Flies over THE WALL at night and delivers 10 kilos of delicious heroin for hours

>Flies over THE WALL at night and delivers 10 kilos of delicious heroin for hours.
>CIA won't supply drones and training and safehouses.

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You see, this is EXACTLY why we need lasers on the border wall.

>Loses radio contact after 200ft

Seems like youre making a sound argument for automated interdiction systems.

>Knocks it out of with a rock and snorts all 10 kilos

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My toys can travel 15000 ft away at 1000ft elevation. That's nearly 3 miles. If they lose transmitter contact they autoland at predetermined coordinates, which default to where it took off but can be changed. These are just vanilla consumer things mind you.

better rev up that 5G

Holy shit if I could get paid to shoot down drug cartel drones I would do it in a heartbeat

>white trash bling
how are things in rossiya, komerad

The Vodkas cold

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Easy stop to that problem, when spotted use a cell phone blocker, stun guns on car frames work nice to disable cars, fries the entire electrical system

>get paid
Take the initiative and sell what's left for parts. Heroin is up to you.

>snorting heroin

They can be programed with gps cordinates which is what the cartel is doing.

A shotgun with birdshot load would put that thing out of service. Nice try nerd

>he doesn't know about China white because his country only gets dirt nigger tar heroin
How embarrassing

So considering DEA patrols both sides of the border, at what safe point on America side and safe point on Mexican side would neither of you be spotted? You'd be on cctv anywhere within 5 miles in populated areas.

>Flies over THE WALL at night and delivers 10 kilos of delicious guns for hours.

See, gun control is pointless

Poor guy. You never watch adabisi do tits before

The stats I referenced are for consumer model $1000ish DJI type hardware. You can drop 50 times that and get a quad that can carry 20lbs and fly by itself to a destination, so your distance limitations would basically be battery life. These can all be built with off the shelf components, making their regulation nearly impossible outside of economic factors that keep them out of the public's hands currently.

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drugs and hoards of mexicans vs. just drugs? that's your argument?

You DO understand the energy and infrastructure that goes into such weapons, right? You fucking retard.

You can fly a uber-light wing config up to 100 miles with off the shelf hardware. Running drugs? I'll bump the receiver distance way along with the payload.

Why lock your door when burglars can just kick it down?
Why lock your car when thieves can just smash the window?
Why learn to defend yourself when a murderer can just shoot you?
Why resist at all?

Just because something isn't a 100% impenetrable fortress doesn't mean we should get rid of it and make access a fucking cake walk.


We print our own money dip shit.

>You DO understand the energy and infrastructure that goes into such weapons, right? You fucking retard.

Solar powered, border lasers.

Mexicans are going to be doing speedruns over the wall streamed to twitch via drone

>Smuggler can use more complicated methods to get drugs into the country
>Therefore we should just let them use the easier method
Even if the wall wouldn't make drug smuggling more difficult in any way, stopping people from coming in is the thing that is actually most important.

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>Sponsored by Taco Bell and construction industry.

So you are saying that I could receive a drug shipment somewhere along the very hard to patrol and remote Irish coasline, from a vessel 100 miles way, in the international waters of the Atlantic Ocean? All at very little risk to me because I could programme coordinates using gps at the very last minute which would rule out the need for a landing area that was pre determined months in advance. Thereby reducing the risk of surveillance being set up. Just asking out of curiosity and I would like it to be known that I have no intention of committing a crime.

Back when TV was willing to portray blacks accurately.

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Yeah, and they can be jammed easily. Also, by using a drone like that, you can bet your ass you'll be tracked and arrested. There's a reason why drug smugglers use the human body as the means to transport drugs: its far harder to detect. When you're flying a drone, you're boadcasting a bunch of radio waves in all directions that can easily be detected

>"hurr durr, then why don't we just use a program that has the flight path pre-recorded"
Because the motors emit em interference and the things can be detected in other ways. Hell, even the IR from the hot motors can probably be seen from a mile away.
>"but hehe, if we build this super perfect drone and no one sees..."
Your first flight won't be intercepted. They'll watch that stealthy drone fly back and fourth a few times and then the Mexican police will bust down the operators door and shoot him and all his comrads. One of the most effective tactics of police forces is to feign ignorance of crimes being committed so that the criminals, thinking they're not going to get caught, provide extra evidence that can be used against them.

Oh, and that "delicious heroin" that gets by will also be tracked and a bunch of intermediat buyers will get arrested and hopefully shot as well. That's why using human drug mules is so much smarter because at least then you know when your operation is being interdicted.

Stupid fags.

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10 kilos payload, so it could realistically also transport anorexic Mexicans. Or Anomexicans.

The use of drones for drug smuggling is very stupid. It just makes it too likely that everything is being watched.

