#PresidentPelosi trending

Is this the jews telling us what they're planning on doing? Much like the devil being obligated to tell you the terms of the deal in his contract?

y'know, synagogue of Satan and everything.

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or maybe its just democrats rooting for their team the same way republicans do

You would think pence might have something to say about this... seriously... where’s pence?

>see cryptic nigger tweet

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Shove that black pill up your ass

They’re up to something

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"President Pelosi" planned a trip for her entire extended family, more than 90 people, and confederates in on the double-assassination plot like Adam Schiff. She desperately wanted to get out of country and under the protection of NATO forces when the terrorist attack happened. There was one terror attack said to be foiled in Georgia, and she was psychologically priming people for the terror attack that would kill the president and vice president by saying the state of the union would need to be cancelled because of "security issues." She said that without talking to the secret service or police and security details, just asserted it. The state of the union or a President Trump rally in lieu of a State of the Union before congress is when the terror attack would happen. "President Pelosi" and the Democrat hotshots would "bravely boycott" the speech, leaving the President, Vice President, Republicans and some Democrat patsies to get killed in the carnage to keep it from looking too suspicious.
Somebody needs to be in the wreckage, like the newly minted Democrats that the old guard hates, anyhow.

If her meeting is cancelled, and the White House Chief of Staff says all congressional transportation needs to approved by him in writing, why is she still leaving North America with her family members at her own expense?

Its because Madam President's assassination plot is still on, that's why.

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this is definitely not the same way Republicans do.

yet she doesn't seem to have figured out that DJT obviously knows all about it
