It's time to start calling whites Aryans

Referring to ourselves as white is a cultureless term created by the kikes to remove our history, start referring to our race as the Aryan race instead of the "white race."

And yes, Hitler considered all native Europeans Aryans.

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Hotpants werden feucht, komm und kauf was von mir

Iranians and north Indians are Aryans, too.

Und sucht hier einer Streit, werden Highkicks verteilt

this could send the jew into a rage

>so its a good idea then

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I've decided long ago to call dumb people idiots Mr.56%.
pure aryan

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We deserve to call ourselves Aryans when we stop being such slaves to the Jews again -- when we've returned to our greatness as masters.

Denn der Macker lässt es rattern wie 'ne Tec
Nehm' die Kasse und bin weg, meine Kosten sind gedeckt


That's kinda corny tbqh

Just use the term "European".
Otherwise, you will have to include North Indians, Pakis and Iranians.

do you have any idea how cringey that is.

Attached: 1547151944929.jpg (1920x2560, 2.15M)

literally border with turkey

mr 2% genetic european

Attached: 53ba2d4a4eafb.png (1200x720, 333K)

I'm not Aryan, though. I have brown hair and brown eyes.

Attached: Results.png (425x512, 21K)

Setz dich

Don't fall for the Jewish memes and propaganda. You don't need to have blonde hair and blue eyes to be Aryan. Just White.

White enough? Don't laugh about my DYEL gains :(

Attached: 2019-01-13 00.05.04.jpg (3264x1836, 2.01M)

Maybe they sabotaged your genetics? Kind of suspect that 1% is in there, I've never tooken a DNA test but my mom is Czech and my Father is German, Im only second generation American.

This is not good, this will hurt jews feelings.

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Aryan refers to pre-Iranians of steppe descent, not Europeans, who also have steppe descent

Yes don't fall for the meme

I know they did that on purpose. I took a second test with a different company and it came out like this.

Attached: Results3.png (1365x987, 352K)

Yes, you are White, Norwegianfren. Ignore the supposed

Honestly with that much greek/italian you probably can't classify yourself as strictly white. I'd say more brown than anything, more of a shitskin type.

do people actually take these tests seriously? I figured they just made most of the shit up based on your region and the boxes you checked when you sent the shit in.

people usually sit down when they're on their computers, unless phoneposting but thats not the case in 4:40 am. Dicke Schwein, du musst mein arschlock schlecken, während Ich in deine mund schißen macht. Verstehe ? Scheiße in dein mund !

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((Them)) again, we can't even take a DNA test without their nose in our buisness, you are Aryan fren and so are many other Europeans the kikes lied and teach in America that only Germans were considered Aryan to make us abandon the historical term but as I said Hitler viewed all Europeans as Aryans.

You're not aryan though.

ch brauch' Hunderter Batzen, Klunker um'n Nacken
Deine Leute sind stumm, wenn wir in 'n Bunker reinplatzen

I took 'em because I was curious. Prior to that I had been to a huge get-together with all of my known, living relatives and it struck a cord with me.
I begun doing research about my heritage and at the end of what I could find (mid- to late 1700s) I wanted to either confirm or deny my family tree based on DNA.

I kind of expected them to either throw in some Jew or nigger in the test, so I wasn't that surprised :)

Attached: Serbroachtryingtospeakgerman.jpg (1159x215, 30K)

Im a second generation American, my parents are straight off the boat from Europe, dad German, mother Czech, does being in the American landmass suddenly make me non white?

>tfw 3/4 aryan
no problemo
Hitler also considered michlings to be a-ok

Attached: nuremberg-race-laws-chart-in-english-chart-ver-2.jpg (1537x1083, 402K)

Meine Leitung abgehört, Handy seit Tagen besetzt
Ich bin im Ghetto hängengeblieben wie ein Basketballnetz

>I took 'em because I was curious. Prior to that I had been to a huge get-together with all of my known, living relatives and it struck a cord with me.
I begun doing research about my heritage and at the end of what I could find (mid- to late 1700s) I wanted to either confirm or deny my family tree based on DNA.
So you fell for the meme? You know they sell and record your "DNA results" to various organizations?

