also reshape your country in our image.
Is this before or after you're a Caliphate?
>b-but muh refugee
In horror, the AmeriMutt grasps at the only straw in its arsenal.
Okay. But that isn't an argument.