What's stopping you?

Why don't you have an Aryan wife and children?

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well, my wife is half norwegian, 1/4 german, and 1/4 sicilian, so I can't get another one

RE2 coming out soon, maybe another time.

women are unbearable

german women are brainfucked nigger / arab whores

>what's stopping you
the lack of their existence within a 600 mile radius of me

I took the brown pill

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I'm more into women like pic related

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you aren't white anyway

Am ugly, chubby, weird and live in a basement

Because blonde haired chicks in America think they are special and act like idiots. Fuck that.

Whatever you say, Achmed

have you ever seen a white woman?

no, thanks. I'm fine with asian and black women that are (not yet) a total mess slut.

it's impossible to have long relationships with the thottiest kind of woman.

it's sad that mutt babies are the future, but thats white women fault.

we are the victims here

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your detector goes wrong

im just a realist

just walk around here

theyre walking hands in hands with this scum everywhere

its over

Whatever that is on the left gives me the creeps.

This is because they are special user.

because love is a lie

Haven't seen a decent white woman in months. There's a morbidly obese cashier with a mustache at the dollar store that I'd maybe take to lunch if I found out I only had a few days to live

You should probably show your flag and tell your Rabbi that divide-and-conquer techniques aren't going to work as well on here as you projected.

>The Occupation of the American Mind

>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"

>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"

>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"

>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video

>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"

>How Israel lobbies and shills manipulate the USA

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I‘m a touchless 29yo virgin and live in parents basement.
I rather remain porn and video game addicted than do effort into changing, never wagecucked, never will.

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>in America

It's a worldwide phenomenon.

A 10/10 brunette gets less attention than an 8/10 blonde because there's so many closeted fags that snap up blondes as beards, tokens of heterosexuality that they assume is what hetero men like.

>half this quarter that eight that
do you ever pause and stop to reflect on this mutt attitude of parsing your ancestry? You and everyone who talks like that sounds like a brain dead idiot

Who cares German women are some of the ugliest in Europe


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its just a fuckin cheap trick to make you reproduce

which istn bad itself

but love is, if you truly believe in it as an independent construct

quads even prove it


I think those are jews... long hair on boy.. it’s part of their weird jew folklore... something to do with Moses and Egyptians killing first son.

Cuz bitches aren't shit but hoes a tricks.

Nicely done, keep up the good work

If you unlikely are German, you must be some fat manlet and a disgrace to the Aryan man.
German women are actually some of the most beautiful.

I'm a med. Highly unlikely I've have blonde haired blue eyed kiddos. But it is possibly. At least the blue eyes are.

women with light features unironically don't like white men

The hot ones get fucked by chads when they are 11/12, from then on they ride the cock carousel til they hit the wall and beyond.
Even if you get a woman she is used goods and likely already experimented with interracial relationships.

If you didn‘t get a gf and been her first one you dont even need to bother as you only get garbage anyway.

I may be a touchless virgin but I observed this society for many years and I know exactly what is going on.

and yes like the other german already said, most german woman are absolute trash and not beautiful or anything.
Many of them turn really fat once they get to age 18+

>If you didn‘t get a gf and
Meant to say if you didn‘t get a gf when you and her were both young

Good, now make 3 to 4 more

student loans

Because I find that I am more attracted to non-White women.

Bad genetics and poor social skills

what are you stupid?

ayo who is dat white gurl

Lmfao those kids are comical

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I'm not going to lie here

I've been to Germany

The amount of white German men that are attractive doesn't come close to the amount of white German women that are attractive.

It's hard to make blonde hair on a guy look as good as darker hair. But black people hair should be a big turnoff so I don't get this whole "nigger whore" thing.

I've had a German girlfriend and I got to meet her friends and family. The friends she had that were blonde+blue eyed all had boyfriends that had dark hair and brown eyes. The blonde guys I met were usually single and there was a 50% chance they were virgins at the age of 24. Nothing wrong with being a virgin, but I kinda felt bad for your men. Blonde hair and blue eyes on men is pretty popular here in the US, I guess that's not the case for Germany.

>Why don't you have an Aryan wife and children?
Why would I want a wife? Marriage seems like a lost cause.

Aryanness is overrated. European is all that matters.


Pick one

kek. fpbp.

>also this little thing called end of the world. just sayin'

But the glory of Rome wasnt forever

They get fat.
By the time they're 30 they're guaranteed to be fat.
So you can either go through a divorce (having been through one myself I don't recommend it...) or you can suffer living with a fat piece of shit for the rest of your life or you can just keep all your money and time and energy and fuck the hot ones whenever you feel like it.

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Those aren't Aryans. Aryans are the Iranians and Indians.

>What's stopping you?
being a 5'6 uncharismatic turbomanlet

can't find a woman worth a damn

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Yea, but there are some non-European Aryans like north Indians that I don't care to associate with.
"The Aryan race is a racial grouping that emerged in the period of the late 19th century and mid-20th century to describe people of Indo-European heritage." - Devdutt Pattanaik: Leveraging the Aryans

Yes, Iranians and NORTH INDIANS (not all, so don't confuse the rest of them) stem from the Indo-European group, but so do Europeans, but we've drifted apart enough from them that I don't want to associate with them, so that's why I prefer "White," "European," or something synonymous over "Aryan."

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Weird faggy looking kid on left, Uma Thurman in the middle, and Jon-Benet on the right.

I actually do.

well the mom's pretty hot but wtf is up with those kids?

Because I only recently picked up an aryan girlfriend. Give it time

I'm legitimately half Cherokee. I'm thinking maybe I can bleach my line, but I still won't be able to have aryan children.

Because I'm a pajeet and racemixing is terrible.

Because I want a Jewish wife and children

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I already have both.

Well as we are talking about that ... I have to ask ... I Am Egyptian but pale white ... Brown hair and eyes ... what am I ? XD ... I am not a nigger .. not a sand nigger .. if anything I look like Caucasian or North Iranian ... So what should I mate with ? XD ...

Because my green-eyed blonde son is so superior to my blue-eyed blonde son that it just isn't even a contest. I love them both to death, but it's obvious which one is gonna succeed more in life and it ain't the perfectly Aryan looking one.

Probably someone from your city but no one on here can tell you what to do.

>Well as we are talking about that ... I have to ask ... I Am Egyptian but pale white ... Brown hair and eyes ... what am I ? XD ... I am not a nigger .. not a sand nigger .. if anything I look like Caucasian or North Iranian ... So what should I mate with ? XD ...
Also is there any chance that the holy German blood is running in my veins ?

Talk about an identity crisis

you are a sand nigger, embrace it.

Because blonde women are garbage on the whole. No thanks to propaganda but still.

But most of the females around me are dark skinned and ... Yuk

Interesting ... So you must be English not Canadian ? The modern Egyptians are not sand niggers and not niggers .. but a diverse group ... I am just trying to find where do I belong

You sound like you're looking for an reason to date White.

Why don't you spend all that time thinking about a way to make dosh without wage cucking it...

with your own people. like the rest of us

I am a spicy nigger mutt, I look white, and while I am sure I am mostly European, me being born in a taco nigger hell hole out of white parents means they might be white only in appearance

I’m Too ugly

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I have an aryan wife and 3 white kids. I'm set. Cheers.

>What's stopping you?
The usual Jow Forums stuff.
Borderline autism, no social skills, porn addiction, depression, no confidence, not good looking, no goals, no hopes, no dreams, no ambition in life.

I'm a brown-eyed and brown-hair subhuman, so that would be a waste. On the other hand, given the current state of affairs she might end up with some sandnigger anyway so idk.