Lol @ giving a norwegian 40% british ancestry.

American genetic tests ar such a joke.

Im sure they add negro and native to Americans who take tests, Abbo to Aussies and Asian and Jew to Europeans who take the test, sneaky bastards.

Probably, yeah, but I don't mind. I took the test under a false name and address, so even if they have the DNA they have nothing to link it to.

Wir drücken Kilos weg und ficken eure Frauen
Die Jungs pushen Kapseln, weil Kunden wollen Nasen

Hitlerstein is a fucking meme .. Aryan are from Caucasus Aryan are Asian from Caucasus

Attached: Kate-Rothchild.jpg (903x1440, 335K)

Jew Genetic tests*

Garuntee a Jew created the test and non Aryans can't be American

how'd they send you the results back?

gsus ?


You get a notification through email that your results are available online (through an account on either or


Is Trump aryan aswell Jow Forums?
>pic related

Attached: blondehairblueyedaryan.jpg (3000x1680, 313K)

Irish aren’t white let alone aryan

Caucasian from Caucasus ..

Attached: Caucasus_regions_map (2).png (450x363, 142K)

Aryan are Indo-Iranian

Attached: Indo Iranian.png (500x267, 146K)


He's Scottish and German so technically yes

Trump would be such a stud if he just got a different haircut and grew a beard.

Attached: image.png (702x525, 634K)

YOU are a mutt from no were and a race traitor you only kill your own kind since your inception in 1776 you are a disgrace to humanity .. you not Aryan and you not Caucasian you a degenerate mutt

Attached: mutt.jpg (500x373, 15K)

Been doing this for awhile desu

Interesting to see this. Don't see many tests from norway. Interesting to see 39% GB. NW euros confirmed for kindred peoples.

>It's time to call white people a bullshit term that includes certain sandniggers and street shitters.

The GB thing is unlikely, but I guess I can't rule it out completely. My grandmother on my father's side grew up on the Western coast of Norway and had lived there for generations. I could see people from GB somehow shipping over to get some sweet Norwegian puss.

He needs the Roosevelt look

Attached: DYASPXcVwAEE6oa.jpg (469x619, 39K)

Vikings brought more than just goods back with them from their various raids and trades. Why the fuck do you think we're inundated with gingers to this very day?

That's where the spaceships came down you dumb Norwegian.
The shitskins are not Aryans.

Fuck off pathetic Leaf your the most insignificant group of people on Earth and you will always be looked at as a 51st state

Man, I wish Teddy was still alive.

living in israel?

Trell, motherfucker. Ever heard of that term?

what ever you said Moshe Shekelstein

Aye, but that doesn't fit with the timeline I was presented with. If we were talking about the year 600-1100, then sure. But according to the DNA tests it was early 1700 that the GB DNA got introduced.

Nein, das stimmt nicht

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A) Probably fake
B) If true, ever heard of niggers and spics?

And they came to that conclusion how? Did they dig up your ancestors and do a good old fashion cotton swabbing?

Those tests are usually biased to showing "british ancestry" if you haven't noticed.

They basically clustered everything in western europe around "britain" as if they raided us and not the other way around.

Wir patrouillieren Wien bei Nacht

I really don't know the details, bro. All I know is that they test your DNA against a certain sample size, and then map it based on how alike it is. Anything else is just Jewish voodoo.

What do you mean?
Hitler shouldn't have an issue with a zionist state
You're just ignorant tho. I am European, deal with it. Actual Jews have curly brown hair, brown eyes and a hook nose.

Eternal Anglo

Hard to say really. I've seen some of the netherlanders post tests with GB results as well.

Bei uns keine Moves, alles gerade
Qualitativ ist die Mannschaft

Aryan and Caucasian are the one you want to genocide to replace them with Wahhabi best "allies" cause you are retarded oblivious disposable tool .. and a race traitor slave ..