And dems would let them land. Why? Because drugs bring money into urban centers. That's one of the main reasons why dems don't want a wall.

Guess I scared off the liberals again.


I kekked

I'm more worried about them putting drivers out of work, honestly.

#7 buckshot=10 cents
1 drone+drugs=$250k

10 kilos of heroin has a "street value" of around €1.3 million in Ireland. Even using a very expensive drone adapted to travel the 100 mile distance another user claimed, would make it an extremely effective and profitable means of transport even if it was only used for a single trip. The is no way the Irish Navy could stop it at that range and it would increase the area that need to be covered by a massive amount. As things are now they only need to worry about RIB's making a dash for the coast. With drones the speed has tripled or quadrupled and the range has increased.

>emit em interference
FCC to ban electric motors when?

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Its random interference and not very powerful. Its probably easy to detect out in the desert.

But still, drones wouldn't be hard to track. There's a reason why human mules are used far more than drones or other RC aircrafts. Yeah, 10kg of heroin is a large amount but its also very likely to be intercepted. There's a lot of surveillance going on and obviously border patrol know that drones would be used more than anything else if their wasn't a way to stop them.

3 things you need to remember:
1) Most of the drop sites would be near roads and those are easy to watch. The deserts on the border are full of rocks and snakes and shit so its not very easy to just drive around out in the desert looking for a package that, itself, would probably be hard to find since they wouldn't want BP finding it first.
2) A drone that can hold over 20lbs of heroin and transport it 100 miles would be picked up by radar. Mexican cartels don't have access to stealth drones and, even if they did, such things would be detected since our government would figure that out and start using a different radar set up like the Serbians(?) used when shooting down that stealth plane.
3) There's no way it could be pulled off in secret. One of the reasons why drugs are smuggled in relativly small quantities by mules is that the risk of a large shipment being found is far higher than a bunch of small ones. This is the big reason why the wall, that stops the large number of small drug deliveries by mules, is the smartest idea.

And so what? You can put 300lbs of heroin on a balistic missile and send it over the border. Its just that you wouldn't get away with it.

Lets say you're a drug supplier and you have 50 pounds of heroin or meth. If you use 100-200 mules, you'll probably be able to get most of it over the border. Also, its much easier to keep the mules that get caught/tracked from getting you caught. As a result, you'll probably be able to get 80+% of the drugs over the border reliably for a long period of time(so long as there's no wall built). If you use drones, you run 2 additional risks:
1) That they'll all be tracked and intercepted(and this is if you're lucky)
2) That they'll be tracked but not intercepted and then you'll have federal agents kicking down your door a month later.

A mule can fuck off for a day or two or ten with the drugs before crossing the border but the drone can't. You have to launch it from point A and bring it back. If you abandon it, then BP will know what you're up to even if they somehow didn't see the thing. If you bring it back, it can be tracked back to you or at least to your people who load the thing.

So yeah, using drones MAY be more profitable IF you don't get caught but, if you do, its far worse. A mule getting caught with a small amount of drugs is no big deal. Also, its only better IF the person who picks up all your drugs doesn't just steal them(mules are reliable since you're not waving a winning lottery-ticket's worth of drugs in front of them with plausible deniability if they get lost).

So, you say you could use 100 smaller drones dropping off drugs just like the mules(except maybe more drugs, right)? Now you're guaranteed to be caught since a fuckton of small drones dropping packages will get intercepted sooner or later. Also, if its a 1-way trip, no doubt the plan will be foiled quickly. Also, the people picking up the juicy heroin may think everything is well and nice but then Garrett will creep out from behind a creosote bush and whack them in the head with a blackjack before taking their shit(and/or arresting them).

We’ve had micromillimeter wave radar since the 1970s at least, they can tell you how many gnats are in a swarm. And that’s just the info available to the public. Then you have the issue of the RF given off by the controller and the onboard telemetry. Also the electric motors will of course have an electromagnetic component which will be easily picked up.

You just haven’t thought this through.

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The US border is a totally different scenario to Ireland which is what I am thinking of. Ireland is an island and the border is the coastline. The Irish Navy has very limited resources to patrol a vast area. I reckon they would only have 4 boats max, patrolling at any one time. With a 100 mile range and a top speed of maybe 60mph a drone lauched from a ship at sea could outrun even the fastest patrol boat. As for when it lands, you could easily pick a spot many miles from the nearest police station which would give you plenty of time to unload and disappear into the maze like network of country roads all along the remote coastal areas. Even if the Navy then intercepted the boat from which the drone was launched, what could they do? What could they charge the people onboard with? Any evidence is gone. They people who received the drugs on land have disappeared. It would be like chasing ghosts. I'm just surprised it hasn't been done already. Or maybe it has, who knows.

We don't have border agents either only in ports and airports. Might be some more after Brexit too but the coastline is open.

