Defend this flag from the jannies

Defend this flag from the jannies,-3627

Attached: flag.png (1411x818, 144K)

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All done!

Attached: 1547866234407.png (1411x818, 71K)

can someone get the top left most pixel, I can't click on it.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-18 pixelzone io.png (192x200, 1K)

fake news

Attached: swas4.png (1600x960, 147K)

get tampermonkey, then open this link and hit install for zone minimap:
it shows the plan so you know whether or not you're fucking it up

The vilify both

Attached: rising_sun.jpg (1920x1080, 665K)

I fuck the enemy in their assholes

are you winng son?

Attached: 1544890549647.jpg (450x405, 68K)

I am shitting all over Greek shits