Attached: bolton sodomite.jpg (440x220, 25K)

Truth is the vikings took back slaves and like every other slave owner ever, they fucked them.

It's bullshit is what it is. My mothers side does also have lots of UK DNA in it and that family hails from some fucking lost valley in the middle of fucking nowhere.
We were never invaded by any englishmen, so I'm fairly sure where that DNA came from.

I'll take it. There really isn't a sure way of knowing these things. Even with larger sample sizes it's an educated guess at best.

German DNA and other stuff can be explained with Hanseatic league here on the west coast. England was never part of that though. Of course there would be the odd traders, but not to the extent these DNA tests seem to show.

have a good day Moshe Shekelstein

Attached: wahhabi.jpg (720x480, 95K)

inb4 Amerimutts pedaling their 82% Bantu nigger offspring with “ARYAN BROTHERHOOD” plaster on t shirts and hats

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my maternal grandmother was born in Chicago to two recent immigrants from Sweden.
DNA test says I'm 89.9% British.
Could be biased/inaccurate results, but it's fun to think about why I might have higher than expected British ancestry.

Attached: FamilyAncestry.png (1517x1908, 409K)

Aryan pouahahahahha what a fucking joke ..

Attached: heather.jpg (640x702, 73K)

No doubt. They even made a specific video about a german american discovering that he isn't german. Not even alittle bit. Those tests are highly suspect.

>It's bullshit is what it is. My mothers side does also have lots of UK DNA in it and that family hails from some fucking lost valley in the middle of fucking nowhere.
We were never invaded by any englishmen, so I'm fairly sure where that DNA came from.

No surprise. Not in the least.

Sweden spreading its legs for everyone and their dog isn't a new phenomenon.

Good lineage

Attached: 076234B6-9B31-483C-88F6-1AE12B48465B.jpg (750x928, 186K)

The entire ordeal made me think that either my family tree has some serious flaws, or that it was way more common to have out-of-marriage sex that ended with kids than I would ever have imagined.

That's interesting. I'll give it a watch.

Attached: Ervin Kohn.jpg (710x1988, 559K)

>two recent immigrants from Sweden.
DNA test says I'm 89.9% British.

Lol. Those tests are laughable british nonsense at this point.

2 different dna tests (23andme, AncestryDNA) gave me two diff results. Vastly different, to the point where I don’t believe either.

No. Kike jews can make all the phony categories on DNA test they want, but they are not white/european/aryan. They are not descended from celtics, germanics, baltics, slavic, gallics, romans, grecos, etc. Any of the white tribes. Jews are strangers and aliens in white lands. If you were of any of those tribes, then you are not a jew, just a LARPing treacherous faggot that picked the adversary's side. Fuck you cock suckers. That's just the way it is. NO euro/white/aryan lineage for you.

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It's just a commercial. But from all the tests I have seen online it is obvious they are biased against non-british ancestry. It's like britain is the center of the genetic world or somehting. Laughable.

>Hmm, this guy... Paulson? Sounds English.
>Let's just mark him up as British and call it a day.
>Thanks for the free bux, goyim!

The Semetic race isn’t Caucasian, infact I dare to suggest we are at war. The semetic race and all her allies.

Well, the British Commonwealth was pretty expansive, so.. I don't know, man, it's obviously inflated, but to that large a degree? What would they have to gain by doing it?

Why is Sweden so terrible and obsessed with Somali cock?

Lol basically. Hopefully I’ve saved 2 lurkers from an expensive error.

But I'm sure he would have problems with Europeans living in a Jewish state, what do you think?

I like it. My fatherline is Celtic.
I guess it's something that will be answered sooner or later with more data. But obviously there's a lot of historical interplay between Scandinavia and the British Isles.

Attached: Fatherline-Y-DNA.png (1544x1899, 1.48M)

Sweden has been competing with us about who's the most humanitarian since Alfred Nobel cucked them and gave our government the responsibility of handing out his legacy.