*pfft* Nothing personal kid.

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>So considering DEA patrols both sides of the border
how do you know La DEA is not in on it.
t. an user whose greatgrandfather was a sheriff and worked for bootleggers.

>The stats I referenced are for consumer model $1000ish DJI type hardware.
used by organizations with literally billions in cash at ready disposal.

lol imagine if the imperial german army had these. the '16 eastern uprising would have been alot more jiggy.


>delicious heroin

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Would a Shermans March 2.0 through Mexico be a cheaper alternative to a wall?

You now know the plan if shit turns bad here and we some help with guns from you guys. I must start checking the weights of firearms so I know the limitations.

>With drones the speed has tripled or quadrupled and the range has increased.
also, the endevour will create the demand for better drones. i think you are on to something, paddy.

>Lets say you're a drug supplier and you have 50 pounds of heroin or meth
why are we importing meth? methheads in america can't keep up with the demand?

we starting a new uprising? i'm in if it includes taking northern ireland.
t.county cork irish american mutt(25%irish)

I'm just going start up my own website at drugdrones.ie I might need a catchy slogan like "our drones buzz to make you buzz"

>Haha your stupid wall won't do shit against drones.

What are sniper rifles for?

Because All I see is a A new hobby for gun owners and a legitimate justification for gun ownership.

Why is one of the first responses always someone poo-pooing an actual well-thought out threat? Stop doing this, it just makes you look dumb.

solar - FREAKING - powered - BoRdEr LaSeRs

nice memeflag

I have a feeling we will get it back without an uprising.

lol you know the english done fucked up when you lose the uncle billyites support.

I would die of laughter if it was their own stupidity that brought about a united Ireland.

>you can bet your ass you'll be tracked and arrested

Drone hobbiests don't buy factory built complete units with a credit card. Maybe at first, but as you progress you are forced into self repair as the learning curve and accidents demand it. Most of my FPV drones are homemade from parts. We 3d print shit because the printers are cheaper than replacement parts. Drones, automated remote vehicles, whatever you want to call them, they aren't going away and they can't be regulated. The government could attempt to limit transmitter power, bandwidth access, etc, but we already mod our own controllers and I broadcast on shortwave without a license currently. Dont think I'll care any more about RC transmitter regulations. Laws only apply to retards. To everyone else they're merely suggestions that operate as obstacles.

>Flies over THE WALL at night and delivers 10 kilos of delicious heroin for hours.
>CIA won't supply drones and training and safehouses.
> illegal immigrants arent able to do this
> they dont enter anymore

>murder is illegal
>we cant stop all murder
> we shouldnt even try

yes dumbass heroin is a powder. people do snort it before inevitably going into game over mode and injecting

Our harbour bridge has automated systems which hijack (most) commercially available drones and land them somewhere safe if people try to fly them within 500m of it.
I don't see why they can't get some of those along the border wall, and have automated systems which will pig-stick and otherwise destroy whatever is recovered (so people don't fly bombs over to fuck with the people who collect the intercepted drones).

I doubt very much that an average police officer would know much about any modifications made to a drone by just looking at it.

oh right, forgot the counter-countermeasure (the smugglers method)
>pre-programmed flight plan for drone
>drone shuts off radio once it's in the air and on it's way
>lands at designated target

Easily neutralized unless the power source and equipment is hardoned and guarded. The only reason they remain functional on your harbor bridge whatever is they exist in a populated area with 24/7 security.

They wouldn't need to. If you buy something with a unique serial number off Amazon and pieces of it are found at a crime scene, youre gonna get a visit.


the walls to keep out the fat golblinas... the new AG(barr) is going to up the penalty on hard drugs

I don't think we have any super secret radar technology here in Ireland. The Irish Navy has a total of 8 ships to patrol a massive area. Ireland’s maritime territory is not small. It extends far beyond the coastline, encompassing 880,000 km 2, this huge area is more than 10 times our land mass. Virtually impossible to cover and they would only know drugs were aboard the drone if they got their hands on the drugs. Otherwise it would just be a drone flying crime if anything.

Drones that can carry more than a few dozen grams without being unbalanced and just sputtering into the ground upon liftoff are actually incredibly expensive.

>he doesn't know about the goose


>on the US side of the border wall
>border wall guarded anyway
sounds east enough

I was talking about the issue with the US border. As for Ireland, I'm sure that it wouldn't be hard to track any boats at sea. Big boats are tracked but small ones have a short range. Something about the square-cube law determines the range of vehicles(big vehicles can travel further).

The secret is not to catch people but to observe them instead and then throw a wrench in their plans.

>y-y-yeah b-but the Democrats!!!!!!11
stop comparing yourself to people you want everybody to believe are beneath you

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Radio jammers.


the state of the whitehouse right now

our border is kinda big