Why is this house so cheap? the place does not seem abandoned

Why is this house so cheap? the place does not seem abandoned.


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Location, location, location.

Even I can afford this.

The trick is that you have to pay back all the back taxes on the abandoned house.

if a group of wealthy investors want to buy up these cheap crack dens they could easily do so

you can create a viable white community if you wanted....why hasn't anyone looked into it?

>needs complete rehab.
user it's in the heart of darkness, the copper has been ripped out, crack heads have been squatting in it, and Tyrone and the boys have shit in every room. It's a liability more than a house.

I do not think that all Detroit is abandoned,

Correctly, I understand that the debt is not announced?

Look whats down the street.
Nobody want to live around niggers. You will be in a shit school district so unless you have cash to pony up for a private school you kids are gonna get bullied or raped.
>Year Built 1923
>Described as fixer-upper
It probably needs thousands in renovations. Could have foundation problems, Possible lead paint and asbestos. These homes sure look nice but they are a fucking nightmare because nobody(no nigger) did maintenance for 30+ years

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I do not think that Detroit will be abandoned forever, someday life will return there.

I did not understand your analogies, it is difficult to translate, I'm sorry. You want to say that the negros are vandalis in this house?

time to move

probably have to pay a shitload of backtaxes

Its being gentrified like every other city.
Districts with decent schools have people that come and buy up all the houses and turn them into gated neighborhoods or, in the city centers, nice apartment buildings.
Most of the monkeys living there rent or squat in the houses. So raising the rent and kicking them out isn't that difficult.

It is a pity, do negros have so much power over you that they can dictate their will, and there is no solution.
I heard that the Italian mafia was able to drive out the blacks from Queens.

This too.
Chicago sells the houses really cheap but values the land really high. So you're gonna be paying tax on a 150-200k house instead of the 50k house that you bought.

The reinforced front door made out of rolled steel and painted brown to look like wood is a nice touch.

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Look at the steps leading to the door, then notice the orange barrier and plywood to the right. Then also notice that it's in FUCKING DETROIT. You want nothing to do with that house. Or that city. Or that state.

Blacks are fucking animals mate, and they are tribal and racist as hell. They fucking hate white people, If you move in they will think you have money. Your house will get broken into. If your kids go to a black school they will get bullied if they are male and constantly secually harassed if they are female. The girl can't walk home or she will probably get raped.

Seriously the only solution to keep niggers in line is routine lynchings like the south did. Even then the monkeys have such low impulse control they still caused trouble.

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Insurance is insane in Detroit.

He's saying the wiring has probably been stripped out and sold for crack, the house has probably had a lot of homeless drug addicts living in it illegally (because it's in a negro-dominated shitty and dangerous area)

Are you saying this being a cat or as a person?

There may be back taxes or Lorna on the home. Also Detroit.

The democrats and their slaves really fucked up the place.

>front door light fixtures gone
>gutters gone
It's been hit by copper scavengers.

The plumbing and wiring are probably a mess and you'd need to spend a hundred grand or more to fix it up..

do you enjoy fearing for your life very time you walk out the door?
If so then enjoy detroit

Fuck that.
We need to import Russian alcoholics in large numbers to Detroit and give them all free guns.
They would be capable of killing off the niggers and then we'd only have to deal with Russians.

>why is this housw surrounded by niggers so cheap?
Really Roosya?

This is now a nigger hate thread.

Nigger killed a 12y.o. boy with a blowtorch.

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It is a very pity, I hope you will solve this problem someday.

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Let me explain the situation in terms you understand. Imagine living on the first floor of a commiblock with the entire flight being gypsies, and the apartment was owned by the gypsies family before that.

You will get killed at night there alone. You won't even be able to renovate, because the niggers will steal everything every night.

How it's done. You buy an entire block and gate it. Don't buy a standalone house around niggers. You will not live to see an area gentrified.

There is only one solution.

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Detroit niggers are like the nuclear bomb of niggers. No sane person would move there.

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I will need a scooby snack to solve that mystery.

coincidentally there is a liquor store :)

Haunted by the ghost nigga.

a family was murdered there and their ghosts haunt the place.
that or it was a meth lab

Detroit has some really shitty taxes. Some ambitious people did try to get belle island turned a hong kong but people larped as if they cared about that gay ass park.

The areas around it are some of the whitest in country. there is no reason to move inside the city. All land in the area can be built on.

If you go deep into the history, IT was poles who fought the nogs in the streets in detroit 100 person brawls.

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my dad bought a nice looking house like the one on the left and had it broken down piece by piece and shipped here to Texas to be reconstructed. It's almost impossible to find the old growth lumber and masonry work some of those houses

You made me cry, did you achieve this?

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When they finish Detroit, then go to Livonia, this is the law of the locust

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>my dad bought a nice looking house like the one on the left and had it broken down piece by piece and shipped here to Texas to be reconstructed. It's almost impossible to find the old growth lumber and masonry work some of those houses
your dad fell for a meme, should've just hired the best tradesmen.
What did it cost him anyway?

