Am I dating a tradthot?

Am I dating a tradthot?

>Been on a 4-5 dates, claims to be traditional Catholic and comes from a trad family. Has raised a few red pills that would normally be too much power for normal conversation.
>Won't even walk arm and arm, claims she doesn't want to ruin it by moving too fast.[clearly speaking in a way that she knows from past bad experience]
>"Left the faith" for 8 years; recently returned.
>Has tattoos, went to SJW school. Seems to have a checkered dating history and has not held current values for most of her adult life.

Overall, I like her as she is now, and she seems genuine in her beliefs. Looking forward seems optimistic; backward raises red flags. How do I tell she hasn't "reformed" for betabux? What should I ask her to get at the truth?

Attached: shake it off.png (984x1266, 1.39M)

>Left the faith for 8 years
>Has tattoos
BAV-tier, run away.
>she seems genuine in her beliefs

Attached: 30078857_233275220555056_3709340727004626944_n.jpg (750x750, 53K)


This isn't your blog.

Fuck off.

beta provider seeker, move on

Small ones that are non-visible, and they are bible verses in Latin. Not sure if that materially changes anything, though.

>Checkered Dating History
>Thinks irrelevant nonsense like walking at different paces is what ended her other relationships.

Goodluck with your brainlet roastie who's broken so many relationships she will never be able to peer bond with you or your potential children.
You're just setting your life up for ruin.

sounds like a used up roastie

This is so political. All our problems are solved by giving this one guy dating advice. Come on guys. Help him out!

>tattoo of a bible verse
dont go anywhere near that whore