How did the atheist movement get co-opted by communists and radical feminism? I thought the atheists were suppose to be the rational ones. I have been an atheist for 10 year but I am now strongly considering becoming a christian just to spite the radical left.
How did the atheist movement get co-opted by communists and radical feminism...
They are not atheists, they are anti-theists that are turbofags but worship the vagina instead of the penis.
thanks for the laugh user
>implying atheism and marxism were ever separate
You have much to learn, user
I would like to believe in God but I only feel like I'm lying to myself
Read Critique of Pure Reason
I was an atheist for 6 years but I realized what happens to society without Christianity and after doing more research I came to the conclusion that I was mistaken and misguided about Christianity and began to believe again.
It wasnt. It's slandered by christfags and yidtrads as being run by communists and radical feminists. It's just one of the many ways christfags and yidtrads brainwash their followers into easily managed sheeple.
I felt like that too. I actually wished there was a god so I can payy for help or have eternal life. Just look up "Jesus" on YouTube and watch some testimonials, especially the ones where Muslims believe.
bro it was only like 1% of atheists who actually cared about the philosophical arguments against God's existence and the lack of historical evidence for Christianity. literally everyone else in the atheist movement was just mad about Christians disapproving of promiscuity and gays and other degeneracy