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the closest school has a 1/10 rating and its own Pepsi pedo

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across the street is more depressing

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The media tells me I have a patriotic duty to make Russians cry, but I'm not sure it's really the right thing to do.

I too, saw the Grand Tour season opener

He doesn't know the white michigander uses advanced tactics of zoning and ordinances to keep nigs out.
>no poorfag apartments
>You have to cut your grass or pay someone
>property taxes
>purposely do not fund public trans
>lots of cops
>can call cops for loud music, or suspicious people walking in neighborhood. quick response
>housing not cheap

The only way they can get in is if the feds drop a fucking section 8 HUD development.

It's actually not that cheap, that house is what's referred to as a "shell" you're more or less buying the lot and instead of going through hoops to pull permits for a new home you just have to renovate which has less overhead. depending on finishing quality you got bare bones minimum 75k to put into that house.

less than 10 years

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I grew up in one of Detroit's wealthier suburbs that was right next to a ghetto black neighborhood. The police would just camp out right on the border all day, their neighborhoods are treated like containment zones. They get away with shit inside them, it's somewhat lawless, while the taxpayers are protected.

Between that and the gas station next door, it's sure to be nonstop 24/7 Nignogging.



I live in detroit, literal white male here

Its not about the construction, its about the materials. Old growth timber is fucking impossible to find nowadays. I know a guy that makes 6 figures taking the lumber from old barns and turning it into furniture.

The worst part about all of this, is that you can tell it used to be a really nice white neighborhood. Look at the architecture of that school.

If you want actual wood finishing inside your home even getting someone with the skills to recreate the woodwork it takes decades for most species to fully age and take on their matured tones. You also need a finish carpenter that knows how to mix their own stain the old way as well, because off the shelf modern stain is colorfast and so protective because it's designed to keep your woodwork looking the same as the day you put it in and prevents it from aging from light and air.

>do negros have so much power over you that they can dictate their will

No it is the (((establishment))) who prevents us from dealing with the problem. We fought a war over it in the 1860s and had more political upheaval over the issue in the 1960s. The bad guys won these battles, so the only recourse whites had left was to flee to the suburbs.

Why can't Jow Forums just buy up all the houses in Detroit and take back our once great city?

No, but there may be no utilities. The inside may look like this video
Your shit will get stolen and broken into.
Your insurance rates will be ridiculously high for home and auto.
And to top it off, someone might drop a boat on your front lawn in the middle of the night.

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wtf dude is u on krocodil

Some hipsters are rolling up their sleeves and fixing up small parts of some neighborhoods, but sadly the current wildlife is such that it resists any improvement on their surroundings.

>Cadilacs and lincolns.
I'll forever be amazed as to how they manage it. Some buyherepayhere makes several times the value of the car just by selling it and repossessing it.

>Why is this house so cheap?
the foundation is fucked and will cost at least 50k to fix
the whole thing is contaminated with lead and asbestos that will cost at least 50k to fix

probably other shit too.


>Its not about the construction, its about the materials. Old growth timber is fucking impossible to find nowadays. I know a guy that makes 6 figures taking the lumber from old barns and turning it into furniture.
>Old growth timber is fucking impossible to find nowadays.
still a meme, you can find slow growing softwoods and mill the wood yourself.

I've worked in houses and I guarantee you the contractor was putting new materials into the rebuild because what else you you going to do when the old thing comes out a 1/2'' short or the fucking apprentice fucked it up?

How old are you? 100,000 is not a lot when you're running a business. People are mostly paying for the rustic, aged look, sometimes the hand-hew look when it comes to old barn wood.

>If you want actual wood finishing inside your home even getting someone with the skills to recreate the woodwork it takes decades for most species to fully age and take on their matured tones. You also need a finish carpenter that knows how to mix their own stain the old way as well, because off the shelf modern stain is colorfast and so protective because it's designed to keep your woodwork looking the same as the day you put it in and prevents it from aging from light and air.

Have you ever removed old moulding and tried to reapply it? If you even fucked up one piece the tone would be off when you replaced it with a new one.

Finish carpentry has very tight tolerances. It was originally put on over a plaster wall. Now image removing the molding from a room, removing all the old plasterwork, saving the 2x4s, rebuilding the entire house, room, plasterwork. Do you think the room will have the same dimensions once it's all done? No it's not, therefore you can't use the old molding, you have to either salvage what was left and pay a fuck-ton to remake new molding based on the old stuff or just totally start again from new material

Will likely need to replace the electrical and plumbing along with heat and hot water(you can skip the AC and just deal with window units), bay window is fucked which is why it has a sheet of plexi glass on it and there's definitely some roof damage from lack on maintenance at this point.

Jesus, the actual house on the end got up and moved away!

It's in Detroit, Rusbro. That's the only thing you should need to figure out why it's so cheap. Niggers.

Those are new windows, the rest is shite mate

the crazy part is this neighborhood is a 10 minute drive from a huge GM assembly plant and 15 to downtown

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You're never rebuilding the house from scratch, when you're salvage millwork it's almost always from a larger older home and being applied to a smaller newer home. The millwork from a den will be used in a much smaller study for example.

