How fucked will you be when EBT runs out and the chimpout of the century begins?
How fucked will you be when EBT runs out and the chimpout of the century begins?
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>Matt Bracken
Double nice
Shame you started the thread so late. Here's an old favorite.
pic related. me in 6 months. castle doctrine
I live outside of a kinda medium sized city on an island, if anything we can blow the bridge and the nig nogs won’t be able to swim to us.
But seriously how long until EBT goes out because of the shutdown?
Damn, I want a island.
I'm in a small town, only two apartments complexes to worry about. Tons of rednecks in between.
I wouldn't be fucked, but I would have to watch my back.
Pls respond
I know the scenario seems horrifying but I think it needs to happen to break the silly illusion of racial coexistence with niggers
It will be shockingly soon.
>most states released benefits a month early as a just in case
>the only thing done was pass on a memo that said BUDGET CAREFULLY
TFW most of the people on ebt can't read, let alone understand a budget... And when my son works at a grocery store and complains about how much ebt spending he is having to process at work all of a sudden.
TLDR they will run out of food mid February and chimp outs will follow
I'm 50 miles from any real city, more cows than people, natural springs, plentiful game and fish.
I'm not worried.
could this be the real reason for the shutdown?
its kinda a way bigger deal
if true
Unfortunately, it's looking like Trump is gonna fold and announce a new border plan tomorrow, so we won't get to see this shitshow go down
Floridian here, I'll just go inna swamp and camp it out.
Let me tell yall wh*te racist mfers something right now. If my card dont reload in March theirs gonna be problems. NO ONE TAKES FOOD OUT MY BABY MOUTH. If my family hurt,, yours gonna hurt. Believe that shit my dude.
Are we on the same island bro?
I live in a white town with nothing but white people. I doubt anything will happen. No one will come here either because most people CC, and it is not a secret. We are a community, not a welfare hub.
You gonna starve and die nigger.
this, he'll cuck out
Found this on my faceberg. Imagine being this retarded.
Negro doesn't realize how powerful the white race is when it bands together. White folks dominated the entire planet for centuries before they decided to stop being dicks. Small countries ruled over empires the size of continents. You don't wanna make them angry, my dude.
>Floridian here
No, your just another northerner invading our state. You should know that you can’t actually camp in a swamp buddy. Camping in FL is meme tier. You’ll end up starving, drenched in sweat, fully sunburnt, and bitten by snakes before gators figure out your spot and stalk you 24/7. Theres a reason even feather niggers (indians) didn’t live near the glades. Not to mention the swamp apes.
The only bad areas will be north ft myers and miami as far as the nogs, and FL has the aggressive nigs because it’s like their homeland, no winter. Beans know not to bite the hand that feeds them.
FL will be fine. SoCal, Shitcago, Minneapolis, Detroit, NY, LA, MS, and New Mexico will be on fire.
Mid February? That's a bit optimistic don't you think? Many have already been paid up for the month of February, they run out by mid February if they are paid around the 1st. Many will have spent it all come the first week of February.
Fuck you. I'm downtown Chicago.
You incels in Washington? We may be on the island.
... Sweetwater?
Dude he’s not wrong
Good luck, your probably less than 20 miles away from an african warzone, one of the most violent areas in the entire United States.
It’s just a question if it’ll get bad enough to where they’ll get hungry enough to start breaking into houses by the hundreds.
Hopefully you aren’t in the suburbs.
chimpouts have already started
Brown kid
kid named Brown
kid with the frown, wearing a gown
I'm like 4 miles from an African warzone. I'm armed to the teeth, so should be fine.
Dont Americans have NPP, only EBT?
fucking nubs.
holy fucking shit, you idiots DO only have EBT.
New Payments Platform, get on our level.
Whidbey Island master race checking in
I live 2 miles from oakland. I am ready for a SHTF scenario. I may not make it, but I can defend what I have.
Also, if this was an authentic niBBer it would run out of money in February.
Imagine millions of blacks without money or food.
That could very well be what mid-February brings us.
If you live near an urban center get ready for some unwanted visitors.
Oh hi!
1 hour drive from Chicago here. We got a good line drawn up using highways. Indiana will have to take care of Gary. We will have our hands full until support arrives from the Great Lakes Navel Base. But no worries, we got the best ship in the fleet there.
That's some next level fucking writing.
Get ready.
He Iives on states island, he’s fucked..
Pretty comfy, my states 96% white, and I live rural.
where is his fucking mag
nothing's going to happen.
I wish something would happen, but nothing's going to happen.
i half hope youre right, half hope the african american population cuts cut down by 3/4 in the case youre wrong.
I’m in Alaska. If shit ever goes down this state is fucked. We rely on constant food and supply shipments from the lower 48, which, as soon as shit kicks off will undoubtedly stop.
Los Angeles checking in. Complete devastation if you're not prepared. My fridge is stocked up for once, while I paid for these niggers to buy junk food.Pic related
Maybe this was Trump's plan all along... take gibs away from niggers then declare nigger hunting season open when they go ape.
Bring it
I'm not even in the U.S. but I'm prepared. Kinda envious.
You should be. Due to Trudeau being such a fag, many Americans have decided to chain any niggers and Puerto Ricans they capture together in lines and force march them into Canada, where they will be turned loose.
Women should be taught to shut their stupid mouths.