You’re asking a Russian, a literal white nigger, if enjoys fearing for his life every time he walks out the door? Motherfucker, he is the one making sure other whites have that problem.

that looks like a single sheet of plastic warp across all those front windows. The way the reflection is bowed out. I dunno.

negros are African American, also known as black skin.

Detroit was a beauty when it was majority white...sad to see these houses in an utter shit state of repair.

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just use the google street view and head down the street towards the citco
once you are there do a 360
that's why it's so cheap


Threadly reminder that a discord exists solely for the purpose of shitposting on Jow Forums, with specific targeting towards /ptg/ and /sg/. There exists a group of people who's life choices have led them to a point where shitposting on Jow Forums has become the highlight of their day, indeed their very reason for not just suckstarting the first shotgun they can find.

They are responsible for ---ALL--- AOC and Tulsi Gabbard threads. They create porn threads. They are responsible for the BLACKED spam. They are the ones creating the "Honest thoughts on X" threads, the "how do we solve the X problem" threads, the "What did X mean by this" thread. The "are X white" threads. The blackpill threads, the consensus-breaking threads. The fake tweet threads. The Gillette spam threads. The Jow Forums threads. The "redpill me on X" threads. The off-topic horseshit. Above all anytime they are confronted they will immediately deny the existence of said Discord, despite multiple screencaps of it existing. They continue creating them because some of you simply cannot help yourselves.

This is your reminder that each (You) you give them gives them a tiny bit of hope that their shitposting will change your mind, will affect your thinking. They cherish each (You) you give them so dearly that those (You)s are, in fact, the only thing keeping them alive at this point. They see you as easy marks because you've proven in the past you simply cannot help but shitpost when someone else shitposts.

user.. their existence is suffering. Pure, unfiltered, endless suffering. Haven't they suffered enough? Don't be selfish and give them (You)s to prolong their suffering for your enjoyment.

Withhold the (You)s. Don't reply to AOC or Tulsi Gabbard threads. Don't reply to shitposters. Let them finally realize the only way out is death. Let them find peace.

Show some restraint, faggots. They literally organized on a Discord, tried to go full OPSEC and FAILED..!


Because it's in fucking Detroit, desu.

I'm crying too. youtube.com/watch?v=BDyFwdeF8T4 It's a bit long, but it explains Detroit perfectly. And to a certain extent other cities in the country.

Charlieboi is doing gods work, only reason he isnt killed is because hes black.


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no fuck you as I bump this thread.

theres your answer

Trash brick house about to fall in on you
in murder capital of the USA, Detroit
Still asking $50K
No thanks dude
For half that, you can get this little place
cozy af in crime free Japan

It should be obvious to you. The reason should just jump out at you. Kinda like a nigger hiding in a bush with a gun ready to mug you.

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I'm living in Detroit for work, in the area around the airport. This area isnt bad.aa long as you stay out of the ghetto areas you should be fine. Cheap houses. Haven't met any unsavory blacks. People are saying the city is coming back.

Id love to live near Niseko

Because the State and the Feds override white flight by air raiding Section 8 niggers in for keks. Every successful neighborhood in the country will eventually be littered with niggers following State/Fed decree.

6 figures is 100,000 to 999,999
He is a multi millionaire.
>still a meme, you can find slow growing softwoods and mill the wood yourself.
Lol no. Good luck finding the equivalent quality. Maybe in canada there are still a ton of Virgin old growth, but not here. All the old-growth that is left is protected. Everything that wasn't was logged.

Also like
said you obviously gonna use new materials. The point is you keep the beautiful timber and brickwork.

Why do niggers like to have crowns on everything? Even before the KANGS movement, they were like this.

...I could live there. Get rid of a whole bunch of garbage that I've bought and haven't used much, get rid of single use items, a folding bed, that;s honestly quite doable.
The area around the airport isn't really Detroit. Taylor, Belleville, and Romulus are relatively alright but do have their little africa/mexicos. That being said, Downtown/rivertown is also not bad. There's cheap poutine and expensive avocado toast here.

dumping 10 of billions into a city that reached africa tier wont make it be a lil less shitty.

They should have kept all the money and built their sportsball complexes along with a new city between Brighton and Ann Arbor on 23.

terrible shame; it was a beautiful house once upon a time.

meant to quote.

its such a shame, some beautiful houses are in Detroit

I can't even imagine having the audacity to ask 50 grand for a house in fucking detroit

youtube.com/watch?v=4rWmRCL79f0 We paid for this broken window.

Rochester reporting in
>County rejected transit plan
>More Asians than blacks
>No crime
Feels good man

theres your awnser

because its in niggertroit

That’s not in Amnity NY, is it Op?

So I'm thinking of buying my first ever house, can any NE Ohiofags tell me if this one looks like a good deal?


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it's garbage now, but imagine if even just 20 or so Jow Forumslacks decided to move to that neighborhood...we could help each other fix the houses and property, have a strong presence, beautify that once-great neighborhood. no nogs would fuck with a group of 20 armed whites, or 15 whites and a few mestizobros or something.
thatd be so dope.

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